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Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:02 am
by scottjfkmad
Does anyone have information concerning the possible coup in Cuba planned for Dec 1st 1963 by the Kennedy administration? Known as AM World. I have just seen the documentary in which this plan was used as cover by the MOB to assassinate JFK in Dallas…Your thoughts and information please…


Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:47 pm
by kenmurray
scottjfkmad wrote:Does anyone have information concerning the possible coup in Cuba planned for Dec 1st 1963 by the Kennedy administration? Known as AM World. I have just seen the documentary in which this plan was used as cover by the MOB to assassinate JFK in Dallas…Your thoughts and information please…Scott, this supposed coup in Cuba came out of Waldron and Hartmann's book "Legacy of Secrecy" and "Ultimate Sacrifice". I don't agree with their theory. Here is DiEugenio take on it: ... crecy.html


Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:37 am
by bob franklin
I also doubt this "c - Day" thing. I am a bit conflicted over portions of Jim's review. It felt like he was playing down Roselli's CIA involvement. He did hold an officer's rank, so I really wouldn't throw out the idea of his having a hand in various south american spook-ops, up to and including hits on leaders. As to "the mob did it", consider what the CIA truly is - Mafia with a badge. They disrupt sovereign governments and throw elections therein. They run guns & the drugs that are destroying our society. they murder in wholesale quantities. In the interest of keeping the nomenclature on point, perhaps we should be saying "the CIA and OTHER elements of organized crime did it". I'm totally not knocking Jim. I'm just a little unclear as to the level of mob involvement, in his opinion. I also wouldn't discount involvement of Marilyn Monroe in all this, considering the beds she is alleged to have occupied. There's other stuff, but i'll stop here. Overall I'd say hes on the mark.