Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

JFK Assassination
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Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

Post by kenmurray »

Tonight's Discovery's Channel special, "JFK: The Ruby Connection" yet AGAIN does another recreation hosted by, who else Gary Mack. This time Mack recreates the Ruby shooting of Oswald at the Dallas police basement. With the help of nine survivors of the event including Jim Leavelle, Mack tries to prove that ALL the events prior to and during shooting were little coincidences and no conspiracy was involved. Just an angry Jack Ruby wanted to spare Jackie and children a trial, right, Larry aka Gary? Gary Mack also seems to think he's an expert on human facial expressions too. Thy rehance a close up of Ruby 1/3 of a second before he shoots Oswald. And he looks in a rage or angry according to Mr Mack. He's not cool or calm like a mafia hitman should be according to Mr Mack. Oh please, where's my barf bag. In some ways this guy is even worse than Posner or McAdams is. I just bet the next "recreation' Gary will do will be on the Tippitt killing.
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Re: Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

Post by Bob »

My wife told me that it was on. But I'm still in my football mode and have been watching football pretty much all day. Thank God I didn't watch that bullshit. How can at himself in the mirror? Mack has become a TOTAL embarrassment in the JFK assassination research community, just like Posner and Bugliosi. All three are sell outs. I hope the 30 silver pieces were worth it
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Re: Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:My wife told me that it was on. But I'm still in my football mode and have been watching football pretty much all day. Thank God I didn't watch that bullshit. How can at himself in the mirror? Mack has become a TOTAL embarrassment in the JFK assassination research community, just like Posner and Bugliosi. All three are sell outs. I hope the 30 silver pieces were worth it, at the beginning of the program Gary Mack says, "Jack Ruby cheated history. We will never know what drove Oswald to do the things he did that day" Well Gary, we know what drives YOU to do the things YOU do today don't we Larry? Like Bob said, I hope the 30 silver pieces are worth it Larry.
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Re: Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

Post by andries »

Come,on you guy,s expecialy you Bob.Don,t tell me you are taking this any serious from macky pythonW e have to face the fact that somehow somewhere he must have seen the light and some fortune , and probably got a total other point off view in public These things unfortunetly do happen the resistance to a temptation is a real meassure of caracter, so he,s weak ,but I think out of a hundred people some 95 people would have don the same thingGarry mack is an intelligent,s caracter with a weak hart and a soft voice and is not a person like bugliosi for instance who is agresiv with a big mouth spreading horsedump arround So mack python is easy to silence and to buyWe have to wait untill his deathbed perhaps it will all come out but that takes some time, because his circumstances make people grow old without financiel worries and hard work.
Phil Dragoo
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Ruby too emotional, says Fake Name Guy

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Jack Ruby telephoned a friend on November 22nd and asked if he would "like to watch the fireworks." Unknown to Ruby, his friend was an informant for the criminal intelligence division of the Internal Revenue Service. He and Ruby were standing at the corner of the Postal Annex Building at the time of the shooting. Minutes after the shooting Phil Willis, who knew Jack Ruby, saw and photographed a man who looked like Ruby near the front of the School Book Depository. ran guns to Cuba. Made trips to get Carlos Marcello out of a Cuban jail.Rose Cheramie was employed by Ruby. Ruby was seen with Oswald.Ruby's phone records show him calling organized crime figures.Kantor saw Ruby at Parkland.Ruby knew Oswald wasn't in Free Cuba Committee; Ruby knew Oswald was in Fair Play for Cuba Committee.Ruby had seven k and an elaborate ruse to be within sight of the jail at release hour.Ruby had called jail to warn (plead, beg, whine) that Oswald was in danger during transfer.Ruby saw signal, entered station, descended to garage--conspiracy.Ruby blabbed to Dorothy who blabbed to Mrs. Smith; the latter two died within 48 hours of each other. Ruby said they'd injected him with cancer.Ruby died of cancer.Seth Kantor died 1993 of heart attack working on another JFK assassination book.But Larry Fake Name Guy sez Ruby was too "emotional" to be a hit man.Ruby hit a lot of people.Larry Fake Name Guy would probably faint.
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Re: Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

Post by Jsnow915 »

also what about Ruby's connection with 48 Nixon got him out of a hearing on organised crime with a sick far as I know,that was never proven to be fake.
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Re: Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

Post by kenmurray »

Gary Quack also said in the documentary that if Ruby didn't go to the western union to forward 25 dollars to "Little Lynn" the stripper, he would not had gone to the basement to shoot Oswald. I guess Gary thinks he's a mind reader too.
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Re: Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

Post by Bob »

andries wrote:Come,on you guy,s expecialy you Bob.Don,t tell me you are taking this any serious from macky pythonW e have to face the fact that somehow somewhere he must have seen the light and some fortune , and probably got a total other point off view in public These things unfortunetly do happen the resistance to a temptation is a real meassure of caracter, so he,s weak ,but I think out of a hundred people some 95 people would have don the same thingGarry mack is an intelligent,s caracter with a weak hart and a soft voice and is not a person like bugliosi for instance who is agresiv with a big mouth spreading horsedump arround So mack python is easy to silence and to buyWe have to wait untill his deathbed perhaps it will all come out but that takes some time, because his circumstances make people grow old without financiel worries and hard work.Andries, your perspective is from Europe. Here in the States, Mack is the "voice and research expert" regarding the JFK assassination on MSM TV. Most of us know it is a farce, but I know it just grinds my gears when I see him on a "special", when Discovery will not allow a dissenting voice like Jim Marrs' or Robert Groden's to tear apart his "facts". As you may know, Groden was also offered a position (one with higher status actually) at the 6th Floor Museum at the TSBD, but Groden turned it down because he was told he could not speak of conspiracy theories if he took the job. Mack however, took the $180,000 a year gig he was offered. And so went his soul and his credibility.
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Re: Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

Post by andries »

Bob i like your style and methodsAnd i reject what Mack is doing but that,s the way off the world,you allready give the answer yourself.His voice and influence is still arround so the dark side thinks they need him for the balance,cause there is to mutch material the dark side can,t handle and hide anymore,but it will still increasedispit parrots like mack,bugliosi mc adams etc etc I estimated about some 200 000 fun a year,you say about 180 000 ques it will be more because off other fade activity,s during spare time
mark ferguson
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Re: Gary Mack Does Another "Recreation"

Post by mark ferguson »

I saw the Ruby recreation. It was difficult to watch. There were lots of personal opinions and assumptions with little or no facts. I also saw the program prior about the mob and Carlos Marcello. A much better program with some people who actually were with Marcello. I thought it harmonized a lot of what the JFK movie showed as well as Wim's work with Judyth. Did anyone see the Kennedy tapes on NGC tonight? One thing was for sure, there were many confused news people who struggled to get names right, locations of shooters, and just general information about the shooting. I truly believe the more that is uncovered the more Wim is on the right track and James Files is the grassy knoll gunman.