interesting article

JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

interesting article

Post by Jsnow915 »

this article is confirming in my head what I already believed...Rockefellers run everything...Kennedy was going to hurt them in two places in the oil and the fed...I believe the Bushes are underlings of the Rockefellers and Nixon was an underling of the Bushes...and so on...happy reading ....
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Re: interesting article

Post by Bob »

Interesting indeed. Sara Moore was recently released from prison. I never heard that she was an undercover operative in the intelligence world. I do recall her talking about being in a Manchurian Candidate type trance that day when she attempted to shoot Gerald Ford. Sort of a mixture of Oswald-Sirhan there. The key to the JFK assassination happened around the turn of the 20th century when wealthy industrialists like the Rockefellers took hold of the world. Wars were fought for greed, not need, at that point in time, which continues to this day. When the CIA was established in 1947, to be led by Allen Dulles, a BIG friend of the Nazis, the situation got even worse. It led to 11/22/1963. And it led to the world we live in today.
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Re: interesting article

Post by Lofty »

I am currently on chapter 5 of the unofficial biography of George Bush, the Nazi connection that surrounds this family and thier acolytes is truly massive and chilling, especially the American Eugenics Society that was based at Yale, population control aimed at sterilising children as young as ten years old, that scored in the lowest margins of tests,it is absolutely disgusting that a Nazi ideaology could be in working order in post war America,less than a decade after WW2 was fought in order to stop things like this happening.