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RFK assasination

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:30 pm
by Joost
Hi all,

Is there any proof of a link between the JFK assasination and the assasination of his brother? Seems to me that the same persons involved (CIA, Texas Oil, LBJ, Nixon, Mafia) would hate Robert as much as John.

Thanx in advance for any reply.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:46 pm
by Bob
I had an earlier post regarding this...

Yes the JFK assassination and the MLK assassination are linked. As is the RFK assassination, and the murder of John Lennon. And the attempts on George Wallace and Ronald Reagon. This is my opinion, but there is no question in my mind that the same evil forces were behind all these events. All of these events have one of two scenarios, the "lone nut" assassin, ala Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray, or the "Manchurian Candidate" assassin, ala Sirhan Sirhan, Mark David Chapman, Arthur Bremer and John Hinckley. These hits have a CIA influence written all over them. Oswald and Ray were set up to take the fall in the JFK and MLK assassinations, while the others are classic mind control patsies. In the RFK and Lennon murders, there is ample evidence of other shooters as well, with the "blame " being placed on the Manchurian candidates.

Re: RFK assasination

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:50 pm
by Mark Johansson
Joost wrote:Hi all,Is there any proof of a link between the JFK assasination and the assasination of his brother? Seems to me that the same persons involved (CIA, Texas Oil, LBJ, Nixon, Mafia) would hate Robert as much as John. Thanx in advance for any reply.

The only connection I know of is that Jim Braden was present during the assassinations.


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 2:48 pm
by john geraghty

There was an interview with Larry Teeter (RIP), who was Sirhans attorney.
In it he describes the part played by johnny Roselli in compromising attorneys who were to represent Sirhan. Johnny Roesslis name has surfaced in connection with the JFK assassination.
I think the link above is the interview I'm thinking of.
Teeter does not directly state the link between the two assassinations, but his info on Roselli speaks for itself.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:31 pm
by Bob
Here is another good link...

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 8:08 pm
by Joost
Thank you all.

I'm shocked at all this info.

The parties responsible for all this seem willing to do anything to keep power and make money (also with the Bush connexions). Aren't researchers like Wim in danger?

Re: RFK assasination

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:27 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear JFK Forum Readers and Researchers:03.26.2006 my old friend Mr. Joost from Amsterdam Posted this Headline that zeroed us in on perceptions of U.S. Assassinations from Amsterdam.Have we advanced our research, understanding and specific conclusions any better since then, here in the U.S ?Or should we keep having foreigners telling us what happened here ?Respectfully,BB.

John and Robert

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:15 am
by Phil Dragoo
Mr. JoostConsider when looking at the Turner and Christian book, the Klaber and Melanson book, the Shane O'Sullivan book, adding the acoustic analysis and paying close attention to the work of Dr. Thomas Noguchi, we see the facilitation of the CIA.Its MK-ULTRA program, particularly the work of Joly West and the figures around Sirhan indicate the patsy was programmed and triggered by the Girl in the Polka Dot Dress.The two LAPD officers in charge of Special Unit Senator, Pena and Hernandez, had AID (CIA) training and ties. The evidence and witnesses were suppressed.There were a dozen or more shots. The kill shots came from Cesar's location, not Sirhan's.The event came just as Robert won California.It followed the killing of King to prevent a march on Washington. Both hits benefited Nixon who would continue the policies desired. LBJ bowed out in March no doubt having been made an offer he could not refuse.In like fashion John was taken out so LBJ could begin The War Which Had to Be Fought, for the triad of arms, oil and drugs will not ever take a back seat to peace and prosperity, not then, not now.John was said to be shot by the fellow set up for the part by Angleton and Phillips. Did Harvey and Maheu and Rosselli contribute some hitters, or were they the stateless killers described by Prouty.The logistics take a back seat to the strategic removal of two obstructions to the business model.Nixon would form the DEA in 1972 and take out the Corsican competition to the friendly heroin networks.But Helms would take out Nixon with the Watergate trap, and the compliant Ford would name Rockefeller to investigate CIA assassinations and GHWB as DCI to sanitize the witness list for HSCA.GHWB and Bill Clinton worked on the illegal Nicaraguan escapade and so it goes.Play ball and live; resist and die.Best book on JFK, Douglass' Unspeakable. On RFK, perhaps Shadow Play by Klaber and Melanson, but do check the acoustic analysis. And note the shrieking fairies and carping harpies of US media still cling to the ridiculous lone gunman/magic bullet fable.And the moon is made of green cheese.When Bugliosi and Posner skip past, you can smell it.

Re: RFK assasination

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:33 pm
by kenmurray

Re: RFK assasination

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:36 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messrs. Phil Dragoo, and Ken Murray:Gentlemen, excellent responses as per your usual.Very good contributions and points well made.Respectfully,BB.