11110 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is The Greatest Fraud

JFK Assassination
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11110 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is The Greatest Fraud

Post by Bob »

Check out this story I found on The Peoples Voice...11110 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is The Greatest Fraud Of All TimeMention the Federal Reserve (FED) and most people, including Americans, will think that you are talking about the financial arm of the US government. That assumption, however, would be well off the mark. The Federal Reserve is in fact a private company.Many Americans also believe that the FED is part of their Constitution.UNCONSTITUTIONALHowever, that assumption is also far from true. In fact, Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution actually outlawed such an entity from ever existing -‘only Congress shall have the power to create money and regulate the value thereof’.In stark contrast to this statement, the Federal Reserve Bank is owned and run by private individuals and international bankers.These international bankers have the power, through the United States Treasury, to print money by simply adding ink to worthless pieces of paper.What is more, they also control it’s value and even loan it to the US’ and other governments around the world, charging interest for the privilege.This ability affords the Federal Reserve huge amounts of power, despite the fact that their very existence violates the US Constitution.With that in mind is the Federal Reserve the greatest, and most overt, financial crime of all time?BRIEF HISTORYThe Federal Reserve was originally begun with approximately 300 individuals and banks backing it.Each bought a number of shares at a cost of $100 each.As these shares are never publicly traded one can only wonder how much each is worth today!Collectively, the shareholders in the Federal Reserve make up the strongest financial cartel in history.Each year the Federal Reserve collects billions of dollars in interest payments alone, distributing the profit between it’s members.The Federal Reserve is allowed to print as much money as it chooses yet pays no interest, fees or charges to the US government.This ability to literally print as much money as it wants was bestowed upon the FED in 1913, despite it being quite illegal.MANIPULATION OF INFLATION AND INTEREST RATESThe FED creates money and then lends it to individual, companies and governments throughout the world.Through the banking sector they then turn a huge profit by charging interest on these loans.The basic tenants of supply and demand dictate that the endless printing of new bank notes will cause inflationary pressures.This means that the FED could manipulate the money flow in order to drive up inflation and therefore interest rates.Any other organisation with that sort of power would be under constant surveillance in order to ensure that it wasn’t abusing it’s power in order to commit fraud.In stark contrast, the FED’s dealings are often concluded behind closed doors and with little to no supervision.THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACTBack in 1913 there had been many failed attempts to get the Federal Reserve Act through Congress.At this point in time the bankers elected to fund Woodrow Wilson’s attempt to gain the presidency of the United Sates, in return for his continuing support of the FED.Just before Christmas that year, when most other Senators were away on holidays, one Nelson Alrich managed to get the Federal Reserve Act through with little resistance.Nelson Aldrich, incidentally, was a grandfather to the Rockefellers.After his election to the Presidency Woodrow Wilson passed the Federal Reserve Act, only to later comment, “I have unwittingly ruined my country”.There are a great many commentators who believe that US presidential candidates are now carefully selected and funded by the FED, so that they can guarantee that every new president will be sympathetic to their cause.WHO ARE THE CURRENT OWNERS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE?Whilst there may still be some smaller shareholders in the FED, it is believed that the Federal Reserve is owned and controlled primarily by the following Central banks -1. Rothschild Bank of London2. Warburg Bank of Hamburg3. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York4. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam5. Rothschild Bank of Berlin6. Lehman Brothers of New York7. Lazard Brothers of Paris8. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York9. Goldman Sachs of New York10. Israel Moses Seif Banks of ItalyEXECUTIVE ORDER 11110On June the 4th 1963 one brave man attempted to remedy the situation by stripping the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest.President John F. Kennedy signed an Executive Order - No. 11110 - that instantly gave the U.S. government the right to issue currency without going through the Federal Reserve.This was achieved by granting the Treasury the power ‘to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.’In other words, for every ounce of silver held in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could print a certain, and limited, amount of new money.Under Executive Order 11110, Kennedy was responsible for introducing around $4.3 billion of notes into circulation.CONSEQUENCESExecutive Order 11110 could have been a hugely significant turning point in U.S. history.In an instant President Kennedy almost consigned the Federal Reserve Bank to oblivion.If silver certificates had continued to be issued then there would soon have been a total lack of demand for Federal Reserve notes as the former were backed by silver and the latter backed by absolutely nothing at all.Executive Order 11110 had the potential to slash national debt as no interest would be payable.Eventually the government would have repaid all it owed to the Federal Reserve and at that point the Bank would have ceased to serve any kind of useful function.ASSASSINATIONJust 5 months later and President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in what many believe was a grand conspiracy.Could Executive Order 11110 have cost Kennedy his life?After all, the Executive Order has never repealed by any subsequent U.S. President and could be enacted at any time.Why hasn’t any President followed Kennedy’s lead in returning to a monetary system backed by silver?Perhaps JFK’s assassination sent out a message that was well understood by his successors?Just look at how President Obama has treated Wall Street with kid gloves. Plus, he's also giving the Military Industrial Complex 40,000 more troops now in Afghanistan in an already 8 year war. Meanwhile, the U.S. is still in Iraq. Plus, Obama has protected the CIA from torture prosecution. You decide...President or Puppet?
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Re: 11110 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is The Greatest Fraud

