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Poppy Bu$h called out at lunch

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:36 am
by Bob
The guy in this video gave it pretty good to Poppy Bu$h at a pizza place recently. The guy is my new hero. ... latedPoppy is the guy in the tan sportcoat that turns his back on the guy (it makes sense, the Bu$h family always runs from a fight). I would have said even more to Poppy if given the chance, especially about his role on 11/22/1963.But still...WELL done whoever you are.

Re: Poppy Bu$h called out at lunch

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:56 am
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:The guy in this video gave it pretty good to Poppy Bu$h at a pizza place recently. The guy is my new hero. ... latedPoppy is the guy in the tan sportcoat that turns his back on the guy (it makes sense, the Bu$h family always runs from a fight). I would have said even more to Poppy if given the chance, especially about his role on 11/22/1963.But still...WELL done whoever you are.Priceless Bob.

Re: Poppy Bu$h called out at lunch

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:07 am
by Dealey Joe
Do you think these kinds of attacks bother him?I would like to think so.Is he too dumb to realise what he is doing?How do they sleep at night?

Re: Poppy Bu$h called out at lunch

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:31 am
by Bob
Dealey Joe wrote:Do you think these kinds of attacks bother him?I would like to think so.Is he too dumb to realise what he is doing?How do they sleep at night?I think before the internet, Poppy and the rest of the Bu$h clan had thought that their treasonous actions had been swept under the carpet. But since his 1988, when the FOIA documents came to light about his role in the CIA during the JFK assassination, more people have become aware of Poppy and his father Prescott and grandfather Samuel, even with the MSM for the most part still hiding the secrets. But right around the time Poppy became President in 1988, the proverbial shit hit the fan. First, the FOIA documents. Details of the Iran/Contra affair came out and showed that he had played a LEAD role. Then TMWKK. Then JFK the movie. Then the internet. Then Dumbya Bu$h as President. All those forces collided and a lot of people became aware of the treasonous past of the Bu$h family, plus Dumbya was doing the same thing with 9/11 (very similar to Operation Northwoods, a plan BOTH Prescott and Poppy supported, along with ALL the joint chiefs and Allen Dulles) and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. People also found out about Mena, Arkansas and the Bu$h-Clinton relationship thanks to the internet for the most part. The MSM still treats the Bu$h family with kid gloves, but the internet has educated a lot of the masses. More learn everyday. Especially the younger folks, as the internet IS their news, when they are not watching The Daily Show on Comedy Central. Poppy has to know that his family's sordid secrets are out to many of the REAL people. Poppy has also been prone to have crying jags in public recently. Poppy has to be escorted by security people or secret service guys to keep him away from folks like that guy. I know if it was me at a table at that pizza joint and I saw Poppy there, I'd say similar stuff that the guy said, but I would DEFINITELY bring up JFK's assassination, not to mention his family's Nazi past. Then I'd pull a John Belushi and throw my pizza at him and yell, "food fight".

Re: Poppy Bu$h called out at lunch

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:57 pm
by Kirk
Thanks Bob for posting this. I also respect this man's courage to stand up and be counted. I always want to remind people that Bush is not from Texas.

Re: Poppy Bu$h called out at lunch

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:57 pm
by Dealey Joe
I would write TRAITOR on him with the Mustard squeese bottle.

Re: Poppy Bu$h called out at lunch

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:28 pm
by Chad Duncan
Leave it to Bob to provide more goodies! As always, thank you!

Re: Poppy Bu$h called out at lunch

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:30 pm
by Chad Duncan
Dealey Joe, I see that I live somewhat in your neighborhood - sorta - Im in Broken Arrow, OK which is basically Tulsa. Just wanted to say im impressed with things you have submitted. Its always great to see someone come along on here and add great info to the mix. Ive never been one of those, but more or less looking for answers like everyone else. Thank you!

Re: Poppy Bu$h called out at lunch

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:40 am
by Dealey Joe
Hello ChadThank you but as you know it takes all of us to get the job done. every one of us in our own way play a part.I look at myself not so much a researcher but an agitator as I am sure others on here would also say.