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Try Looking Down

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:44 pm
by Billy Boggs
When Looking at the Assassination one should look at it from all directions. In this way, the big picture can be seen. Looking at it from the bottom up will only allow you to see exactly what "They" want you to see.

WWII seems to be the Beginning of the Kennedy Assassination. Yes, the main theme of world domination goes back eons, and in a way is connected, but for this investigation one only needs to know that world domination is not something new with the WWII Nazi mentality. Another thing that must be kept in mind is that the Nazi mentality is ruthless, and Sadistic, but was it really that different than the Roman empires goals and methods?

It is said that the forces that actually created the Nazi mindset was based right in the United States, or at least major portions of its funding. For those who doubt this please review and investigate the following:

Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy
(John J. McCloy had a lengthy career riddled with Nazi sympathies, Member of the Warren Commission) ... K_ass.html
Prescott Bush: ... ush_Nazi_2
Knowing that there were powerful Nazis that survived the war and well placed even before the war broke out, one can see how they influenced world events afterwards. Prescott Bush, General Reinhard Gehlen, John J. McCloy, is just a few of the players. But who or what created these bit players, these “Patsiesâ€

Kennedy family-Nazi's

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:49 pm
by Jim Harwood
Well, that was later. But, at Ford Motor Co. he
was the accountant. He took over the management of Ford Motor Co.
It was his management that began the destruction of the Ford
Motor Co., as accountant.[refernce to Robert Mcnamara]
President Johnson referred to him as "Slickum." Because, you
probably saw the pictures, if you saw the pictures of him when he
was young, he had a very thin head of hair--almost a bald head
with thin hair. And he would plaster his hair down to his skin,
on his head. And he would put this, you know, thick layers of
grease into his hair, in order to plaster his hair down--like an
accountant! Like an accountant trying to put the figures in the
right place! And this was his mind.
The guy--he had the emotions--he had strong emotions,
actually, strong rage, which is typical of accountants. They tend
to be, on the one hand, when they're putting the figures down
there, they appear to be very dead, but when you touch them, you
find their emotions about the subject are actually very
passionate! They're really silently enraged people, often. And
he's a typical example of that.
But, what he was, the problem here was, the nuclear
war--see, I had the advantage of coming out of military service
at the end of World War II and coming back to the United States
in 1946, in the late spring/early summer of 1946, to see a change
for the worse in my population. That people I knew, had
degenerated {morally} from what they were during wartime, to what
they were in the immediate post-war period. And it was the right
turn, the right-wing turn, led by Churchill and echoed by Truman,
particularly in dropping those bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
that this turned the American people into a bunch of pigs. Now,
these are my friends, turned them into a bunch of pigs.
So, that Eisenhower in a sense, brought us back to being
somewhat human again, as opposed to Truman. Truman was a real
{pig}, and the whole period was evil. So that, when the Missile
Crisis came, it was a continuation of this process.
Now, you had ironies: You have the Kennedy brothers, Jack
and Bobby--the father, who is also the father of Ted Kennedy,
who's one of the leaders in the Senate--the father was a fascist!
Joe Kenney. Joe Kennedy was a guy, picked up out of the Boston
Irish crowd, married into the family of mayor of Boston,
Massachusetts, "Honey Fitz" Fitzgerald. And he was picked up by
the Rothschild, and he was cultivated, in the United States and
with his connections in Britain, he was cultivated to become a
part of the international financial mafia. Typical guy, corrupt
and so forth, all that sort of thing.
But then, during the 1930s, Joe Kennedy was a friend of
Hermann Goering, and he was notorious, because when some people
came to him as the U.S. ambassador in Britain, knowing he was
very friendly with Hermann Goering, said to him, "Won't you
intervene to try to save some of our relatives, who are Jews, who
are captives in the concentration camps of Hitler?" He told them,
"Get out of my office. I'll do nothing for you." And then,
because of this kind of thing, Franklin Roosevelt fired him, as
The boys, including Jack and Bobby, in the post-war period,
during the period of Truman, were really right-wingers. Bobby
Kennedy was a McCarthyite, of Joe McCarthy, the worst kind of
