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More dirt on Poppy

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:49 pm
by Bob
Poppy recently called Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow a "couple of sick puppies". No one is "sicker" or more treasonous than he and his family. Let's look at the evidence...First, Wim compiled this great information... you also have this great book by Webster Tarpley..., you have this great story called Dynasty of Death by Schuyler Ebbets that talks about the treasonous past of the Bu$h family, including Poppy... ... part_2Plus, you have the great recent book by Russ Baker called Family of Secrets, that I encourage ALL to read..., now we also have some excellent vids that depict the treasonous activities of Poppy... ... nnelNotice that last vid that talks about the election of Poppy Bu$h. That was nothing like the two stolen elections that Dumbya Bu$h won in 2000 and 2004, thanks to corrupt electronic election devices (see Diebold), corrupt politicians (see Jeb Bu$h, Katherine Harris, Kenneth Blackwell) and voter discrimination.I have plenty of more dirt to pour on Poppy, but the shovel is getting a bit heavy, especially since the dirt is mixed with shit. Notice that NO ONE in the MSM EVER broaches ANY of these subjects. Gutless, spineless and bought off! Remember also that Prescott Bu$h was one of the founders of CBS News.Also remember Operation Mockingbird. ... ird.htmlIt is still alive and well today (look at Fox News)!!!

Re: More dirt on Poppy

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:10 pm
by kenmurray
Great stuff again there Bob. The Mena Connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA Drug Smuggling: ... re=related

Re: More dirt on Poppy

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:23 pm
by Bob
Good job Ken. People like us have to put MORE light on this subject (God knows the MSM won't ). With people like the Bu$h family and Slick Willie/Hillary, it's not about political parties or political ideologies, although it plays a part. Instead, it's ALL about money and power. No matter how that is achieved.

Re: More dirt on Poppy

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:11 pm
by Bob
Some of you know that I am a writer. Most of my writing is about sports, with a large portion of it regarding the NFL. As I watched the games from yesterday, I saw something that almost made me ill. Before the San Francisco 49ers-Houston Texans game in Houston, the Bu$h boys...Poppy and Dumbya...came out to do the pre-game coin flip. Houston is Poppy's home nowadays, while Dumbya lives in Dallas. The MSM kept showing that clip when they rehashed the events from that game. Jim Nantz...who is CBS sports' biggest name announcer said in an interview awhile back that Poppy Bu$h is like a father figure to him. Nantz played college golf in Houston, where he got to meet Poppy. Then, CBS sports hired him and has made him the lead announcer for NFL games, golf events and the NCAA basketball. Yes...Nantz works for CBS. The same network that Prescott Bu$h was one of the original founders of and also that network that walked hand in hand with the Warren Commission every step of the way to shoot down any conspiracy talk about the JFK assassination. Bottom line, Nantz is a good announcer. But he is also a sell out, like so many others. It just sickens me to watch the MSM prop up the Bu$h family like they are patriotic, when they are the complete opposite...treasonous as a matter of fact...based on the misery they have caused the United States and the world.

Re: More dirt on Poppy

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:36 am
by mark ferguson
Bob wrote:Some of you know that I am a writer. Most of my writing is about sports, with a large portion of it regarding the NFL. As I watched the games from yesterday, I saw something that almost made me ill. Before the San Francisco 49ers-Houston Texans game in Houston, the Bu$h boys...Poppy and Dumbya...came out to do the pre-game coin flip. Houston is Poppy's home nowadays, while Dumbya lives in Dallas. The MSM kept showing that clip when they rehashed the events from that game. Jim Nantz...who is CBS sports' biggest name announcer said in an interview awhile back that Poppy Bu$h is like a father figure to him. Nantz played college golf in Houston, where he got to meet Poppy. Then, CBS sports hired him and has made him the lead announcer for NFL games, golf events and the NCAA basketball. Yes...Nantz works for CBS. The same network that Prescott Bu$h was one of the original founders of and also that network that walked hand in hand with the Warren Commission every step of the way to shoot down any conspiracy talk about the JFK assassination. Bottom line, Nantz is a good announcer. But he is also a sell out, like so many others. It just sickens me to watch the MSM prop up the Bu$h family like they are patriotic, when they are the complete opposite...treasonous as a matter of fact...based on the misery they have caused the United States and the world.Well said Bob. I have wondered for several years about the relationship Nantz has with Poppy. Nantz seems to be a nice guy, I know he has done some great things away from the broadcasting booth. I would love to interview him and put him on the spot about Poppy. I would think he would have to have some clue about the Bush clan, but as you said, no MSM liberal or conservative will take up the cause. I really believe it is the whole reason we have this mess in American politics now with both parties.Mark