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What can we do?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:53 pm
by dankbaar
Running around in circles on our little forum, telling each other how much we agree, won't make any difference. Many have preceeded us. Penn Jones, Silvia Meagher, Mae Brussell, Jim Garrison, Harold Weisberg, etc. These brave mouths are no longer among us. What can we really do as long as we have a mouth? That is what I want you to think about. Wim

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:10 pm
by Bob
Excellent point Wim. I was thinking the same thing last night as I was watching Fat Man and Little Boy, which is the classic movie about how the U.S. became the first nation to create an atomic bomb. The dropping of the bomb twice was very tragic, and thank God it hasn't happened since, but the point that I took from the movie came from J. Robert Oppenheimer. General Leslie Groves was the head of the program in the military and he wanted Oppenheimer to direct all the excellent minds that could make the creation of the bomb or "gadget" for real. Oppenheimer suggested putting all the minds in one place (Los Alamos, New Mexico) for whatever amount of time it took to get the job done. With very strick rules and with a lot of pressure & stress as a backdrop. The group was together for just about two years and they did indeed create the bomb.I think we need to have the same approach. One, Wim needs to be at the next COPA meeting, either in person or via video. The COPA meeting should be a two week get together, so all of the various researchers can get together and talk through their theories for several days, not just a couple.Right now, COPA and Black Op Radio (Wim also needs to get on there) is the best way to have the message get out to the masses. Getting Jesse Ventura to do a program on the JFK assassination on TruTv wouldn't hurt either.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:21 pm
by dankbaar
Bob, I made contact with Jesse. He seems pretty interested. But what should we tell and give him to really grab his attention? And if we have it, will he be able to make a splash in the pond?Wim

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:29 pm
by Bob
I would send him your book and DVD's for one, and also alert him to the site. If Jesse runs with this and talks to Jimmy, and has a program about will be truly fantastic. TruTV is not a household name on cable TV, but it's growing. That would be a definite start. The MSM will probably shy away from the story, like they are now with Jesse's program, but we can keep passing the word and stay persistent about getting more visibility. The internet is a strong component of that by using tools like You Tube, as you well know.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:36 pm
by dankbaar
Why the heck do I need to be on blackop radio? Will that make a difference? It is not even my darned problem. And my wife tells me to concentrate on getting a real job. One that she can be proud of. One that makes money, not lose money. Why should I keep caring if the American public is too apathic to do something about it? Bruce once told me that I picked up the broken pieces of others and glued them together. Yes, I did that, and presented them. What more can I do? Wim

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:49 pm
by Bob
Easy now Wim. I just think Black Op Radio would be a good venue for more ears to hear your message. I know that I have learned a lot from various guests that have been on BOR. Jimmy's story belongs on there as well. That is all I am saying. Also, the forum is a good example about the way the message is growing...both in America and in the world. I constantly keep saying this, but this forum keeps adding new members who are taking the forum to new levels with their discussion, passion and expertise. By the way, my wife is constantly telling me that I do an awful amount of writing...for nothing.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:33 pm
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:Easy now Wim. I just think Black Op Radio would be a good venue for more ears to hear your message. I know that I have learned a lot from various guests that have been on BOR. Jimmy's story belongs on there as well. That is all I am saying. Also, the forum is a good example about the way the message is growing...both in America and in the world. I constantly keep saying this, but this forum keeps adding new members who are taking the forum to new levels with their discussion, passion and expertise. By the way, my wife is constantly telling me that I do an awful amount of writing...for nothing. Jesse has been a JFK buff for many years. I think he would most interested in the Files story.Bob, I think your writing is good.