right-wing fascist imaginable. But then, toward the later 1950s,
they changed. Jack began to prepare himself to run for President.
That's one thing his father wanted him to do, to run for
President. But Jack, in preparing himself, sort of switched his
agenda, and began to go toward what Joe Kennedy hated--Franklin
Roosevelt. So, Jack and Company, went to Eleanor Roosevelt, the
wife of the late President, and sort of made a pact with her, and
committed himself to run as a candidate to restore the Franklin
Roosevelt orientation to the United States.
So, he and Bobby and so forth, moved in, into government,
the Presidency with that. That meant there was some imperfection
in his understanding of what Roosevelt was, but he actually acted
as a leader. So, when this Missile Crisis happened--the Missile
Crisis was what? The thing to understand is, which I had to
understand quickly and I understood very quickly, returning, that
the same financial interests who had put Hitler into power, from
London, from the United States, as well as Germany, and from
France--these same Nazi bankers, had for various reasons had
turned against Hitler from about the middle of the 1930s
on--gradually, not all at once, but gradually, one after the
Churchill was against Hitler for only one reason. Churchill
was a perfect fascist, but he was against Hitler for one reason:
because Hitler was a threat to the British Empire. He didn't give
a damn about the human race, but he cared a lot about keeping the
British Empire. And so, gradually, the Brits came over. And they
came over to the side of Franklin Roosevelt against Hitler. And
they came over, because they had {no choice}. So, we defeated
But, at the end of the war, when Franklin Roosevelt was
dead, the same financial crowd, that had put Hitler into power
from the 1920s on--these guys--including Hjalmar Schacht and the
head of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman, and Brown Brothers
Harriman, and the grandfather of the present President of the
United States, had all played a part in putting Hitler into
power, at the time he went into office. At the end of the war,
they went {back}, to being Nazis again! This time on their terms,
not Hitler's terms, theirs. They picked up a large section of the
Nazi apparatus--that was done by Allen Dulles. Allen and John
Foster Dulles were Nazis! And John Foster Dulles was at a certain
point the Secretary of State of the United States; and his
brother, Allen, was head of the Central Intelligence Agency. And
I know a good deal about Allen Dulles: He was a Nazi! He was a
Nazi at the end of the war; he'd been a Nazi before the war.
And so, what we were dealing with, with the Missile Crisis,
was a bunch of Nazis, were trying to pull a stunt. That was way
the Missile Crisis was orchestrated. And they {influenced} the
head of the Soviet Union, Khrushchev. They influenced him during
the 1950s, they took him over! And it was a game, orchestrated by
whom? By that great Nazi, Bertrand Russell, who was the
middleman, who was the guy, the partner of Khrushchev in planning
the orchestration of what Russell had intended from the end of
the war, is to use nuclear weapons to force a crisis to bring
about world government, through the terror caused by the threat
of nuclear weapons.
So, what you experienced with McNamara and company, was
{this}: It was coming to the surface, and I know it very well.
These guys were Nazis, {and my enemies, today, are Nazis}! I
don't have any {important} enemies, today, who are not Nazis.
Inside the U.S. government, inside the U.S. political parties, in
Europe. The real enemies behind some of the problems I have
personally with some people, is, behind them, are bankers and
similar types who are part of the same system, the grandchildren
of the same guys who put Hitler into power as bankers or similar
types, back in the 1930s. And that's what the problem was.
And that's what we've experienced. That's what {you}
experienced. That's what {we} have experienced. I happen to be
knowledgeable about this history. Other people are not
knowledgeable about the history, but they had the experience, as
you did. They react to the experience. But, once you understand
what I understand, then it doesn't frighten you quite as much,
because you understand exactly what it is. You know who the
enemy is, you know you have to beat. And when you know who the
enemy is, and who you have to beat, and how he can be beaten,
then you no longer are sitting with Kierkegaard in Fear and


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:56 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messers. Billy Boggs, and Jim Harwood,

I have just quickly skimmed your post. I will study it more carefully later.

Kudos to you, Billy Boggs, and Jim Harwood, for some very outstanding contributions. I was already aware of some of this, but you certaily have helped my research.

