Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

JFK Assassination
Jim Ostrowski
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Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by Jim Ostrowski »

In the JFK murder case there are elements of the story that are universally acknowledged facts. These facts taken together summarily prove the following:A. That Lyndon Johnson and J Edgar Hoover together conspired to obstruct justice by subverting the Constitutionally mandated 14th Amendment due process of law in the JFK murder case. Their conversation to effect that result was recorded. B. That Secret Service Personnel committed the following federal crimes:1. Unlawful Removal of the body of a Murder victim from the scene of the crime.2. Transportation of the body of a murder victim across state lines3. Interstate flight to avoid prosecution.C. That the City and County governments of Dallas coerced Justice of the Peace David Johnston to commence and preside over an illegal secret arraignment of Oswald behind closed doors, without benefit of public (spectator) or press access to the proceeding, and without benefit of a court stenographer to record what everyone said. Gary Mack is alone in denying that the above secret arraignment was illegal. I've refuted all of his emails that attempt to support that position. The ball is now in his court as of this posting. D. Video recorded evidence suggests that Will Fritz gave a hand signal to Jack Ruby as he passed him in the basement garage, and consciously delayed his reaction to Ruby's gunshot blast.Jim Ostrowski
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Re: Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by Bob »

Jim Ostrowski wrote:In the JFK murder case there are elements of the story that are universally acknowledged facts. These facts taken together summarily prove the following:A. That Lyndon Johnson and J Edgar Hoover together conspired to obstruct justice by subverting the Constitutionally mandated 14th Amendment due process of law in the JFK murder case. Their conversation to effect that result was recorded. B. That Secret Service Personnel committed the following federal crimes:1. Unlawful Removal of the body of a Murder victim from the scene of the crime.2. Transportation of the body of a murder victim across state lines3. Interstate flight to avoid prosecution.C. That the City and County governments of Dallas coerced Justice of the Peace David Johnston to commence and preside over an illegal secret arraignment of Oswald behind closed doors, without benefit of public (spectator) or press access to the proceeding, and without benefit of a court stenographer to record what everyone said. Gary Mack is alone in denying that the above secret arraignment was illegal. I've refuted all of his emails that attempt to support that position. The ball is now in his court as of this posting. D. Video recorded evidence suggests that Will Fritz gave a hand signal to Jack Ruby as he passed him in the basement garage, and consciously delayed his reaction to Ruby's gunshot blast.Jim OstrowskiExcellent point by point synopsis there Jim. Gary Mack has destroyed any credibility he ever had with his new persona with the disinformation machine. Mack is an EMBARRASSING sell out.
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Re: Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by ThomZajac »

Excellent work, Jim.A conspiracy is comically obvious to anyone with a grade school diploma and a thinking mind. At the time of the assassination, there were ample cultural and political blinders in place to make the conspiracy less obvious, but time has made the coup undeniable.
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Re: Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by kenmurray »

Indeed great work Jim. Jim mentions Will Fritz and his reaction when Oswald is shot. Judge for yourself:
Jim Ostrowski
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Re: Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by Jim Ostrowski »

Well thanks, guys! I feel right at home already!Thom, aren't you the Santa Cruz fellow who publishes the Comic News? I got a comeback from Gary Mack, who is becoming increasingly cryptic / incoherent, saying that Jack Ruby's lawyers never whined about Oswald's constitutional rights, so therefore I should shut up and stop complaining. How does one overcome logic like that?He also said any Dallas lawyer from back in the 60's would tell me I'm nuts.Now all I need is a time tunnel to go back and see if I can find a Dallas lawyer to help him hold up his end of the conversation. The way it is now it's just not working out and I told him maybe we should start seeing other here I am!JimPS here's the background topic which was how all this got started with Debra Conway's post to JFKLancer
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Re: Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by ChristophMessner »

Excellent observations, Jim! Additionally: - cleaning of the limo at Parkland already- autopsy done by non-experts- no adequate surgery for shot Oswald- radio man, umbrella man, apron man, firestairs man, Lansdale Conein, Milteer, Hemmings, Roselli on photos on Dealey Plaza at 22/11/63 still officially non-investigated- some files and clothes still classified- major Cabells "security" preparations non-investigated- JFK still non-exhumed
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Re: Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by ThomZajac »

Jim asked-"Thom, aren't you the Santa Cruz fellow who publishes the Comic News?"Why yes, Jim, I am. Have we met?(I tried sending you an email, but it apparently went to my box instead.)Thom
Jim Ostrowski
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Re: Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by Jim Ostrowski »

ThomZajac wrote:Jim asked-"Thom, aren't you the Santa Cruz fellow who publishes the Comic News?"Why yes, Jim, I am. Have we met?No but we are neighbors here in Santa Cruz. (I tried sending you an email, but it apparently went to my box instead.)I did get you're email and just now sent off a reply!ThomThanks Thom! Nice to know a fellow Santa Cruzan interested in the JFK assassination!Jim
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Re: Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by ThomZajac »

There's actually a good number of us. Bruce Campbell (google him if you get the chance) is one. Mark Zepezauer left years ago, but he is another. Many more I'm sure.
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Re: Definitive, legal proof of conspiracy

Post by dankbaar »

Mark Zepezauer is the author of "The CIA's greatest hits?" That is one of Bruce Brychek's favourite books. Wim