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:20 pm
by Dealey Joe
WimI have great repect for you and all you have done to make the American people and the world aware of their history.You know sometime we are called to do some things we don't really understand and it gets very uncomfortable and seemingly unapreciated.Realizing most on this forum think what I have to say is unimportant as it does not follow their concept of research.I will share this story as a student of the Bible anyway:God sent Isaiah, a prophet, to a certain city with the instructions to stand out on the street corner and tell his being obedient he followed Gods directive.After a few days Isaiah left the city. God stoppped him and asked him "Where are you going?"Isaiah told God that no one except a very few even listened to him so he figured he was finished telling his story.God then instructed him, GO BACK AND CONTINUE TELLING THE STORY, DO NOT WORRY ABOUT WHO LISTENS, I HAVE A REMNANT IN THAT CITY AND THOSE THAT NEED TO HEAR YOU WILL DO SO.That remnant was a small amount of people about 3%. This is the same percentage we are dealing with.95% of the people do not count. They are not dependable and will follow anyone who looks like they are leading.If this says anything to anyone here, fine. all you can do is tell your story and if it hits a chord with anyone then Great.another little bit of advise to those on this forum. Lay down your books for a while and look at something that might be of more importance. Spend some time studying two great documents that are invaluable. 1. The Constitution of The United States of America and associated literature "The Bill of Rights" and the "Federalist Papers" use the original document and learn about its unchangability. "Anything to the contrary Notwithstanding" all the bullshit amendments are null and void. 2. The Bible. There are those on here who just love to hear the sound of their own voices, then there are those who are truely interested in listening and learning.I see your (our) story as being "The Grassy knoll". I see this as a God given Masterperce siimilar to the Constitution.This contains about as much information presented in an understandable way as most people can handle.There are many ways to get this story told. Today we have the wonderful tool, the internet.I am not a guru of the internet but someone here surely is.There must be some ways to blitz the internet search engines to introduce The Grassy Knoll.Advertise it in some way that will perk peoples interest besides the JFK/LHO thing. :What really happend on the Grassy Knoll"?All you are after is to get it into peoples hands for them to see.Knowledge is good but must be put to work. if not, it is an awesome burden.We need to honor Wim and his efforts to get this story told.Put your brains to work to figure this out.Either lead, help or get he hell out of the way. ( My thought)

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:02 am
by Pennyworth
Yes, we've done our parts here.. and amazingly.....There's an old saying 'you can't be Irish and not know that the world can break your heart.'Be of good cheer, tommorrow is another day, although tommorrow is not promised to anyone...Unfortunately, I am somewhat of a pessimist at times. But also pragmatically so....

Re: What can we do?

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 1:30 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wim - I sense your frustration. Nothing will make a difference. American's are by far apathetic, and intellectually lazy. As I told you before, my opinion is that at least one half (1/2) of your JFK Forum Members don't own, and haven't read or watched Files On JFK.At best 50 % of American's vote. American's are not even paying serious attention to the growing American Wars, as President Obama sends 30,000 more Americans to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. While our infrastructure is failing, our schools are failing, our health care system is failing, etc., etc., some Americans grumble. No serious changes will occur in America within the next twenty-five (25) years.American's only care about what immediately affects them. Tom Jeffers wrote a Post last week on this point exactly.Some here believe Jimmy, some don't. We can't even stay focused here enough. But I do agree with Bob that the JFK Forum is better than ever. But to what end ? We chase our tails around in circles, never, ever accomplishing anything.In a few years it will be the Fifty Year Anniversary for the Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK. In my opinion, nothing has been accomplished.While spending many hours with Jimmy this weekend he most accurately pointed out that the U. S. School's History Books WILL NEVER BE CHANGED.Jimmy drew a line in the sand over two (2) years ago. Wim, I appreciate you keeping all of our confidences, including today. Let me share this, as you Wim, already know.Jimmy will have nothing to do with anybody.Jimmy will have nothing to do with Jesse Ventura, and I equally advised him accordingly over the last four (4) weeks. Like Christoph Hans Messner said, and I agree, Jesse Ventura's show, Conspiracy Theories, is entertainment for Americans, at best.For over ten (10) years I offered to help, assist, creating an annual JFK Forum Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, and/or Dallas, Texas. Never had a serious taker. People would have been blown away at what I would have presented in Chicago, Illinois. As I recall, there was greater interest in going to Disneyland.Wim, I will try to be intellectually honest, to the best of my ability, in supporting the JFK Forum. But in the end, I agree with your lovely wife, get a real job that pays money, and that you and your family can be proud of, instead of pouring more time and money on this Titanic. Future efforts will be like shooting a hole in a sinking boat, to let out the water.My Final Recommendation - for the good of you, and your family, shut down the entire website. You're not giving up, it's just a huge waste of time and effort. WIM DANKBAAR DID NOT FAIL. AMERICAN'S FAILED YOU.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.