JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

JFK ASSASSINATION: The Jim Garrison Tapes, 1992, Blue Ridge Film Trust presents a film by Mr. John Barbour.

"If you thought JFK was important and you want the factual background to the maligned Garrison investigation, see this film..the perfect companion piece to 'JFK', the movie."

Oliver Stone, Writer, Director, and Producer of the movie "JFK."

"...More explosive than the film 'JFK."

Entertainment Tonight.

"The Real JFK, The Real Jim Garrison, The Real Killers. Finally, the real Jim Garrison faces the camera to tell the whole story of the JFK Assassination."

"Actual Footage of the Crime. Recordings of the Plotters. New Witnesses. New Evidence. A Complete Examination of the Record."

"Oliver Stone's 'JFK' was a dramatization. Here are the real people; here are the facts behind the drama. Here is an explosive expose' of the conspiracy that killed a president."

COMMENTARY: Jim Garrison, brilliant Navy Pilot, brilliant attorney, brilliant
District Attorney, and brilliant Federal Judge. Jim Garrison never wavered from his convictions. Garrison was a consultant, and appeared as Chief Justice Earl Warren in Oliver Stone's movie "JFK."

While I have read all 26 volumes of The Warren Commission Report, and recommend it to the very serious researcher, I must recommend this, "Jim Garrison's Tapes on the JFK Assassination" as the place to begin for almost everyone else.

Jim Garrison, Robert J. Groden, David S. Lifton, Wim Dankbaar, and Jim Marrs. These should be your starting points.

Querry: Did you know that Oliver Stone visited Jimmy Files 3 - 4 times
during the making of his movie, "JFK" ?

Querry: Did you know that Robert J. Groden and Wim Dankbaar communicate regularly ?

Querry: Did you know that Jim Marrs interviewed Jimmy Files for Wim Dankbaar's DVD, "Files on JFK ?

All comments both Pro, and Con are invited.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Jim Harwood
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Walter Sheridan

Post by Jim Harwood »


It is fact that Clay Shaw was a Director of shadowy organization "Permindex". We never hear much on Permindex even though the historical record establishes this organization as the "front" company financing assassination attempts against Charles DeGaulle during 1962. Permindex has also been implicated time and time again in the murder of John F. Kennedy.

Then there is the strange case of Walter Sheridan.

Walter Sheridan was the guy who went into New Orleans under cover of an NBC reporter. He created the famous White Papers on Garrison which aired on NBC, tampered and harrassed Garrison witnesses and also was involved in hiding Gordon Novel from extradition by Garrison back to New Orleans. Sheridan was a one man wrecking crew against Garrisons historic legal case in the murder of President Kennedy.

Walter Sheridan also had worked in the Kennedy Justice Department and it was Sheridan who headed up the highly irregular "Get Hoffa" Task force under Robert Kennedy. Sheridan is considered a Kennedy family allie.

Later if I am not mistaken he headed up Meyer Lansky's INTERTEL the private security firm which was bankrolled with money from Lansk's Resort's International. Many researcher have opined that INTERTEL was the successor company to Permindex.

Sheridan is also named in the infamous "Torbitt Document" as a key conspirator in the murder of President Kennedy.

Lastly and ironically Sheridan was on paid retainer by the drinking Kennedy, Edward Kennedy, during the early 1980's. Sheridan represented the Kennedy family interests. Strange indeed that the man who tried to stop Garrison's investigation was also a paid consultant to the Kennedy family.

Other Kennedy Justice Department heads who went over to run Lansky's INTERTEL were William Hundley and Robert Pelloquin.

Can there be two political factions within the same Kennedy family? The political machine created by Joe Kennedy Sr's "benefactors" which pushed and promoted JFK into office versus the person and policies of President Kennedy?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

I have found this to be the footing, and the foundation of almost everything relevant for the take-off points on the JFK assassination.

