OMG! No Conspiacy

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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OMG! No Conspiacy

Post by Dealey Joe »

Acording to Discovery Channel and Gary Mack (JFK Inside the Target Car) it has been proven there was no conspiacy.They made lifelike realistic heads in order to conduct their strict true to life unbiased test firing.Mr. Mack demonstrted that he was taking the conspiacy theorists concerns into account.They decided that there was no shot available from the South knoll area.It was possible to get a shot from the railroad overpass but there were to many people there.It was possible to shoot from the picket fence area and it would be the ideal location.they done several test firings. from the TSBD and the grassy knoll.they used a Carcano from the TSBD window.and here was the catch!! in order to be fair they would use a better grade riffle, a winchester from the Grassy Knoll.SOOOOO that was the wrong gun and caliber dahhhhh.they forged up a pretty convincing story.If we didn't know better.
Michael Calder
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Re: OMG! No Conspiacy

Post by Michael Calder »

Dealey Joe,How about a favor the next time you are in Dallas. Would you stand on the overpass looking down at Elm street and Kennedy's approaching vehicle and then start walking to your left toward the grassy knoll. After several feet where the wooden part of the fence connects with the concrete part of the overpass, would you look down and see if there is a large drain at this point. If there is, could you give me your estimate of it's dimensions. Especially how deep it is if a man was standing in it without the cover. Then perhaps you could take a photo of the drain as well as one more photo. Kneeling on one knee, could you take a photo of the cars coming down Elm from that elevation. There should be a plank missing from the bottom of the wooden fence to aim the camera through. Thanks. If you remember.
Phil Dragoo
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Re: OMG! No Conspiacy

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Joe, regarding the shooting, you might enjoy Hathcock to a fellow sniper:One fascinating paragraph in Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza by Craig Roberts occurs on page 89:According to my friend, Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, the former senior instructor for the U.S. Marine Corps Sniper Instructor School at Quantico, Virginia, it could not be done as described by the FBI investigators. Gunny Hathcock, now retired, [since died] is the most famous American military sniper in history. In Vietnam he was credited with 93 confirmed kills—and a total of over 300 actual kills counting those unconfirmed. He now conducts police SWAT team sniper schools across the country. When I called him to ask if he had seen the Zapruder film, he chuckled and cut me off. “Let me tell you what we did at Quantico,” he began. “We reconstructed the whole thing: the angle, the range, the moving target, the time limit, the obstacles, everything. I don’t know how many times we tried it, but we couldn’t duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did. Now if I can’t do it, how in the world could a guy who was a non-qual on the rifle range and later only qualified ‘marksman’ do it?”The disinformation agent you mention presents the psychopathology of Eric Hoffer's True Believer, unable to recognize the validity of any argument counter to the Party Line.He tried to defend Robert Oswald's claim that Lee was watching re-runs of I Led Three Lives when Robert joined the Marines: I Led Three Lives didn't debut until 1953; Robert left for the Marines in 1952.Michael, the drain you mention--is that one which has since been partially filled, so that one cannot stand so erect now as in 1963. If it's what I believe I see on Don Roberdeau's Dealey Plaza Map, it seems to be on the same line Files' shot took. Fascinating stuff. ... 508mb6.gif
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Re: OMG! No Conspiacy

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Michael Calder wrote:Dealey Joe,How about a favor the next time you are in Dallas. Would you stand on the overpass looking down at Elm street and Kennedy's approaching vehicle and then start walking to your left toward the grassy knoll. After several feet where the wooden part of the fence connects with the concrete part of the overpass, would you look down and see if there is a large drain at this point. If there is, could you give me your estimate of it's dimensions. Especially how deep it is if a man was standing in it without the cover. Then perhaps you could take a photo of the drain as well as one more photo. Kneeling on one knee, could you take a photo of the cars coming down Elm from that elevation. There should be a plank missing from the bottom of the wooden fence to aim the camera through. Thanks. If you remember. http://www.jfkcia.comDont worry Mike thats already been looked at by a fellow called Brazil. He explored that area and when I was in Dealey Plaza I went and had a look at it myself. Bob Groden however has been highly skeptical of the shots coming from there and I think the whole thing is bogus as hell as is the shooting from the south Side. You can see what Brazil has done in Harrison Livingstones the Radical Right and the Murder of John F Kennedy, theres a piece in their and I found his book online. ... vingstones book is just a god awful mess. Your work, from what I have seen is rather more organised and superior. Bob Groden has destroyed this argument thankfully and the accoustics evidence as controversial as it is further supports Grodens statments. Furthermore the pickets get replaced something like every two years lol so its gonna be tough for Joe to get an authentic view.
Dealey Joe
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Re: OMG! No Conspiacy

Post by Dealey Joe »

I will be more than happy to do whatever you all need.Are you saying there is a drain up high on the level of the parking lot?I usually need to see things for myself. It takes on a whole different look.Something I need from you all are addresses of all the people involved that you know of so I can make up a tour of the area when folks want to see where it all happened. most of it I have but I need to varify.I tries to find Ruth Paines house but I wasn'tsure which house it was.The house I thought it was is 2519? but then I saw somewhere it was 2515?it is a small neighborhood and mostly nice small modest houses. noy what I expected at all.the house i thought it was is vacant and getting a little shaby.
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Re: OMG! No Conspiacy

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe, according to this article Ruth Paines address was 2515 W. Fifth St. ... 3db25.html
Dealey Joe
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Re: OMG! No Conspiacy

Post by Dealey Joe »

That explains why there was someone living in the house at 2515.However 2519 was vacant and looked like it had been for a while.My GPS wolldn't give me the address I had programed into it.I really had not planned to go by there but is was on our route to dealey.
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Re: OMG! No Conspiacy

Post by Bob »

JFK-Inside the Target Car on Discovery was one of the bigger crocks of shit I have ever seen. Discovery keeps lowering itself with every "special". My son absolutely loves Discovery, but he also knows that their productions regarding the JFK assassination are bogus. Anything with Larry Dunkel (Gary Mack) in it is...unless the production would allow a differing point of view from someone like Jim Marrs or Robert Groden. But Discovery won't allow that...which bastardizes their entire production. As I tell my son, if Discovery is willing to produce disinformation about the murder of JFK, then what does that say about their other productions, no matter what the subject matter?