JFK Assassination
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Post by AL DATI »

Iam glad to see you found the information from Dr. Mantik in regaurds to his x-ray finding on what he thought was a mercury cloud. I was three when JFK was assassinated.As i grew up ,and lookedinto the events of Dealy plaza,i was fascinated to say the least.I grew up with a love of firearms....Yes iam a damn good shot.I remember thinking what what a junk firearm Oswald had,not to mention the dime store scope he was supposed to have used.By far no Zeiss.I remember thinking LHO must have been a real nut to use a full metal jacket.Then in my teens i seen the film.........A HANDS DOWN NO BRAINER! I was appauled,shocked,and disgusted.What an insult to the american people.Who droped the ball on the assassination follow up in the 70's??? Why do you think the Kennedy's did'nt push for justice?You done a very good job on your web page,and for all you have donei want to say thank you. Iam glad Files came forward,an honorable thing.I really think if this is ever made public by the media Files would be in jepoardy.He should make sure all that he knows is made availabe in the event of his death.Even though what he did was point blank wrong it pails in comparison by those who made it happen,and those who are covering it up. Your information on the Bush clan blew me away!It got me to look at a web page called! It made me think what a poweful tool the media is.It could convince the masses that Mother Teresa was an ax murderer........People a gullable! I see you signed the on line too.Just a thought.........There's power in numbers.Did you ever think of getting together with people like Dr. Mantik?If the media seems out of reach in this country what about the rest of the world?The proble3m with the internet is you have to look for it.Oh well iam at work so i have to go... Take care ,and thanks again....
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Post by dankbaar »

I think the Kennedy's have too much skeletons in their own closet. That's why they didn't push for justice.

Dr. Mantik is a correspondent. I also have a 1 hour interview with him. He's not in "I shot JFK", but in another production I am making.

I have too much stuff

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:05.25.2006 - Al Dati Posted this very interesting, powerful Headline and Comment.05.25.2006 - Wim Posted this follow-up Comment, of substantial interest to me, and possibly others who are interested in this area of research, and study on this Subject Matter.Wim - Did you ever Post the one hour Interview with Dr. Mantik ? Where can I find it if you are not holding onto it and waiting for another of your Pending Major Projects ?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by ChristophMessner »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:... waiting for another of your Pending Major Projects ? Who is making them pending?
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David W. Mantik

Post by kenmurray »

On the AARB''s Three X-Ray Experts:
Phil Dragoo
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Reductio ad ballistics

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The right lateral skull x-ray presents to me the signature of James Files' mercury shot.The work of David Mantik using his radiodensitometry to show the 6.5 mm artifact on the anterior-posterior (AP) skull x-ray is a forgery added to a composite is dramatic and destructive to the official propaganda.Dr. Mantik's proof that the “white patches” in the occipital on both lateral x-rays are forgeries underlines the testimony of the Parkland professionals who saw the avuncular occipital wound, the wound of exit in the rear from the frontal shot.That frontal wound was seen by several witnesses cited in Doug Horne's volumes (Inside the ARRB, Volumes I-V).That is the wound James Files made, and mentioned in his videotaped interview.Here is a man with no profit to be made from a bold statement of guilt.I find it compelling and credible that he states he made the shot to the place where the witnesses saw the wound. (It was “excised” by the autopsists in their pre-autopsy, yet the incision remains in extant photos.)He spoke of seeing the exit wound through his scope; and many Dealey and Parkland witnesses saw this wound. Even Boswell included this area in his drawing on the skull replica at his ARRB deposition.The mercury trail has been identified on the lateral x-ray; and James Files has consistently referred to having used a mercury round.This forum is where the rubber meets the road.It is well and good to speak in great generalities, “the CIA,” “the Mob,” the “Power Elite” (Illuminati, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger, Rothschild, CFR, et cetera, et cetera).In the last analysis, someone put a mercury round in President Kennedy's head.
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Post by kenmurray »

Phil, as always, I enjoy your posts. I concur. Dr. Mantik I believe is very reliable.