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TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:02 pm
by ChristophMessner
Below there is list of TSBD employees of 1963. I marked the ones, who are suspicious somehow to me in red and the ones we have no testimony of in green. By time I might add more details to each. Does anybody of you have more information on any? Adams, Victoria ... _v.htmArce, Danny Garcia ... 1.htmBerry, Jane Burns, Doris ... tmCampbell, O.V., Dena Clay, Herman M. Davis, AveryDean, J.E.Dickerson, A.D.Dorman, ElsieDougherty, Jack E. ... r1.htmFord, Terrence S.Frazier, Buell Wesley ... zierb4.htm ... .htmGarner, DorothyGivins, Charles Douglas ... htmHawkins, Peggy BiglerHendrix, Georgia RuthHine, Geneva L. She said, that "all girls" and Mr. Otis Williams would have went outside to see the motorcade. She herself was watching from 2nd floor office east window. After the shots she knocked at the offices of Lyons and Carnahan publishing company and Southwestern Publishing Co company and went backwards insided of the building to the back hall and back to her office in the 2nd floor. She met Mr. Williams, Mr. Molina, Miss Martha Reid, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Sarah Stanton, and Mr. Campbell and policemen and press there. Campbell insisted on getting a phone. Hollis, MaryHopson, OliverJarman, Joe Earl ... 1.htmJones, Carl EdwardJunker, Herbert LesterKoonas, Dolores P. ... .htmKramer, Sandra Sue Lawrence, Patricia Ann She was outside standing in the front row on Elm at Houston with Lucy Withaker. She heard shots above her head, looked up and saw nothing. Later she went in into the TSBD.Lewis, Ray EdwardMcCully, JudyMolina, Joe Rodrequez He was standing on the front steps, to his left was Mr. Williams, to his right Mrs. Pauline Sanders, to his front Truly and Campbell. He said, he did not see a policeman coming in with Truly. Nelson, RuthNorman, Harold Dean ... .htmOswald, Lee HarveyParker, William V.Piper, Eddie was watching the motorcade from a 1st floor window. Did NOT see Vickie Adams nor anybody coming down the stairs, but saw the elevators coming down. Gives a wrong time for the time of the shots in his affidavit: 12:55. Points suspiciously much to Oswald as possible assassin. ! Testimony part 1 is missing on McAdams witness website.Rackley, Virgie = Baker, Mrs. Donald She stood outside directly in front of the TSBD. She saw a bullet hit the street, before she heard the second shot. Immediately after she ran to the railroads and saw policeman and several others there. Confirms smelling gunsmoke and meeting a spectator, who was sitting on the wall, "having seen it all" (probably Howard Brennan). Reed, MarthaReese, JimReid, Mrs. Robert A. She went out of the lunchroom at about some minutes before 12:30 (but she says it was 12:30!) and "can't remember" whether she was alone there. She took the east passanger elevator from the 2nd to the 1st and then went out through the front door. ! Then she stands several minutes there with Truly and Campell. After the shots she ran back into her office by the front stairs and there she met Oswald holding a full coke ! There is a strange interruption of Mr. Dulles by Mr. Belin in her interrogation concerning the time frame Mrs. Reid needed to reach Oswald there. Before they had reenacted and stopwatched that: 2 minutes, she said. Sanders, Robert E.Shelley, Stanton, SaraStyles, Sandra ... g_id=73990 According to her she ran down the staircase with Vickie Adams from the 4th floor not at 12:31 but a couple of minutes later and only after trying to get the east passenger elevator, which did not come up. Thornton, BettyTruly, Roy S. ... htmUnknown girl working for Southwestern Publishing Co. According to Mrs. Hine she was in it's office in the TSBD at 12:30 an talking to the telephone. Viles, L.R.Watley, Lee Mrs. She was working the publishing company Lyons and Carnahan inside of the TSBD, close to Mrs. Hine's office. It's unknown whether she was in the building at 12:30.West, Troy Eugene He was on the 1st floor and didn't hear a shot! Whitaker, H.G.Williams, Bonnie Ray ... tmWilliams, Marc LeeWilliams, Otis N.Pretty many employees, who gave no testimony at all, aren't there? And I think it is remarkable to notice, that Mrs Rackley aka Baker confirmed a bullet hitting the street, that destroys the 3-shots-only-theory once more, and to see that Mrs. Reid used the same elevator Oswald might have used, the east passenger elevator, and that she stood close to TSBD-superindentent Mr. Truly and TSBD-vice-president Mr. Campbell outside. Did she bring that elevator into position? It also does make sense to take a deeper look at the special agents who were in the TSBD. Mr. Pinkston and Frankie Kaiser were some of them, but McAdams lists them as "TSBD employees" on his witness website Sheriff Mooney said " ... I met some other officers coming down, plainclothes" when he went up the staircase! But that was after Mooney searched the railroad yard. Officers Webster and Vickery met with Monney on the 7th floor before Mooney "found" the shells at the "sniper's nest". Why hiding a rifle and leaving the shells anyway?

Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:25 pm
by kenmurray
Great stuff Christoph. We can also mention Margie Barnes who was a Dallas police clerk:

Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:21 pm
by Bob
Nice work there Chris. Plus, let's not forget who owned the TSBD on 11/22/1963...D.H. Byrd. Still looking for the book you requested Chris. case some of you don't know, Byrd also founded the Lousiana Civil Air Patrol.The LCAP alumni include David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, James R. Bath (George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard pal and fellow AWOL truant as well as Bin Laden family agent), Charles Rogers, John Liggett and also Barry Seal. Liggett was a Dallas mortician who was considered the best in face and head reconstruction, and was possibly utilized to alter the true appearance of JFK after the assassination (Thom, what does David Lifton think of Liggett?). Byrd was also in the Dallas Petroleum Club along with David Atlee Phillips, George DeMohrenshildt and Poppy Bu$h and was VERY good friends with LBJ. The LCAP was always known as a CIA breeding ground.

Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 9:08 pm
by tom jeffers
chrishow did you compile this list and why isn't billy lovelady on it? nice worktom

Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:41 pm
by Bob
tom jeffers wrote:chrishow did you compile this list and why isn't billy lovelady on it? nice worktomYes Tom...I was wondering about Billy Lovelady as well.

Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:42 pm
by Martin Hinrichs
Good work Chris.This might help to find out, who was where at 12:30 PM.There are some of the "WC unasked" employees are listed. ... .htmMartin

Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 3:27 pm
by Karl Kinaski
There is an interesting part about another SBDB employee in Richard Bartholomews masterpiece;:"Possible Discovery of an Automobile Used in the JFK Conspiracy"Quote:"On April 26th, George Wing acquired a used Rambler station wagon from C.B. Smith Motors, an Austin, Texas dealership owned by C.B. Smith, a life-long student of Latin America, and one of Lyndon Johnson's closest friends. The sales manager was Smith's son, C.B. Smith, Jr."(...)"That fall, (1963)Ruth Hyde Paine helped arrange Oswald's employment at the Texas School Book Depository. Another employee in the same building was Fronia Smith, the ex-wife of C.B. Smith, Sr. and the mother of C.B. Smith, Jr."Close quoteI shouldn't wonder if the SBDB employee Fronia Smith, the Ex-wife of a close LBJ- buddy, who sold a Rambler Station Waggon (btw. to a man, named Gordon Wing who was a friend of a John Foster Dulles son) maybe used in the assassination of JFK, was a kind of Oswald-Supervisor... ---however that be: it would seem that the SBDB employee Fronia Smith is a highly suspicious person. KK

Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:29 pm
by kenmurray

Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:41 pm
by SeamusCoogan
ChristophMessner wrote:Below there is list of TSBD employees of 1963. I marked the ones, who are suspicious somehow to me in red and the ones we have no testimony of in green. By time I might add more details to each. Does anybody of you have more information on any? Adams, Victoria ... _v.htmArce, Danny Garcia ... 1.htmBerry, Jane Burns, Doris ... tmCampbell, O.V., Dena Clay, Herman M. Davis, AveryDean, J.E.Dickerson, A.D.Dorman, ElsieDougherty, Jack E. ... r1.htmFord, Terrence S.Frazier, Buell Wesley ... zierb4.htm ... .htmGarner, DorothyGivins, Charles Douglas ... htmHawkins, Peggy BiglerHendrix, Georgia RuthHine, Geneva L. She said, that "all girls" and Mr. Otis Williams would have went outside to see the motorcade. She herself was watching from 2nd floor office east window. After the shots she knocked at the offices of Lyons and Carnahan publishing company and Southwestern Publishing Co company and went backwards insided of the building to the back hall and back to her office in the 2nd floor. She met Mr. Williams, Mr. Molina, Miss Martha Reid, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Sarah Stanton, and Mr. Campbell and policemen and press there. Campbell insisted on getting a phone. Hollis, MaryHopson, OliverJarman, Joe Earl ... 1.htmJones, Carl EdwardJunker, Herbert LesterKoonas, Dolores P. ... .htmKramer, Sandra Sue Lawrence, Patricia Ann She was outside standing in the front row on Elm at Houston with Lucy Withaker. She heard shots above her head, looked up and saw nothing. Later she went in into the TSBD.Lewis, Ray EdwardMcCully, JudyMolina, Joe Rodrequez He was standing on the front steps, to his left was Mr. Williams, to his right Mrs. Pauline Sanders, to his front Truly and Campbell. He said, he did not see a policeman coming in with Truly. Nelson, RuthNorman, Harold Dean ... .htmOswald, Lee HarveyParker, William V.Piper, Eddie was watching the motorcade from a 1st floor window. Did NOT see Vickie Adams nor anybody coming down the stairs, but saw the elevators coming down. Gives a wrong time for the time of the shots in his affidavit: 12:55. Points suspiciously much to Oswald as possible assassin. ! Testimony part 1 is missing on McAdams witness website.Rackley, Virgie = Baker, Mrs. Donald She stood outside directly in front of the TSBD. She saw a bullet hit the street, before she heard the second shot. Immediately after she ran to the railroads and saw policeman and several others there. Confirms smelling gunsmoke and meeting a spectator, who was sitting on the wall, "having seen it all" (probably Howard Brennan). Reed, MarthaReese, JimReid, Mrs. Robert A. She went out of the lunchroom at about some minutes before 12:30 (but she says it was 12:30!) and "can't remember" whether she was alone there. She took the east passanger elevator from the 2nd to the 1st and then went out through the front door. ! Then she stands several minutes there with Truly and Campell. After the shots she ran back into her office by the front stairs and there she met Oswald holding a full coke ! There is a strange interruption of Mr. Dulles by Mr. Belin in her interrogation concerning the time frame Mrs. Reid needed to reach Oswald there. Before they had reenacted and stopwatched that: 2 minutes, she said. Sanders, Robert E.Stanton, SaraStyler, Sandra She ran down the staircase with Vicke Adams from the 4th floor at 12:31! Thornton, BettyTruly, Roy S. ... htmUnknown girl working for Southwestern Publishing Co. According to Mrs. Hine she was in it's office in the TSBD at 12:30 an talking to the telephone. Viles, L.R.Watley, Lee Mrs. She was working the publishing company Lyons and Carnahan inside of the TSBD, close to Mrs. Hine's office. It's unknown whether she was in the building at 12:30.West, Troy Eugene He was on the 1st floor and didn't hear a shot! Whitaker, H.G.Williams, Bonnie Ray ... tmWilliams, Marc LeeWilliams, Otis N.Pretty many employees, who gave no testimony at all, aren't there? And I think it is remarkable to notice, that Mrs Rackley aka Baker confirmed a bullet hitting the street, that destroys the 3-shots-only-theory once more, and to see that Mrs. Reid used the same elevator Oswald might have used, the east passenger elevator, and that she stood close to TSBD-superindentent Mr. Truly and TSBD-vice-president Mr. Campbell outside. Did she bring that elevator into position? It also does make sense to take a deeper look at the special agents who were in the TSBD. Mr. Pinkston and Frankie Kaiser were some of them, but McAdams lists them as "TSBD employees" on his witness website Sheriff Mooney said " ... I met some other officers coming down, plainclothes" when he went up the staircase! But that was after Mooney searched the railroad yard. Officers Webster and Vickery met with Monney on the 7th floor before Mooney "found" the shells at the "sniper's nest". Why hiding a rifle and leaving the shells anyway?Nice work mate, Yeh Lovelady is missing. Georgia Hendrix. Hmmmmm Hal Hendrix anyone?

Re: TSBD employees: who of them helped or were the assassin(s)?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:58 pm
by kenmurray
Seamus, good of you to bring up Hal Hendrix.