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Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 3:09 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.16.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:On 12.01.2009 President Obama announced his intentions to send 30,000 more American's to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Under my Headline, "...the vast military industrial complex will lie...", originally Posted 04.27.2007, please carefully read Bob's Post of 12.15.2009 of Webster Tarpley's article about Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and the CIA.Think deeply about this article, and my question:Can this current state of affairs be President Obama's Bay of Pigs ?President Obama is either being "fooled" by the CIA and The Military Industrial Complex as was JFK at the beginning of The Bay of Pigs, orPresident Obama is doing this with eyes wide open. And if the latter, where is Obama's thought pattern ? Was it recently changed, or was he secretly leaning this way all along ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:31 am
by ThomZajac
Bruce,Obama probably was/is CIA. His Nobel Peace Prize speech was a war speech. He was in a position to become president, and won, BECAUSE he was acceptable to the ruling elite- and he was well aware of that. They knew he could be counted on to do their bidding, and he has performed as expected- there is no JFK-for-the-people- in him. And so, no, this is not his Bay of Pigs. FAR FROM IT.You weren't taken in, were you?Thom


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:45 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Thom Zajac:Thom - I bought his "bring them home by Christmas, 12.25.2009," hook, line, and sinker. This has been an on-going weekly academic debate between me and Jimmy Sutton/Files since the primaries. Remarkably, nearly everything about the CIA, and what would happen, Jimmy 99 %, Bruce 1%. The only point I was right about was that Obama would win. Sarah Palin was the spoiler for McCain, as far as I can see.Jimmy lectures me weekly about the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex being "totally" in charge. Further, he argues that there is only one party, the Military Party, or the War Party, with no real difference between the Democrats, or Republicans. I actually thought that "times they are a changing."Like the female Scottish singer, Susan Boyle, I dared to dream. I really was dreaming.WAR - WAR - WAR, AND MORE WAR.Thom, you and Jimmy can both told me that you told me so.Comments?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:19 am
by ThomZajac
Bruce,Well, I don't know whether I believe Jimmy shot the president but I do believe he's right on his political take-"Jimmy lectures me weekly about the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex being "totally" in charge. Further, he argues that there is only one party, the Military Party, or the War Party, with no real difference between the Democrats, or Republicans. I actually thought that 'times they are a changing.'"There are differences between the Democrats and Republicans, but these are the differences that occur between two factions of the same party, not the differences between two parties. The two-party system is an illusion propagated by the MSM. The Democrats and Republicans can disagree on a great many things but they must never even question the need for an obscenely large military budget and a bellicose essence to our foreign policy. I think Jimmy is right: the military industrial complex is totally in charge- it owns the media and the money. When powerful forces completely control the military, the money, and the media (the 3 Ms), you have a country thatbehaves precisely as the U.S. has done since the creation of the Federal Reserve (and perhaps before).If Jimmy did shoot the president, I find it a little odd, I must say, that he doesn't feel any remorse. Is Jimmy happy that the military industrial complex is completely in charge? Just wondering.Thom


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:30 am
by Bob
Bruce...I was fooled too. Especially with Caroline Kennedy holding a fairly important role in his candidacy. I agree with Thom. I think Obama was a CIA operative, just like Wayne Madsen infers, The CIA is now making sure "their" guys get elected. It's been that way since Poppy Bu$h was President. Sometimes they can't lose, like when Poppy was running against Slick Willie Clinton. Hardly anyone knew about their CIA link at Mena (most sheeple still don't know). Dumbya was just like Poppy, holding titles with failed companies that were just fronts for the CIA. All I can say, like Roger Daltrey once sang..."Won't get fooled again".

