So where was Pierre Finck ??

JFK Assassination
John Zeroski
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So where was Pierre Finck ??

Post by John Zeroski »

I haven't as yet run across any kind of discussion concerning the whereabouts of Pierre Finck at the beginning of the autopsy of JFK, the so-called "autopsy of the century".I would have thought this question might have arisen decades ago. Maybe it has, and I haven't looked as yet in the right places.Anybody here who might have some information, or could direct me to it, I would be obliged.The reason I am curious is that, if Finck were anywhere in the continental 48 states at the time the assassination were publicly broadcast, it should have been possible to transport him to Bethesda in time for the beginning of the autopsy.Since the powers-that-be wanted a controlled, military autopsy, they would want relatively inexperienced doctors who would take orders to perform this, but they would need at least one person, also military, who would have a certain amount of experience to create the semblance of a "real" autopsy.The only good reason I can think of why Finck was late for this autopsy was that he was out of the country for some reason, somewhere from which he could not possibly arrive on time.Consequently, this has been a question mark for me for some time now, and I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts on the subject.
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Re: So where was Pierre Finck ??

Post by kenmurray »

Pierre Finck and the secret team:
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Re: So where was Pierre Finck ??

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Pierre Finck and the secret team: again...nice source...Link Murraydale!
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Re: So where was Pierre Finck ??

Post by ThomZajac »

My guess is that Best Evidence by David Lifton might answer some of these questions- I'm rereading it now, and it's been so long since the first time I remember very little....
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Re: So where was Pierre Finck ??

Post by kenmurray »

John Zeroski
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Re: So where was Pierre Finck ??

Post by John Zeroski »

It still appears to me very odd that there is so little interest in this question.For example, in Appendix J in H Livingstone's Killing the Truth, a veritable timeline of the autopsy evening beginning with Air Force One touching down at Andrews AFB, there is a mention of Finck's late arrival at the autopsy, but not a hint of wonderment about why he was late.But there is a curious detail mentioned in this appendix that arouses my curiosity. Finck arrived wearing civilian clothes!He was probably the only military person there in civilian clothing. So where was he just before he arrived at the hospital?Researcher Paul Hoch, in a paper published in Echoes of Conspiracy, May 31,1987, and available online, suggests that there may have been a pre-screening of the president's body at Walter Reed Army Hospital, about five miles away from Bethesda Naval.As an aside, possibly involved in any Army involvement, according to Hoch, was the former Surgeon General of the Army, Leonard Heaton, also mentioned in Lifton.Since Finck was an Army officer, and a high-ranking administrator, he probably had an office at the Army hospital. It might be worth the trouble to find out. For if Finck did indeed have an office in the army hospital, he didn't have to go to the body, the president's body may have been delivered right to him.Consequently, it is to me by no means a stretch to think that Finck may have been late to the Navy's autopsy because he either supervised, or actually did the handiwork, of finding the bullet(s) and enlarging the throat wound to make it appear an exit wound.And then when you get into the "surgery of the head area" that has been bandied around in this connection, there is an even greater interest in the question of body alteration, pro or con.Harrison Livingstone, though, a self-proclaimed wounds "expert", claims that it is not possible to alter or fabricate wounds on the human body. It would have been a wise thing at this point for Livingstone to give the names of medical people who know bullet wounds whom he consulted to form this opinion.I don't know if there is a consensus of opinion of the research community on the alteration question, but I think it would be desirable to know where Pierre Finck was immediately proceeding his arrival at the naval hospital, in conjunction with the alteration question.And if you toss in the possibility that Finck had ties to the old OSS, there is the distinct possibility he may have been more involved in the autopsy than previously understood.
Michael Calder
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Re: So where was Pierre Finck ??

Post by Michael Calder »

Pierre Finck is also on the list of doctors attending the Robert Kennedy autopsy. So nice the military taking an interest in the death of a senator.