Post by Lofty »

I bet Obama is really feeling the pinch now, there was an article in the Daily Mail yesterday, stating he is still undecided on sending 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan, he is being squeezed by the power elite group, quite tightly, maybe now he knows just where he stands in the great scheme of things.I wouldnt want to be him for all the tea in China tbh.
Dealey Joe
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Re: 11110 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is The Greatest Fraud

Post by Dealey Joe »

One of the main issues that is overlooked and forgottenver over time isthat our congress has been neutered and does not function at all.The executive office of the President is now and has been for a long whilefunctioning as the Legislative branch. Much easier to control one man than several.How did this happen?About the same time as the Fed reserve and the VOLUNTARY income tax was institutedthe Senate was taken over. Originally the Senate was to be 2 votes per State.When there was somthing of importance to be decided each state would send 2 people (2 votes)to Washingom to carry out the wishes of each individual state.Now the Senate is elected as the House of Representatives is.The States have no input whatsoever to the federal government.Believe it or not this is when our government was stolen from us while our grandfathers snoozedor was hoodwinked. I can't imagone how the power eliti pulled the wool over so many peoples eyes.In order to recover our country we must file bankrupcy on the Feds.we are not bound to repay these criminals what we do not owe.revert back to the original Constitution which says the federal gov. cannot collect taxes on individualsother than an equal tax on each man.Get rid of the Senate as it is today and go back to the constitutionally mandate method so each state willbe able to help run the government. the check and ballance method.This senate thing is the reasin a president cannot be impeached. They control the congress, not us.Please excuse the spelling. I get pissed when I get off on this subject.Another thing, the Constitution clearly says that anything that changes the original meaning and intentof the Constitution is Null and void on it face "Notwithstanding"A movie I like to watch because it has great lines on the Constitution is "The Magestic" with Jim Careytoward the end of the movie he gives a senate commity a good lecture.If you havn't seen it watch it.. Whoever wrote the script for that movis has uncommon knowledge.Well you started it!!
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Re: 11110 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is The Greatest Fraud

Post by kenmurray »

Outstanding stuff Bob. The Federal Reserve is not only fraudulent but it's pure evil:http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20 ... s_evil.htm
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Re: 11110 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is The Greatest Fraud

Post by Bob »

Per a request from Katisha, here is the link to the story I posted above...http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voi ... serve-isBy the way, nice rant Joe.
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Re: 11110 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is The Greatest Fraud

Post by Pennyworth »

I posted a few links a while back on the IRS.The board was hacked right afterthat...go google ......
Dealey Joe
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Re: 11110 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Is The Greatest Fr

Post by Dealey Joe »

11110 REASONS WHY THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS THE GREATEST FRAUD:Bob Fox is one of our best and longest tenured Administrators, Members, andContributors on the JFKMS Forum.To say that this is one of Bob's best contributions, and my favorite's by Bob,may be lost by the greatness of Bob's body of work here and varying opinionsof the members and readers.However, from history we learn that The Power of the Purse is Absolute.And Bob's favorite quote is clearly: "Follow the money."Well all roads lead to Rome.And all money flows to and from the Federal Reserve.So it seems to me to make more common sense that the Federal Reserveis literally at the center of everything controlling and running the U.S.A.Where are we today ?Didn't JFK try to stop and re-direct many forces that control us today,before 11.22.1963 ?Any additional contributions or thought about today ?