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Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:56 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
This is Walter Cronkite announcing to the world that Martin Luther King was assassinated. At about thirty seconds into the interview, he reports that police "chased" and "fired on" (shot at!) a "radio equipped car" containing two "white men." never heard of this until someone from this forum told me about it several months ago. This is a classic example of how the mainstream media can control what the public knows or doesn't know just by NOT talking about it. It's like building 7, WTC 7, coming down on 9/11. I didn't know about it until about a year and a half ago. Building 7 was a roughly fifty-story tall building that came down hours later, a little after 5pm, on 9/11, and it wasn't even hit by a plane. It collapsed straight down in about 6.5 seconds. Most people don't know about it because the mainstream media just doesn't talk about it.

Re: Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:24 am
by turtleman
It has become very clear to me over the last several years that the MSM just will not go certain places. No need to elaborate as we all know the game being played. We see the gamesmanship of the History Channel and Discovery Network. The ongoing campaign. I don't know what the think of Jesse Ventura's new show. I like the content but dislike the drama they insert. I just want the facts without the melodramatic fluff. But it is encouraging to see the governor's no B.S. approach. Frankly the last one (2012) was so compelling I couldn't figure out whether to be depressed or scared. Settled on a combination of both. I certainly hope Jesse is seriously considering a show on James Files. Wouldn't that get the lone nutter's cranked up? The forum has been stellar in the last few months and I really like it when Bruce revives old threads with lots of links and associated conjecture. Great work all of you and please keep it coming.

Re: Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:03 am
by Bob
Thanks T-Man. This forum has been more than outstanding as of late. The MSM is nothing but a whore for the power elite.On another note, as we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day in the U.S., I wanted to pass along this speech by Bobby Kennedy to a crowd as he announced the murder of MLK that night. That was two months and a day before RFK himself was assassinated.

Re: Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:52 am
by Bob
Some of you have seen this video, but it fits in with what Pasquale was referring to... ... elatedThis is just part one. There are five parts to this series. If you haven't seen these vids, I would suggest you do.

Re: Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:05 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
While we're talking about what the media omits from the news, this is an interesting link about corporate media ownership. Ken Murry provided the link to the site, and I noticed this short article. ... ownership/

Re: Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:59 pm
by Pennyworth
I was stormed in on MLK day so I didn't get on line...the storm is still looking frightening down by the fact the waves are almost up to the pavement Another Black political activist ;Malcom X also assassinated....Malcolm X announced that he planned to take the black struggle to an international audience by putting black people's complaints against the United States before the United Nations (UN). For this purpose he sought aid from several African countries through the Organization of Afro-American Unity. At the same time he stated that his organizations were willing to work with other black organizations and with progressive white groups in the United States. Together, these organizations would work on voter registration, on black control of community public institutions such as schools and the police, and on other civil and political rights for black people. Malcolm X began holding meetings in Harlem at which he discussed the policies and programs of his new organizations. Then, on a Sunday afternoon, February 21, 1965, as he began to address one such meeting, Malcolm X was assassinated.

Re: Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:58 am
by kenmurray

Re: Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:40 am
by katisha
Can't read your links a/c my computer being a moody old bugger, guys, but will have a look when I've got me a new computer (that works!)Remember RFK's speech about the MLK assassination? Magnificent, especially if it was (as I think it was - happy to be corrected if I'm wrong) extempore.

Re: Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:39 am
by Bob
katisha wrote:Can't read your links a/c my computer being a moody old bugger, guys, but will have a look when I've got me a new computer (that works!)Remember RFK's speech about the MLK assassination? Magnificent, especially if it was (as I think it was - happy to be corrected if I'm wrong) extempore.I hope your new computer is coming soon Katisha! Also, I believe you are correct about RFK's comments that tragic night. What I find even more startling was that RFK was NOT a standard politician. He was very happy to be behind the scenes so to speak when JFK was President. RFK was not a classical speech giver. But he learned to be a very effective speaker as time went on. But tragically that time was very short.

Re: Martin Luther King assassination and initial media reports

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:09 pm
by kenmurray
Mark Lane and Dick Gregory lecture on MLK assassination: ... re=related