It appears we are back in business

JFK Assassination
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It appears we are back in business

Post by Bob »

I don't know how long this will last, but it appears we are back in business in the forum. Thank God. I was definitely starting to have forum withdrawl. The forum has become a recreational drug for me in some ways. I don't need it EVERY day, but I certainly need it. The current events in the world, as well as past events like the JFK assassination make this forum a cleansing of the mind for me. I have to release my thoughts somewhere. Now I do have other interests, as many of you know, but this forum has become a family to me, and I missed my family...especially during the holiday season. So...I hope the efforts by Ed Bishop and his technical team will keep the forum up and running for awhile. Thanks to Ed and Wim for putting up with me as well. Meanwhile, let's keep doing what we do. The content in this forum is better than any other connected to the JFK assassination.
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Re: It appears we are back in business

Post by Lofty »

Yes we are back, No more sql error.Whilst im here a belated happy new year to all.
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Re: It appears we are back in business

Post by JDThomas »

Great to see the board back.I have not been able to contribute to the forum for a few months for various reasons including an aborted house move - imagine my frustration to at last have some quality time for the forum over the holiday period and find it unavailable - I was like a junkie on cold turkey!I have to confess that I have found myself lurking around the education forum JFK board in the meantime... I'm glad not to be a member there despite ithaving a number of heavyweight researchers.My observations:1.From the small excerpts I have seen, Doug Horne's new book, 'Inside the Assassination Records Review Board' is required reading for all serious researchers, even more so since some of the leading nutters express their unwillingness to read it. This may turn out to be a defining work. This reading will be some months off for me however.2. Tink Thompson's reputation is totally shot - he firmly belongs in the hall of Shame, right next to Mack the Sack.3. I cannot understand what has got into Pat Speer's head, trying to convince us that there was no large wound at the back of JFK's head and that all of the Parkland doctors were mistaken. I've liked a lot of Pat's work in the past, but here he's either taken leave of his senses or else he's typing messages while someone is holding a gun to his head.4. Love him or loathe him, JIm Fetzer is very entertaining as well as a lucid speaker and certainly has the Nutters ganging-up on him right now. Good to see that he thinks that the best form of defence is to attack them.5. Effort needs to be concentrated to demolish the 'official version of events' - I think that we are playing into the nutters hands theorizing as to what actually happened whilst the official story has not been completely demolished. The Nutters are not stupid and know that we do not have all of the necessary facts - no serious official search for the truth can occur until Judge Warren's fairytale is damned for what it really is
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Re: It appears we are back in business

Post by andries »

Well first to you all a happy and healthy new year.outstanding weather starts in Western europe extreem cold extreem wathers ans snow great britian,s begining to look like the swiss alps
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

This is a scintillating company lighting the labyrinth.Fetzer I have found thought-provoking since coming upon Assassination Science. Was it he and Marrs who so thoroughly beach-slapped Hany Farid's digital farce.Horne is that wall-destroying horn of biblical tale. But I may choose Unspeakable, then Horne. What an embarrassment of riches.If Pat Speer says there is no evulsive wound to the occipital oozing cerebellar then he is beyond Blakey who lied that twenty-six Bethesda witnesses so said. Actually, the twenty-six are additive to the fourteen Parkland making it forty to one against Pat Speer.Richard Gilbride posits collusion on the part of a half dozen TSBD employees. Fascinating stuff and answers many difficulties--e.g., how could none of the everyday workers not see--but, of course, the TSBD was a Byrd-brained stage set in Earle's Dallas and Phillips' & LBJ's Texas.Oswald beat Bannister to the four-minute mile in order to get to Tippett and use those special automatic cartridges in his revolver.Specter was technical advisor on the Three Magic Bullets in the Ambassador Pantry.Posner, Bugliosi et al insist that if anti-Warrenatis cannot count the lacers on the Queen of Hearts' corset then Lee Harvey did it in the Billiard Room with a candlestick----but I insist, Gerry and Vince and the Slam-Dunkels are peeing on our leg, telling us it's raining.That yellow journalism's just not on.
Dealey Joe
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Re: It appears we are back in business

Post by Dealey Joe »

Well I have been rudely awakened to the fact that I have become a JFKMS junkie.Thanks to all of you, since the forum has not been working, I have lost sleep, not been able to eatand Martha says, Ill as an old bear. Get up all hours of the night to see if by chance "IT" was working.Iust when I had accepted the fact that "IT" would never be back and I was seeking something to "replace IT"I get the Email announcement that "IT" has arisen from the dead.All I could do was "cry and hug my computer" I blame you all for this total breakdown.
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Re: It appears we are back in business

Post by Kirk »

I am with you Bob,I. 2nd, 3rd etc. everything said. Happy New Year Everybody, and I hope it really is.
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Re: It appears we are back in business

Post by andries »

Dealey Joe wrote:Well I have been rudely awakened to the fact that I have become a JFKMS junkie.Thanks to all of you, since the forum has not been working, I have lost sleep, not been able to eatand Martha says, Ill as an old bear. Get up all hours of the night to see if by chance "IT" was working.Iust when I had accepted the fact that "IT" would never be back and I was seeking something to "replace IT"I get the Email announcement that "IT" has arisen from the dead.All I could do was "cry and hug my computer" I blame you all for this total breakdown. Joe what you need is a bit therapy
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Re: It appears we are back in business

Post by Bob »

andries wrote:Dealey Joe wrote:Well I have been rudely awakened to the fact that I have become a JFKMS junkie.Thanks to all of you, since the forum has not been working, I have lost sleep, not been able to eatand Martha says, Ill as an old bear. Get up all hours of the night to see if by chance "IT" was working.Iust when I had accepted the fact that "IT" would never be back and I was seeking something to "replace IT"I get the Email announcement that "IT" has arisen from the dead.All I could do was "cry and hug my computer" I blame you all for this total breakdown. Joe what you need is a bit therapy music and excellent therapy. I love being on the water or near the water. Even though I almost drowned once during some rough weather on Lake Michigan. But if the water wants will take you. Otherwise it will make you.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Re: It appears we are back in business

Post by Dealey Joe »

Thank you Andries that was great therapy but I was hopeing for some dancing girls?yes Bob I had a bad experience on Kentucky Lake and also on a large lake in Minnesota.Both durring storms. Bussy fishing and not watching the weather situation.I guess God watches over us fools too.