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This is how they role CTKA style.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:24 am
by SeamusCoogan
Well hows about this for a slap I think this got to be one of the best serves of the year, thus far. I dug it out of my inbox. I reckon its pretty darn funny. From: James DiEugenioDate: February 17, 2010 10:26:11 PM PSTTo: Gary MackSubject: Who is distorting what?Gary:I could not help but notice your apparently, non-satirical comment about comparing the upcoming HC mini-series on the Kennedy s with Oliver Stone's JFK. The quote attributed to you was: "I'm confused. Its apparently OK for Oliver stone to distort JFK history, but not Joel Surnow."Gary two points:First: Stone did not distort JFK history. JFK was killed by an organized conspiracy. Which is what you used to believe and write about. But in about 1990, you did your pirouette. And you now work for a propaganda mill. As Upton Sinclair once wrote: Its hard to make a man understand a fact if his paycheck depends on him not understanding it. So your credibility on this issue is pretty much nil in light of that.Second, since you lost your equilibrium and identity-- among other things--when you got to know Dave Perry so well, maybe you forgot a rule about the use of dramatic license.People who make feature films on complex subjects--like Oliver Stone-- are allowed to use it for certain purposes.People who purport to make documentaries, as you and Erickson do, are not so allowed.So when you do things like alter the exit wound on JFK's head, don't tell the public about the new revised 1968 entrance wound and how it got there, completely sidestep the issue of the 6.5 mm fragment the Fisher Panel discovered, and which your experiment did not leave (which in and of itself shows how phony that experiment was), and lie to the public about the positioning of Jackie in the car--even though Groden told you about it in advance--that is beyond the pale of ethical film-making. Documentary film-makers are not allowed to do that. Period. But you did.BTW, the above list is just from Inside the Target Car. The Ruby Connection was just as bad if not worse. To leave Fritz out of your "reconstruction" of the Oswald murder--the guy who allowed Oswald to be killed--what on earth justifies a lie like that.When a documentary film-maker falsifies facts, he isn't making documentaries.He is making Warren Commission propaganda tracts. So watch yourself about calling anyone a "distorter".Because there's no one else out there remotely in your class right now.JIM DIEUGENIO

Re: This is how they role CTKA style.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:33 am
by Bob
BRAVO Jim D. Howard Cosell used to say that's telling it like it is.

Re: This is how they role CTKA style.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:52 am
by Michael Dell
But this brings up an interesting point. While Mr. DiEugenio is correct in pointing out the difference between feature films and documentaries, how has the original "JFK" being a feature film hurt the overall cause? When Oliver Stone made the film, did he have a responsibility to limit the dramatic license as much as possible? Or was his only responsibility to make an entertaining movie?From personal experience, whenever I start talking about the Kennedy assassination with people unfamiliar with the case, they often say something along the lines of "You know 'JFK' was a work of fiction, right?" And they're quick to point to Bugliosi or some Gary Mack History Channel sham to prove how "crazy" I am. So how do you think Stone's "JFK" has influenced the movement? I would hope it's served as an inspiration, but I'm afraid it's often used to delegitimize the cause much the way Gary Mack did in the attributed quote...

Re: This is how they role CTKA style.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:14 am
by SeamusCoogan
Hook line and sinker.

Re: This is how they role CTKA style.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:00 pm
by kenmurray
Great stuff from Jim D. Gary " the fable guy" Mack is truly in a class by himself.

Roger Feinman Blog Frpm CTKA

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:13 pm
by kenmurray
Interesting stuff that Feinman does on Groden and Posner:

Re: This is how they role CTKA style.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 4:57 pm
by Dealey Joe
Well here in backwoods America I have yet to speak with anyone about the JFK assasination who did not adamantly say that they knew the government version of what happened is B.S.I have spoken to a few who saw the Stone movie/documentary and felt that it gave them some answers to the situationand made tham want to find out more.Most people are not researchers and do not have the depth of knowlege that some of you do.JFK the movie I felt was well researched for the time it was made.If it's not intertaining no one was going to watch it?What kind of ratings did the JFK movie have?I also think even Gary Mack and company brings some advertising to the cause.Don't think everyone beleives all they portray, or actually buy any of it. we alll watch them.The American people may be ignorant but they are not stupid.When I start talking to someone I am always surprised at how much knowlege they have about the JFK/LHO thing.

Re: This is how they role CTKA style.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:13 pm
by Michael Dell
Dealey Joe wrote:Well here in backwoods America I have yet to speak with anyone about the JFK assasination who did not adamantly say that they knew the government version of what happened is B.S.That's good to hear. I guess my doubts come from my preaching to an audience not used to political conspiracies and such. I've been introducing the subject matter to a more mainstream, younger, sports-related crowd. And despite the wide range of conspiracy topics I've covered, oddly enough, the Kennedy assassination has garnered the most negative feedback. They all insist on Bugliosi, Mack, and so on. I was going to ask another question, but perhaps I'll save it for its own thread...

Re: This is how they role CTKA style.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:30 pm
by Dealey Joe
Well Michael I think a lot of that attitude springs from the human emotion of "Don't Rock My Boat"People know better but they cannot or will not deal with it because they are afraid of loosing their new Mercedes and Big Boat and overfinanced home.Most people are just like Rats, they will go no furthur than water, food, sex.If we coulld solve any of their problems,like the government does, then they would follow us.I see on the news this morning that the gov. is going to regulate credit card companies.

Re: This is how they role CTKA style.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:35 pm
by Bob
Here is the thing that I have noticed about the MSM over the past decade or more. Movies like JFK or Thirteen Days are very seldom seen on HBO or outlets like that. In addition, when was the last time you saw TMWKK, or anything close to that type of genre in the MSM over the past decade or more? Instead, we have the Discovery channel productions that are blatant distortions of the true facts of things concerning the JFK assassination. Gary Mack is the head cheerleader of those programs. TMWKK came out in 1988, JFK came out in 1991. There were other programs that came out as well in that era like the James Earl Jones special regarding the JFK assassination. Why is that? Why has the MSM blatantly suppressed information and knowingly lied about other aspects of this whole situation? It's simple...they are partners in crime. We don't live in the United States anymore, we live in the United Corporations now. The Corporations run the country and the world. Look at the Supreme Court ruling of a couple of weeks ago. Corporations run the media. Look at Rupert Murdoch's media empire. Look at Clear Channel's in radio. I remember Gary Mack in TMWKK. I remember the work he did in the HSCA. I see him now at the 6th Floor Museum and in the Discovery JFK assassination specials. All I can say is, "Et tu, Gary?"