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Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:43 pm
by Dealey Joe
Check out this aarticle about JVB


Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:55 pm
by kenmurray
Thanks for that Joe. Why I'm not surprised Von Pein's name is brought up in this.

Flack = Over Target

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:56 pm
by Phil Dragoo
JoeA long and shameful tale of persecution of a witness to truth by the usual weasels.I had read and viewed Judyth's story regarding research and a brief but intense affair with Lee and found it credible.Her epic suffering at the hands of the piranhas protecting the coup underlines her importance and veracity.Such internet censorship replicates in miniature the Great Firewall of China which screens out democracy, Tibet, Tiananmen, etc.The thugs arrayed against her--and Fetzer--are comrades of Hitler's bookburners and S.A. sent to break up the rallies of opponents.And by "protesting too much" they strengthen her case.The universe is balanced; all that darkness creates light in response.


Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:25 pm
by Bob
Excellent article Joe. Did you guys hear Jim D and Len Osanic talking about Von Pein on BOR last night. Len doesn't think David Von Pein really exists. He thinks someone is just using the name. Who the hell knows. I'm mean John McAdams is also Paul Nolan. Gary Mack is also Larry Dunkel. We know the CIA loved to do that as well. Lee Harvey Oswald was Alex Hidell. David Phillips was Maurice Bishop. All I know is that Von Pein is an idiot. I tried debating him on Amazon a couple of times, but it was like a 5th grader going against a guy from Harvard. Von Pein wasn't the guy from Harvard either. Notice I didn't say Yale...a CIA breeding school. The guy opines about everything, but he (whoever he is) hates to debate, because he looks like a fool. Just a side note, someone that was formerly in our forum and now is in the David Von Pein fan club has been lurking about our forum as of late. I guarantee this post is going to him soon. Bottom line, great story Joe.


Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:31 am
by turtleman
I just read Judyth's piece on Fetzer's site. It almost made me physically sick. Is this what it has come to? They have agents sanitizing history in the most flagrant ways imaginable. Is that where we are at? Here we are coming up on 50 years after the fact and we still have death threats, harassment, and purging damning testimony and evidence. Judyth is one of the last remaining witnesses and they are doing everything they can to shut her up. These henchman that carry out both the physical and cyber deeds I cannot help but be curious about. Whose payroll are they on? How are they able to bury this and keep it away from Congress. Or has Congress become so "whipped" they really don't want to go there? Like torture or so many other crimes Congress turns a blind eye to. If it gets to the point to where the Internet can be altered to suit an agenda it won't be long before the thorn in their side emanating from the Netherlands will be in the cross hair. I see a new struggle ahead as our adversaries take another bold step.


Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:03 am
by Bob
turtleman wrote:I just read Judyth's piece on Fetzer's site. It almost made me physically sick. Is this what it has come to? They have agents sanitizing history in the most flagrant ways imaginable. Is that where we are at? Here we are coming up on 50 years after the fact and we still have death threats, harassment, and purging damning testimony and evidence. Judyth is one of the last remaining witnesses and they are doing everything they can to shut her up. These henchman that carry out both the physical and cyber deeds I cannot help but be curious about. Whose payroll are they on? How are they able to bury this and keep it away from Congress. Or has Congress become so "whipped" they really don't want to go there? Like torture or so many other crimes Congress turns a blind eye to. If it gets to the point to where the Internet can be altered to suit an agenda it won't be long before the thorn in their side emanating from the Netherlands will be in the cross hair. I see a new struggle ahead as our adversaries take another bold step.Good points T-Man. I told Joe it was an excellent story. It was. But it also is a very sad and alarming story. These low lifes will stoop to anything. They will sell out their relatives and sell out their souls. That is the type of enemy we deal with in our fight. Sell outs and liars. People who make threats against truth seekers. Just remember when Jim Marrs was teaching a college course relating the JFK assassination once. When Jim had guest speakers, Dave Perry and Gary Mack would interrupt and heckle the speakers from the back of the classroom. That is the type of personality we are dealing with here.


Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:16 am
by Dealey Joe
I usually do not do this but I feel this is an unusual circumstance.If you have a few extra dollars Judyth should be supported.She can't even afford new glasses.Lets see how much we can help her. any amount will help.If you should want to donate use my web site here at the bottom of the page is a paypal donate button.It will be a private transaction between you and Judyth.


Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:39 am
by SeamusCoogan
Martin Shackelford really got in behind Baker. Hes a pretty solid researcher and I have used quite a bit of it in my stuff. I tend to go with majority on this one though as per usual.If it really did happen Lee did very well, she was quite cute. Lol however it is interesting and all. What turned me off the story was how Len explained being pestered by her and her publicist to get her on his show.But in regards to Joes fondness for another Dr Marys Monkey, that is a great entertaining if very sinister read. The problem I have is that I'm caught in two minds. Jim Di for instance wipes the floor with Judyth Campbell for instance and her inside knowledge and dealings. Yet, he may well have had a dalliance with her. She just expanded the story to cash in. Baker may well have known Oswald, but well her inner workings of the plot are almost to detailed and depending on whom is critiquing it 'wrong'. Then you get stories that are quite clearly BS and never happened like James Elrod and Oswald spilling his guts to him. Its always fascinating to see conversations like this lead to however. I've noticed a knack for what in my arrogance seem trivial conversations suddenly bloom into something else and people like Baker become secondary to a bigger or larger theme. Returning back to Ed Haslams book what interesting trails has it led you lads down? Id love to join but I'm busy as a beaver.


Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:04 am
by Dealey Joe
I think Len and the community would be very well served by interviewing Judyth.If you don't blow your own horn who is going to?have you noticed that the researchers have a BIG OLD PROBLEM with live witnesses??Beats the shit outa me!!I would give anything to be able to look LHO, Bledsoe,Dobkins, Penn Jones jr. and others in the eyeand hear what they had to say.


Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:51 am
by kenmurray
Bob, Von Pein a 5th grader? Even Jethro did better than that. He graduated the 6th grade.