Best Evidence

JFK Assassination
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Best Evidence

Post by katisha »

I've been trying for ages to get hold of David Lifton's book. Seems it's out of print and my chances are nil (though I continue to scour the shelves of every second-hand-bookshop I happen upon).Got my copy of 'Inside the ARRB' the other day (thank you Mr Rex Bradford at Mary Ferrell), and just started reading the preface to Vol 1 - hell, I've got a lot more reading to do! - and have got to Horne's tribute to Lifton's work.Horne says, inter alia, that Lifton "documented strong circumstantial evidence that the chain-of-custody of the President's body during its transport from Dallas to Washington, D.C. was broken - that the President's body did not make an uninterrupted journey from Parkland to Bethesda on November 22 1963." (p lxiv)This is exactly why I want to read Best Evidence.From what I've read, mainly in JFK-tribute books by his close aides rather than pure assassination studies, Jackie and 'the Irish Mafia' stuck close by JFK from the minute he was rolled out of Parkland to the minute he was cranked down from Air Force One on a catering trolley in Washington, with poor shattered RFK holding poor shattered Jackie's little bloodied hand; refusing to go up the front of the plane with LBJ and his cronies; reminiscing and holding their own private, unofficial wake to the bloke they'd all loved and revered: there was always in that terrible journey at least one fierce angry Irishman guarding their slain leader's body.So when does Lifton reckon the body was nicked for alteration?Could some kind person do me a summary of Lifton's explanation for how JFK's body was spirited away during that trip to be tampered with? (No links please, me computer doesn't 'do' links, the sulky little bugger.)
Dealey Joe
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Re: Best Evidence

Post by Dealey Joe »

Katisha. there is a papperback copy on "" for .75 cents US.If you can't order it, send me your address by message and I will get it and send it to you.No problem
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Re: Best Evidence

Post by katisha »

DJ, have sent you a PM re this.You're a top bloke. Thanks.
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Re: Best Evidence

Post by Dealey Joe »

Is that good or bad?
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Re: Best Evidence

Post by katisha »

It's good, mate. "Top bloke" is the ultimate aussie compliment
Dealey Joe
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Re: Best Evidence

Post by Dealey Joe »

Do you have Wims book on James Files?I have "Best Evidence" on order so it will be a few days.
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Re: Best Evidence

Post by katisha »

Yeah, Joe, I've got and have read 'Files on JFK'
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Re: Best Evidence

Post by Dealey Joe »

Katisha here are some books I have if there is one of these you particularly want I will send it tooDr. MARY'S MONKEY by Ed. Haslam, if you haVe not read this one it is a must read.The TEXAS CONNECTION BY CRAIG ZERBERFIRST HAND KNOWLEGE BY R. MORROWBETRAYAL BY R. MORROWJFK BY FLETCHER PROUTYTHE LAST DISSENTING WITTNESS BY SLOAN/HILLULTIMATE SACRIFICE BY WALDRONCROSSFIRE BY JIM MARRS
tom jeffers
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Re: Best Evidence

Post by tom jeffers »

Good Stuff DJ, you realy do belong here!might i also suggestdouble cross sam and chuck giancanatexas connection by craig zirbeljfk and sam by antoinette giancanacontract on america david scheimtiger in the rain robert clayton buickfirst hand knowledge robert morrowand don't forget expendable elite by our friend dangerous dan marvin
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Re: Best Evidence

Post by Bob »

Katisha, Thom Zajac is pretty tight with David Lifton. Maybe he can arrange to get you an autographed copy of Best Evidence. Doug Horne is going to be on Black Op Radio next Thursday. Horne essentially agrees with the overall Lifton theory, but disagrees in terms of when the body alteration happened. Bottom line, Horne has great respect for Lifton.