The root cause of the JFK assassination

JFK Assassination
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The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by Bob »

Okay, we all know who wanted JFK dead. It's pretty obvious now. The list starts with rogue elements of the CIA, plus certain government officials and right wing military types, big banking (the Federal Reserve), big oil, the mob and of course those who profit from war. The wheels were set in motion for this event to take place, whether it was Miami, Chicago or Dallas, due to the policies that JFK was trying to implement. But the root cause for the event to actually succeed was because of the cooperation of certain members of the secret service. Just like Brutus and Julius in "Et tu, Brute?"Think about it, and think about the situation in Dallas. Without the cooperation of certain memebers of the secret service, there is NO way that the assassination would have played out the way it did. It starts with Emory Roberts at Love Field, when he waved off the two agents that would have ridden on JFK's limo directly behind the car, therefore blocking any gunfire that would have come from behind. Plus, because of the close proximity of those agents to JFK, they would have been able to protect JFK and jump on him at the first sound of gunfire. Plus, we also have Bill Greer and Roy Kellerman. I'm sorry, but Greer's performance as a driver that day was incompetent and embarrassing, plus Greer's performance completely broke every rule of a driver assigned to protect a high profile politician. At the FIRST sound of gunfire, Greer should have driven out of Dealey Plaza like a bat out of hell. Instead, he slowed down. Some witnesses said he came almost to a complete stop. Both Greer and Kellerman actually witnessed the fatal headshot as they BOTH were looking at the President during Greer's slow journey, instead of PROTECTING him and getting the hell out of there.Kellerman, at the very least, should have attempted to try and cover the President at the first sound of gunfire, but he remained in the passenger seat in the front, like he was on a country drive on a Sunday.This isn't just a matter of incompetence. Or being hung over, as many of the secret service were out drinking the night before to the wee hours of the morning. Based on what I know now, and have seen...both at Love Field and in Dealey Plaza...that charges should have been brought against Roberts, Greer and Kellerman. They all should have been fired immediately and investigations should have started.Bottom line, someone got to Roberts, Greer and Kellerman, no matter what they have said since then. Performance speaks LOUDER than words. There were a lot of Judas' in Dallas that day, including some Dallas policemen and other officials, but no one helped cause the death of JFK more than the secret service. also have the motorcade route, which again broke every security rule. Someone from the secret service okayed that route.Finally, I know there were many in the secret service that were loyal to JFK, as well as many in the CIA and FBI, but rogue elements of each of those agencies played a huge part in carrying out this assassination. None more so than the secret service in the actual crime itself.
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by andries » Bob that,s how a lying buisines man performans, and you would almost believe him when he speaks about who should have been involved, if there would have been a conspiracy at all.but as jugde Edward Hagerty i,m absolutely sure that he,s lying at some moments his denys are often faster than some course shaw was not an assassin and was not direkt involved that day but he was one of the view who framed and manipulated LHO ,i doubt his contact with ferry
tom jeffers
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by tom jeffers »

andries wrote: course shaw was not an assassin and was not direkt involved that day but he was one of the view who framed and manipulated LHO ,i doubt his contact with ferryshaw and ferrie were both quite active in the gay community in new orleans in the 60's and were seen at gay parties at the same time. that is when clay shaw was aka clay bertrand.
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by ThomZajac »

