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A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:22 pm
by Kirk
At the risk of looking ignorant, and maybe opening up some old wounds on this forum I have a couple of things that I just can't buy at least yet.One is Chauncey Holt. He seems like a likable and trust worthy man, but to my eyes he doesn't look at all like the oldest of the three tramps. Maybe, if he was 20 years older at the time. Now, he does seem to know a lot about a lot of what was going on, and I can believe he worked for the Company, but he just doesn't look like the Older Tramp. Even in the memorial video for Holt you tell he was very fit and strong, and had good posture and walk very straight. The older Tramp looks very beaten down and tired from just walking from the railroad tracks. Note he is last and behind the rest of the group.Second is a minor thing, but it has bothered me that the get away car for Files and the others was parked so close to the event. It seems extremely risky for a number of practical reasons. Being followed it one, being trapped by traffic and the parade etc would be another, just getting a parking ticket , so close to scene etc. It would be more probable if you had a driver that had the duty to watch the car at all times. what do you all think?

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:10 pm
by andries
Kirk i don,t believe it is holt or howard hunt but the way the older tramp is moving look at his feet, looks like chaunsey holtbut that means as i learned, nothing.same goes for doyle, even more simularity to the first tramp the way he moves with his arms and his funny legs.all i can say is : why the hell did it took so long for doyle to come forwort out off the blue, to make his horsedump statement ?,if he indeed was the first tramp he absolutely must have been aware of all sinister speculations arround the tramps from the beginning.therefore i think perhaps it is doyle but i dont believe a worth about his statement thatthey had nothing to do with it I am more intent to believe some statements from holt

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 4:11 pm
by ChristophMessner

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:38 pm
by Kirk
andries,on the whole i agree with you. i never really considered Doyle much or some of the others. When I was young I of course leaned towards Hunt, but later I felt that Hunt would be smart enough not to be caught on film. Maybe my trouble is my eyes, not being able to see Holt's face. I am not sure what any of it means really.Seems like the whole world was in Dallas that day.

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:42 pm
by Kirk
Chris,Yeah, enough characters for a couple of plays at least. So many it would have been hard not to bump into each other. Pretty sure it isn't Hunt as well, but still not sure it is Holt. Pretty sure it is Landsdale though.ChristophMessner wrote:3tramps.jpg

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 6:11 pm
by Dealey Joe
guysWhy would Chauncy lie about a thing like that.i don't think he would have a thing to gain.I can't see what difference it makes who the tramps were.What did they do?

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:29 pm
by Pennyworth
I am going to mention there are a few things about James Files that don't jell, although I do believe his statements for the most part....OK here goes: Files says that he was tortured and thrown out of a car...I see no facial scarring, or any significant damage to any body parts. He is mentally astute, and looks reasonably ok for his age. I am also curious as to why the CIA told him to kill innocent women in South America.... Does he have any explanation?

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:44 pm
by andries
Dealey Joe wrote:guysWhy would Chauncy lie about a thing like that.i don't think he would have a thing to gain.I can't see what difference it makes who the tramps were.What did they do?Joe little old devil you,re preaching not to blind believe first hand witneses etc etcwhy blind thrust in a caracter like chauncy holt according to statitics and experts deaf mutes seldom lie

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:08 pm
I don't think in either interview with Holt or Files the proper questions were asked. My quetions for Holt is if he is the third tramp he seems dress for the part so he must of been privyed to a plan and what was that plan, who was in charge, and what was your dutys, because he must of known he had to escape in the rail yard acting as a hobo. Also what's in the bag and why would the police officers let you carry it with you to the jail? It's almost as if they are leading them to there get away. Give me the whole story or something to run with because neither of these stories are complete. If Holt knew well in advance that he was going to be in the picket fence and railroad area then so did Jimmy, Harrelson, and who ever else, and they were given instructions from their commander Lansdale where to go and what to do after the shootings! These operations are planned to the minute with no screw ups. So Chauncey why were you there the whole truth, and why were you told to run to the railroad car? They had to know ahead that they were going to shoot from the front!My two cents!

Re: A Couple of Things I Just Don't Believe

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:43 pm
by Dealey Joe
andries wrote:Dealey Joe wrote:guysWhy would Chauncy lie about a thing like that.i don't think he would have a thing to gain.I can't see what difference it makes who the tramps were.What did they do?Joe little old devil you,re preaching not to blind believe first hand witneses etc etcwhy blind thrust in a caracter like chauncy holt according to statitics and experts deaf mutes seldom lie Andries you should know by now that I am just like a "Lie Detector"I can just look at someone and know if they are telling the truth.Besides that Chauncy has a good looking daughter That's a better reason than sympathy just because someone cant speak