JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Paul, and BobWC,

I have reviewed both of your posts.

I admire, and respect the two of you more than you will ever know.
As I am sure that you know, Jimmy Files, Wim Dankbaar, Lieutenant Colonel "Dangerous" Dan Marvin, and myself, Bruce Patrick Brychek, are extremely close. I will never betray them, or break any confidences that they have sworn me to.

Wim has spoken very highly of many people to me. Paul, and BobWC,
you two are right up there.

I also apologize for any time that I might have gotten carried away. My
Irish temper sometimes gets the best of me. However, I also know from competitive sports that men who argue, fight, tackle, etc., then shake hands, are truly "brothers in spirit."

Often I am attacked for my absolute friendship, and dedication to Jimmy, Wim, and Dan. We may disagree at times among ouselves, but we are all trying our best to seek the truth. Being attacked for myself, and my friends sometimes wears on me. I am trying to be better. Perfection is not on my horizon anytime soon, however.

Paul, and BobWC, again, my Thanks, and admiration for being Men's Men.
Please stay in touch.

Best Always,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.