Bob wrote:Okay, we all know who wanted JFK dead. It's pretty obvious now. The list starts with rogue elements of the CIA, plus certain government officials and right wing military types, big banking (the Federal Reserve), big oil, the mob and of course those who profit from war. The wheels were set in motion for this event to take place, whether it was Miami, Chicago or Dallas, due to the policies that JFK was trying to implement. But the root cause for the event to actually succeed was because of the cooperation of certain members of the secret service. Just like Brutus and Julius in "Et tu, Brute?"Think about it, and think about the situation in Dallas. Without the cooperation of certain memebers of the secret service, there is NO way that the assassination would have played out the way it did. It starts with Emory Roberts at Love Field, when he waved off the two agents that would have ridden on JFK's limo directly behind the car, therefore blocking any gunfire that would have come from behind. Plus, because of the close proximity of those agents to JFK, they would have been able to protect JFK and jump on him at the first sound of gunfire. Plus, we also have Bill Greer and Roy Kellerman. I'm sorry, but Greer's performance as a driver that day was incompetent and embarrassing, plus Greer's performance completely broke every rule of a driver assigned to protect a high profile politician. At the FIRST sound of gunfire, Greer should have driven out of Dealey Plaza like a bat out of hell. Instead, he slowed down. Some witnesses said he came almost to a complete stop. Both Greer and Kellerman actually witnessed the fatal headshot as they BOTH were looking at the President during Greer's slow journey, instead of PROTECTING him and getting the hell out of there.Kellerman, at the very least, should have attempted to try and cover the President at the first sound of gunfire, but he remained in the passenger seat in the front, like he was on a country drive on a Sunday.This isn't just a matter of incompetence. Or being hung over, as many of the secret service were out drinking the night before to the wee hours of the morning. Based on what I know now, and have seen...both at Love Field and in Dealey Plaza...that charges should have been brought against Roberts, Greer and Kellerman. They all should have been fired immediately and investigations should have started.Bottom line, someone got to Roberts, Greer and Kellerman, no matter what they have said since then. Performance speaks LOUDER than words. There were a lot of Judas' in Dallas that day, including some Dallas policemen and other officials, but no one helped cause the death of JFK more than the secret service. also have the motorcade route, which again broke every security rule. Someone from the secret service okayed that route.Finally, I know there were many in the secret service that were loyal to JFK, as well as many in the CIA and FBI, but rogue elements of each of those agencies played a huge part in carrying out this assassination. None more so than the secret service in the actual crime itself.Nice post, Bob, inspired!Yes, 'someone' got to Roberts, Kellerman and Greer; their behavoir was criminal- didn't Roberts order his men NOT to leave the followup car to protect the president? (Clint Hill was the exception, of course, but he was specially requested by Jackie and was essentially her personal bodyguard). The fact that these men were REWARDED with citations and advancements in their careers rather than taken to task is a clear indication that the 'people at the top' were pleased with their actions- and lack thereof, as the case may be.Perhaps Ken can dig up the clip again of the Peter Jennings (Bildiberger man) special where he makes the case that the president was acting recklessly by taking powerful drugs and sleeping with non-vetted women. Some of the interviewed Secret Service agents could not hide their contempt for Kennedy and their being used as 'lookouts' for the president's infidelities.But Jennings went farther. He painted a picture of a president who might compromise national security by revealing ultra sensitive information in the heat of the moment- high on drugs and perhaps being exploited by enemy agents. My guess is that this aspect of national security was used as a justification for JFK's removal in the recruitment of key people such as Kellerman, Greer, and Roberts (and others). Perhaps some fabricated audio tape was produced, or evidence was created demonstrating that one or more his women were indeed dangerous spies. My guess is also that if the truth ever were to come out- that the JFK assassination was an inside job- that this is the justication that would be offered. The president, they would say, was so severely compromising US security that the normal process for removing him from office would have been too slow- and a nuclear attack on the US could very well have been the result of not taken immediate action.This is all speculation, of course, but the wizards did need some kind of story to be able to approach key people that may have not been okay with the real reasons, and the pieces seem to fit.Bottom line, though, Kellerman, Greer, and Roberts were guilty as hell- and they were commended for their work. Who's orders then, were they following?
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by Bob »

Thanks Thom. You raise some excellent points. Also, look how protected the car behind the JFK limo was. That was the car with LBJ. There were secret service guys draped all over that car.
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by andries »

Let,s not forget something that,s perhaps the most important part off the whole assassionationit had to succeed.Imagine a wounded kennedy ?? he would have gone for a bottom investigation and big hunt for the plotters,cause he would have solved the mystery probably faster than we do.
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by Bob »

andries wrote:Let,s not forget something that,s perhaps the most important part off the whole assassionationit had to succeed.Imagine a wounded kennedy ?? he would have gone for a bottom investigation and big hunt for the plotters,cause he would have solved the mystery probably faster than we do.Had JFK survived, RFK would have gone after everyone involved in the conspiracy hard and quick. RFK would not give any mercy at all, nor should he have. That would include those in the CIA like Phillips, those in the military like Lansdale, Hoover in the FBI, those in the secret service like Roberts and Greer, and of course LBJ, who Bobby was going to indict anyway. Shortly after the assassination, I think Bobby had a pretty good idea who was involved in the conspiracy.
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by ChristophMessner »

Probably the "3 tramps" waited in the parking lot behind for the case JFK would have been wounded only.
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by andries »

That,s as far,i go allong with you guy,s until the point off the real executionoff the assassionation.Therefore what bob say,s i agree a just wounded kennedy would have turned everything upside down considering that it had to be succesfull whatever the cost, is a real argument for me to have even more dificultys with james files.Ever since Hunts convesions the name off sarti is in the picture again,a verry lot on other forums,i,m not sure about that either.I,m just sure about a uniformd man
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Re: The root cause of the JFK assassination

Post by Bob »

The bottom line is that JFK was not going to be allowed to live that day in Dealey Plaza, one way or the other. Just look at the Zapruder film and watch Greer the driver. He waits for the fatal head shot before he steps on the gas. He and Kellerman literally watch the kill shot.