RIP Ted Kennedy

JFK Assassination
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RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by Bob »

I just heard that Ted Kennedy just lost his battle to cancer. He was the last of the Kennedy brothers, which included Joe Jr., John and Bobby. Joe Jr. died in WWII during a very dangerous mission, while we know that Jack and Bobby were assassinated. On Thursday night ironically, MSNBC will have a special about the Kennedy brothers. I hope that Congress will remember Ted and his long time fight for improved healthcare in the United States, and pass a great bill in his memory. Right now, big insurance and big pharma are winning this battle with the help of lying politicians and their operatives, but hopefully other politicians will get mad, grow some nads and pass a bill that Ted would envision for ALL Americans.Now that Edward has joined his brothers, here is the eulogy that he delivered for his brother Bobby in 1968... to the words of 1968...they are still true today.Here are the words from his last ever speech at the 2008 Democratic Convention... ... ndex=89RIP Teddy!
Andre Murel
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Re: RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by Andre Murel »

Very sad indeed Typically the Dutch media immediately refers to his accident in 1969 instead of mentioning the cause of death how long he was fighting this cancer. (sorry in Dutch)
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Re: RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by Bob »

First, like ALL politicians, Ted had some vices no doubt. There will be time to talk about the events of the summer of 1969. But that can wait for now. Ted Kennedy was a guy that TRULY could reach across the aisle and get support for a bill he helped write. Examples were Dumbya Bu$h when he was President, and Republican Senators like Orrin Harch and Dan Quayle. Over 300 bills that Ted wrote are now law, and it would be fitting that the healtchare situation gets resolved once and for all, as that was his biggest goal as a Senator. As I have said many times, the United States of America, is now the United Corporations of America. The healthcare situation is one of the biggest examples of this, with big insurance and big pharma using operatives like lobbyists and the paid off politicians to help lie about what might happen with new healthcare legislation, talking about bullshit like "death squads". I hope that other politicians and people that support new healthcare legislation get off their asses, get mad and get something done. First and foremost, I directing this to President Obama, a man that Ted helped get to the White House, along with JFK's daughter Caroline.Also, America has now lost all of the Kennedy brothers, plus JFK Jr., but thankfully we still have the Bu$h family, led by Poppy, Dumbya, Jeb, Neil and Marvin.
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Re: RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by ThomZajac »

Speaking of health care...
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Re: RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Speaking of health care...Good one Thom...and SO true!
tom jeffers
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Re: RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by tom jeffers »

when i found out i immediately felt bad about asking people who had the biggest head, ted or john madden and if they both kept getting bigger every year. then when ted got a brain tumor, i really felt bad. he had a reason for his head to get bigger. enough of the lame humor, sometimes that is how i deal with things.imagine if you were ted. oldest brother joe was the heir apparant and child god of joe and rose. he died in the war. then all the marbles went to jack, he got taken out. Then it was up to little bobby to fill in. wham he was gone. now the whole world is looking at ted to fulfill some kind of fantasy legacy and then chapaquidick. all of a sudden, he is the fuck-up of the family and the laughing stock of his political opponents. he truly made a difference in everybody's life. i watched to 2 older brothers fall in tragedy and i am glad he got to live out his life. imagine the secrets that he took with him about his brothers' deaths. he truly was the smart one because he wound up doing what he did because he knew how to stay alive. in that way, he was the greatest kennedy of all.Namaste'
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Re: RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by scottjfkmad »

It was Jackie Kennedy who said that Teddy was the best natural politician of his family, some may argue but no one can deny what an excellent senator he was. I always believed that Ted Kennedy should have ran for the Presidency in 1976, instead of 1980, exactly 20 years after Camelot had started. It would have been extremely interesting to see Ted Kennedy as President Of The United States...He was an extremely talented politician, he knew no color boundaries like his brothers, and he will never be forgotten, as another piece is edged into the Kennedy family legacy...R.I.P Teddy
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Re: RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:when i found out i immediately felt bad about asking people who had the biggest head, ted or john madden and if they both kept getting bigger every year. then when ted got a brain tumor, i really felt bad. he had a reason for his head to get bigger. enough of the lame humor, sometimes that is how i deal with things.imagine if you were ted. oldest brother joe was the heir apparant and child god of joe and rose. he died in the war. then all the marbles went to jack, he got taken out. Then it was up to little bobby to fill in. wham he was gone. now the whole world is looking at ted to fulfill some kind of fantasy legacy and then chapaquidick. all of a sudden, he is the fuck-up of the family and the laughing stock of his political opponents. he truly made a difference in everybody's life. i watched to 2 older brothers fall in tragedy and i am glad he got to live out his life. imagine the secrets that he took with him about his brothers' deaths. he truly was the smart one because he wound up doing what he did because he knew how to stay alive. in that way, he was the greatest kennedy of all.Namaste'Nice take Tom. There are still all sorts of stories about what REALLY happened at Chappaquidick. One involves E. Howard Hunt. Where have we heard that name before? Ted became a GREAT Senator that could reach across the aisle and make things happen. Ted was a Senator for 47 years...that's right...47 years. Also, you are right about the secrets he died with regarding the deaths of his brothers and his nephew. He kept that knowledge secret and that probably kept him alive for all these years. John Jr. threatened to expose those who killed his dad and his uncle, and we know what happened to him.
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Re: RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by ThomZajac »

Bob wrote:"Also, you are right about the secrets he died with regarding the deaths of his brothers and his nephew. He kept that knowledge secret and that probably kept him alive for all these years. John Jr. threatened to expose those who killed his dad and his uncle, and we know what happened to him."i have to confess to having mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I can understand why he would want to stay alive and protect his family. On the other, being submissive to the dark side can hardly be called a virtue. Wouldn't it be awesome if he wrote of those secrets and planned to reveal them after his death?But how unlikely is that?
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Re: RIP Ted Kennedy

Post by Bob »

Probably won't happen because of his wife and children and others in the Kennedy family. I would LOVE it though, as it would help exact for revenge for the deaths of JFK, RFK and JFK Jr.!