Next to my work with my highly respected friend, Mr. Wim Dankbaar, who I often call the "Jim Garrison of the 21st century," Jim Garrison's work has assumed biblical proportions to me, and my work.

Has anybody studied Jim Garrison's works yet ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.09.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Has anbody thoroughly reviewed and studied any of Jim Garrison's Work Product yet ?The Serious JFK Researcher and Student would be well served to try to grasp the totality of not only whatGarrison tried to accomplish, but the insurmountable odds and dis-information army that sought to buryhim alive.As always, I strongly rcommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself abouta Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Dealey Joe
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Post by Dealey Joe »

I tried to find this for sale but was unsuccesful. Then I got the bright idea to check out my JFK stuff and behold there it was.I have watched in in the past and reviewed it again today.I watch and have watched everything I can get my hands on about the JFK affair.The information in this documentary is wonderful basic conspitory evidence and helps refocus on the real people involved.Jim was on the trail of the truth and actually gave his life and happiness to expose what he knew was a big lie.He was a pioneerI can't help but wonder what he could have done if he knew the things we know today? And if anyone else will ever attempt to do what he did. If he had access to Jimmy Files, Ed Haslam, Judyth Baker, Chauncy Holt and many others including Wim, this forum and web site.I have a VHS I got from Groden at Deakey 10 years ago but cannot find it.I am also doing more reading now, and that is for the most part your fault.
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Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:I tried to find this for sale but was unsuccesful. Then I got the bright idea to check out my JFK stuff and behold there it was.I have watched in in the past and reviewed it again today.I watch and have watched everything I can get my hands on about the JFK affair.The information in this documentary is wonderful basic conspitory evidence and helps refocus on the real people involved.Jim was on the trail of the truth and actually gave his life and happiness to expose what he knew was a big lie.He was a pioneerI can't help but wonder what he could have done if he knew the things we know today? And if anyone else will ever attempt to do what he did. If he had access to Jimmy Files, Ed Haslam, Judyth Baker, Chauncy Holt and many others including Wim, this forum and web site.I have a VHS I got from Groden at Deakey 10 years ago but cannot find it.I am also doing more reading now, and that is for the most part your fault.Dealey Joe, John Barbour who interviewed Garrison in the documentary was on Black Op Radio not too long ago. Here is the link if you want to hear him. It's show #435: http://www.blackopradio.com/archives2009.html
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Post by andries »

Jim Garrison is one off the greatest and bravest Americans all times. He fought mainstraim Media,Gouverment,lone nutters Jugdes and all kinds off other scumHe opened the eyes of a sleeping nation,the jim Garrison Tapes is the one and only thrue guide with almost all the answers according the crime off the century.Do also remember his famous words:The real killer off John Kennedy was a central intelligence agentAs an ex FBI man Jim had a better view on surten aspects than they wanted to.
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Post by Bob »

You can view The Jim Garrison Tapes here...http://media.abovetopsecret.com/media/1 ... es_Part_1/
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Post by andries »

The jim garrison tapes the first VHS i turned into DVD some years ago,Wonder if obama ever watched this film ? i dont enymore know were i read the article could be a dutch newspaper as well ? but there was talk about a part 2. Would make sence,since there are still ugly buildings being named and dedicated to ugly people Jim however has no statue,so he still should be honoredPart 2 could for instance contain parts off a disgusting tv espisode when jim was a gast in thejohnny carson show,and what happened after that.I think there is still a lot off material about how many difficulties jim and his team faced during the years that indicates for instance the crucial time off david ferry,s dead that he was on the right track.
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Post by Lofty »

These tapes have totally disrupted my studies this morning, but they are in my opinion a very worthwhile distraction.There is a saying, ' that an expression paints a thousand words' this is never more apparent than when LHO is told at a press conference that he is to be charged with assassinating the President, his expression change at that point indicates to me that, at that moment he knew he had been set up to take the fall, and all the ramifications that entailed.On tape 5 as i type this, utterly compelling.