When Werner Von Braun came to America from Nazi Germany, other top ranking Nazi Military and Scientific Types came over. Read what Fletcher
Prouty wrote about a top Nazi Military Man being secretly sworn into the American Military under a Special, Sealed Act of Congress.

Also, the Nazi Drug, a special, secret form of speed used to keep the Nazi Storm troopers awake, not needing food, sex, or sleep for up to 20 days, was also brought over by the former Nazi's, now Americans.



Jim, you are very correct about Alan Dulles being a Nazi, while working for the CIA. Dulles ran a European CIA office. He was the go to guy for Nazi's converting property before leaving for South America.

Keep up the Good Work.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 8:15 pm
by Billy Boggs
Thanks Bruce. I needed that.

Jim Harwood, you mention knowing your real enemy. I tried to allude to who and what this really is. Im very sorry to say it isnt the Nazis. Yes, I agree that the Nazis are the ones who should have been exterminated for the sake of humanity, but they are not the true enemies of humanity. They are but puppets, patsy's. No, humanitys true enemies are members of Secret Societies who are the driving force behind the creation of such mindsets. They are the true "Traitors" to any country they may be in, and in a more covert manner, traitors to all of humanity!

And thank you for filling in some of those "Little" pictures, that make up the Big Picture. Im sure there will be more to follow


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 8:45 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Billy Boggs,

You have made many great contributions. Never give up. Stay focused.

I love America, most Americans, and most Americans in all uniforms.

You raise a very serious point about Secret Societies. This unfortunately has not only been an American Problem. This has existed in almost all organized societies, and yes, even religions.

In about the 14th century the Great French Philosopher, Alex De Tocquiville (spelling??) wrote:

Power Corrupts.

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

In Secret Societies, Absolute Power is an inarticulated theme.

What do you think ???

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:52 pm
by Billy Boggs
"In Secret Societies, Absolute Power is an inarticulated theme"

I would assume that your meaning is that there is no connected "Spiders web" of control, to absolute power, correct?

A lesson learned hard, is a lesson learned well. I must be cautious in my answer.

For my own research into secret societies I have learned that "they" that being each society, have there objectives and goals with beliefs and ritual to match. From the surface it would appear that they are unique to themselves, but they all have a few things in common, greed, secrecy, unity in porpose. It would also appear that if world domination was truely the intent, it would have happend a long time ago. But this isnt to say some do not have this goal today.

As with all organizations they must be "Sponsored" by something or someone, or at the very least a mindset with enough power and influence to "create" the organization. It is here that the greatest care must be taken on my part.

There is a old saying that basically states "To tell a lie you must have a great memory. But to tell the truth, you need only know it". Secret societies are based on lies. They can not stand the test of time and end up being self destructive not only to the members but to a greater extent, humanity. To me a logical assumption would be that who or whatever sponsors secret societies knows this and may be the reason they were created in the first place. The mechanics of the creation of this perverted and warped mindset can only lead in one direction, and that direction is the occult. But not the fictitious occult we have been taught by movies and books.

I would conclude that yes, the power structure within secret societies is inarticulated, but articulated within the sponsors.............

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:04 pm
by Bob

Always great to hear from you. You definitely look at the big picture. By the way, is your website down? I can't access it anymore. Please advise.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:27 pm
by Billy Boggs
The web site was taken down. I suspect because it had too many pieces of the puzzle in one location. I have to admit that the site wasnt for the general public. It had over 28 years of research invested in it plus my own personal observations. Im certain those that needed to see it, did.
I have no intentions of attempting a resurection.

By the way, Hello Bob, long time no type. If you need anything from the site let me know and I can forward it to you

Re: Try Looking Down

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:37 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.26.2006 - Mr. Billy Boggs Posted this Headline and information about "...the Beginning of the Kennedy Assassination." A great discussion, and powerful, deeply provocative information going back to World War II was raised in support of this subject matter.This is certainly worth reviewing if you are not familiar with this subject matter.Has any additional reading, research, study, or writing relative to this subject matter been observed by anybody, anywhere ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.