The town has no need to be nervous

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:08 am
by Phil Dragoo
Don't be stampeded by ideologues with no experience beyond a qwerty keyboard.Barack Hussein Obama Jr. is the son of a Kenyan post-colonial Marxist and an American of no religion yet a clear anti-American bent.His white grandfather was a whiskey-and-marijuana friend of American Communist Frank Marshall Douglas. Douglas was the first and largest ideological stamp.Barack Obama was an Alinskyite, headed for the communist end by the means of the radical organizer.He was a two-decade follower of the very angry Jeremiah Wright, in turn an admirer of Qadafy and Farakhan, the latter an accessory to the murder of Malcolm X Little February 21, 1965.Do not forget Bill Ayers Chavezismo sin Chavez. Anita Dunn whose favorite philosopher is Mao. And all the rest. It isn't coincidence and it isn't window-dressing.Stop labelling Obama as a CIA tool. The situation would be the other way round.Obama's first choice was John Brennan. Brennan remains his major advisor. Note the banishment of all the language of War on Terror. That's as much Brennan as Janet Napolitano.The current DCI was Clinton's point man on the COSCO-Long Beach deal. Obama was so enamored of China's Olympic construction.He slashed the F-22 program as a favor to China. Who wants Taiwan so bad it can taste it.He broke the missile deal with Poland as a favor to Putin. Russia is working its big energy strategy with Iran. And in turn has brokered a multi-decade massive energy deal with China. Obama is an enabler.Obama is giving Teheran's Rat Boy all the space he needs to do the Nuclear Holocaust and summon the hidden imam from the well.Pakistan was behind the Mumbai attacks last year. Obama is merely stabilizing Pakistan to continue its course.Obama in Afghanistan is stabilizing to China who faces its own Muslim threats.Obama is reinforcing Russia and China, seeking that detente which Kennedy sought with Khruschev and Nixon later sought with Mao.Always remember that Gates and Brzezinski coauthored the 2004 CFR paper Iran: Time for a New Approach calling for negotiations.Obama uses Brzezinski a great deal as did Carter. No one harmed CIA more than Carter's Turner with his Halloween 1977 decapitation of 820 agents.KSM trial in the Big Apple; Gitmo chorus girls in ChiTown Revue.This is not your Bush's White House.See if Eric Holder will reopen the Kennedy murder trial.We know Malcolm X is off-limits. Don't want those chickens. Comin' home. T roost.


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:34 pm
by Jsnow915
interesting note here...on the news today it was said that Obama and Warren Buffet are distant cousins.


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:01 pm
by Dealey Joe
Gentlemen,you all are heads and shouldes above me intellectually however I want to offer this for your consideration,the Kennedys were part of the power structure and Old Joe must have promissed they would behave and do as told.but power became an obcession for JFK & RFK .The same thing happened to A. Lincoln who was made presiddent because he could be trusted and decided after elected to go his own way.All three met the same fate.From the same Money/Military elite


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:14 pm
by ChristophMessner
Military Industrial Disinformational ... ComplexWar War War ... yes, but by time there are always incalculable grassroots braking through the asphalt in military campsObama's Bay of Pigs? ... Maybe not, cause he learned from Kennedy not to overrate himself. Phil, very interesting background knowledge, makes me think a lot, I think you are very correct with all of that, thank you.


Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:22 pm
by Dealey Joe
Also on another note,I am still trying tofigure out how most all of you were hoodwinked by Obama?that is unbelievable to me.He has never shown that he is a citizen of the U.S. of A.and i doubt that he isSarah Palin had NOTHING to do with John's lossIf you really believe that elections make a difference.Who had a campaign by a subversive group out steaaling and buying votes?If you arre stupid enough to think multiple votes were not cast,I have some ocean front property for sale here in Oklahoma.Who had Jillions of dollars illegally donated from foreighners under the table evidentally done using the internet to bypass election laws.Some of you have said you love socialism.My parents and family was born into a country that at one time embraced Freedom,A country founded as a Rebublic who wanted out from under the control of a King.I you actually love socialism then you are on the road, when the health plan is in place you will be locked into it.As for me "Give me Liberty or give me Death"