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Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:01 pm
by Dealey Joe
I am watching "The Lost JFK Tapes: The AssasinationI saw an interview conducted in WFAA TV studio with Zapruder evidentally just after the shooting.After the interview the WFAA anouncer says we have the film in your camera and we will get that processed and get it on the air ASAP.Do we know what happened to the film?

Re: Zapruder

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:51 pm
by kenmurray
Dealey Joe wrote:I am watching "The Lost JFK Tapes: The AssasinationI saw an interview conducted in WFAA TV studio with Zapruder evidentally just after the shooting.After the interview the WFAA anouncer says we have the film in your camera and we will get that processed and get it on the air ASAP.Do we know what happened to the film?Joe, read this link: ... ruder.html

Re: Zapruder

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:53 pm
by ChristophMessner
Strange name, this freemason "Zap-ruder", it reminds of "Zap-ata" oil company Knight of Malta Georg H.W. Bush, like Randy Bednorz told recently. All theses discussions about the alleged faking of the Zapruder film, in my opinion the back-and-to-the-left-movment just cannot be faked away and that means that the main thing, that there was shot(s) from the right front, could not have been faked away. 313 - it points to intentional freemason numerology of the frames.

Re: Zapruder

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:43 pm
by kenmurray
Zapruder fakery: Jack White interview: ... re=related

Re: Zapruder

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:06 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr . Ken Murray:Ken - Thank You for your outstanding Post of 12.01.2009 under this Zapruder Headline. Please note under the caption, What The Film Shows. Note the reference to the inability of JFK to move, due to the back brace that he was wearing. In fact, JFK was wearing two (2) back braces.On 04.14. 2006 I alluded to this, and hoped to gain traction to the comment that I posted from Seymour M. Hersh's book, The Dark Side Of Camelot. Some JFK lovers took offense to this, and other comments that I posted from Hersh's book, obviously missing my main points.Please re-read my original Headline, JFK Injures His Back With Girlfriend Before Death from 04.14.2006.Let's see, Ken, from 04.14.2006 to 12.01.2009, you are the first JFK Forum Member to Post an article that touches on the point that I sought to make on 04.14.2006.I will Post an Addendum to that other Headline so that others can now read and study the point that I sought to make 3.5 years ago. Perhaps since this recent point is made in an article, it will gain more traction today.Perhaps a few of you can understand the depth and sincerity of my Research and Study. For those who do, no explanation is necessary. For those of you who don't, no explanation will suffice.Ken - Keep up your great contributions. I live in Orland Park, Illinois, down the street from MPI. If you are ever in Illinois, near Chicago, I'd like to buy you a beer for that Post of yours. Thanks again.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Zapruder

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:23 am
by kenmurray
If I'm in Chicago there Bruce I will take you up on your offer. I have a nephew that lives in Chicago area and is a huge Cubs fan.

Doug Horne re Zapruder

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:08 am
by Phil Dragoo
Doug Horne on Zapruder (excerpt):If the authentic, original film was really shot in slow motion, at 48 frames per second, instead of using the normal speed setting on the camera of 16 fps, and you wanted to remove certain events such as the car stop on Elm Street that over 50 Dealey Plaza eyewitnesses testified to, you would need to remove several frames, and then recreate a film that runs at normal speed, and that is much shorter than the original in terms of total number of frames. Furthermore, if you wanted to eliminate evidence of shots from the front you would need to black out the exit wound in the back of the head in some frames, and even remove some frames showing exit debris in mid-air; and if you wanted the new Z-film to roughly correspond with the pattern damage in the autopsy photos, you would need to paint on large wounds at the top and the right side of the head in the appropriate frames. The image alteration in these frames would be done using the techniques called aerial imaging at a facility that possessed a sophisticated optical printer. From interview with Dick Russell

Re: Zapruder

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:09 am
by ThomZajac
Thanks for this link! (The one above) I just spent the last hour or so going over the interview and I think Doug Horne is spot on- brilliant. A MUST READ!

Re: Zapruder

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:14 pm
by Kirk
This is extraordinary in it's detail. Jack White emotional reaction at the end reminded me what this is all about. I am now moving on to Fetzer.Thanks for posting this

Re: Zapruder

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:55 pm
by kenmurray
John Costella PHD. on the Zapruder film: ... re=related