Is Alex Jones for real?

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Fellow forum members, I know that a good number of you may like Alex Jones. It has occurred to me that there is no real difference between supposed Democrats and Republicans. I'm referring to political figures and media people. It seems that they are both working for the wrong side. I have already exposed or brought to your attention the Chris Mathews issue regarding Gerald Posner. Here are two examples. The first is a popular news anchorman called Chris Mathews. He appears on MSNBC, and I used to think that he was "okay" until I saw him praising Gerald Posner and Posner's supposed good work regarding the JFK assassination which we all pretty much know is garbage. I posted this information on this forum, as many of you might remember. Another example is this. Has Obama actually changed anything? We're still in Iraq and Afghanistan. Companies like AIG received taxpayer money because we were told the lie that they were "too big to fail." We still give billions of dollars to support bogus wars while people in this country are loosing their homes and starving. Now to the point of this topic. Take a good look at this five-minute video about Alex Jones. Is he for real, or is he working for "them." It shows him clearly disrupting a political rally or demonstration. The people who were part of the rally initially invited him up with them until they realized that he was there to disrupt their rally. The video is interesting as it shows Alex Jones talking about infiltrators and "cointelpro" agents and how they work. Here's the clip:
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Alex is saying the right things.But to me he is self centered full of his own grandure.Sounds to much like Rush Limbaugh, they look like brothers.use sensationalism just to be heard, loves to hear the sond of their own voices.I don't care for his methods but at least he is doing something.
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Re: Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:Alex is saying the right things.But to me he is self centered full of his own grandure.Sounds to much like Rush Limbaugh, they look like brothers.use sensationalism just to be heard, loves to hear the sond of their own voices.I don't care for his methods but at least he is doing something.Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh looking like brothers. Joe, i do see a resemblance sorta.
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Re: Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale, I see Alex Jones does some good things at times, but he also does stuff I questioned as well.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

That's why I love you guys. You are objective and analytical and don't just go along with what someone says.I don't listen to Alex Jones enough to form an opinion, but I think I'm going to pay closer attention and do some research.Remember this about 9/11. Has Alex Jones entertained any discussion regarding evidence of Israeli involvement in 9/11? I'll put it another way. When I started presenting information here on this forum, people here were freely discussing it and putting their two-cents into the discussion. Has Alex Jones addressed that issue? I need to do some research on him and find out.
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Re: Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale, I found some stuff Jones says about Israel: ... re=related
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Re: Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by Bob »

My bottom line about Alex Jones is that I don't agree with all his takes, although I agree with most of them. Jones is a bit of a blowhard, but he has fantastic guests on his show most of the time. THAT is why I check out his site.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Pasquale, I found some stuff Jones says about Israel: ... e=relatedI guess there's hope for him. LOLHe actually acknowledged that Israel created fake Al Quaeda groups that bombed innocent Jews.Very interesting indeed. Great links, Ken!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Pasquale, I found some stuff Jones says about Israel: ... =relatedIn the third link above, Alex Jones acknowledges that Israel has staged terrorist attacks and blamed them on Arabs. He also acknowledged that the men who were seen dancing when 9/11 happened were Israeli and that trillions of Pentagon dollars were lost under Dov Zakheim's watch.He still has a problem coming to the conclusion that 9/11 was an Israeli false-flag operation. He maintains that the U.S. Government was the main source behind 9/11 despite his acknowledgements of the ties of people within the U.S. Government to Israel, like Dov Zakheim and Michael Chertoff. I guess he can't be all bad. I just have a small issue with him NOT connecting the dots regarding 9/11 despite his being able to connect the dots regarding Israeli dual citizens in our own government and Israeli false-flag operations. With all evidence connecting Israel or Israeli affiliated people and entities to 9/11, it's my humble opinion that the notion that the U.S. being behind 9/11 is a red herring or distraction from the truth. Interesting indeed. Good stuff, Ken!
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Re: Is Alex Jones for real?

Post by turtleman »

I find Alex Jones kind of hard to figure out. A blowhard for sure he has some pretty far out ideas but admittedly I have come around to believe most of his assertions. Gov. Ventura thought enough of him to use him for a show. I will say this: he is all over the place on a wide array of subjects and seems to have an opinion on them all. I am afraid he is one of those guys that may not have a long life expectancy. Too many that don't bite their tongue end up with shall we say "health problems."