Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

JFK Assassination
Dealey Joe
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Dealey Joe »

Damm that takes the wind out of your sails.
Michael Dell
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Michael Dell »

Wim, thanks for posting the link. That is a brilliant article. Hopefully it will serve as a rallying cry and not a eulogy. If I could give some advice to Joe or anyone else who feels discouraged by our world's current situation, it would be to be the change you want to see in the world. If you don't like corrupt, greedy, dishonest politicians and media, do your best not to live a corrupt, dishonest, greedy life. It may sound silly, but that's all anyone can do. And if enough of us do it, things will change. Value truth, not money. Value integrity, not personal profit. Act from sacrifice, not desire. It sure isn't easy, but it's at least something we can all strive towards.And the fact a forum like this exists, where people can gather and share a pursuit of truth, is proof there's still hope.Namaste.
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Pennyworth »

Money is a person's lifeblood as ...we need it to eat and to purchase products and services and to take care of ourselves in most cases ...Its the LOVE of money above all else that is the root of all evil.... not to mention corruption....
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Bob »

Awesome last column for Paul Craig Roberts. But I sure hope it isn't really his last. I'm so embarrassed for the MSM, and the way they hide the truth and promote obvious propaganda. That asshat Chris Matthews was at again tonight, as he was talking about all the threats that have been made against Democrats who supported the healthcare bill, by those Glenn Beck led loonies from the right. Matthews mentioned that Adlai Stevenson was spit at in Dallas by right wingers, and then JFK was shot and killed by a left winger (LHO). That violence comes from both sides. Maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't seen ANY threats from the left in this entire episode. I've already sent Matthews yet ANOTHER email condemning his lies. He knows better, but Chris has already taken his 30 silver pieces, just like O'Reilly, Rather, Beck and so many others.
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by kenmurray »

God, I wish MSNBC would take that moron Mathews off the air. But then again, MSNBC might replace him with another truth seeker, Posner.
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:God, I wish MSNBC would take that moron Mathews off the air. But then again, MSNBC might replace him with another truth seeker, Posner. I wish MSNBC would get rid of that lying, disinformational coward (Matthews). Dylan Ratigan is the best talent on MSNBC right now, and he would be a great option for the 5:00 and 7:00 eastern time slots.
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:kenmurray wrote:God, I wish MSNBC would take that moron Mathews off the air. But then again, MSNBC might replace him with another truth seeker, Posner. I wish MSNBC would get rid of that lying, disinformational coward (Matthews). Dylan Ratigan is the best talent on MSNBC right now, and he would be a great option for the 5:00 and 7:00 eastern time slots.Agreed.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Dealey Joe »

I totally agree with Mr. Roberts.If you have any knowlege of Freedom it demands honesy,and integrity bound with the ability and desire for truth.Honesty is something you must learn, be taught by your elders. That is no longer being done.With all the broken homes children are no longer being taught respect. A child learns respect by observing how mom and dad respect each other.Without respect there can be no honesty or more importantly self respect.What started as a breakdown of the family structure has developed into national disaster.there is no longer an outburst or demand of accountability when something happens.It is not so different today as it was in 1963. with no respect nor ability to recognise truth whenpresidents can be murdered, citizens burned up shot and the military weapons turned on its own peoplewithout even a person really protesting. Believe all the lies ther are told as they do not recognise truth nor have the ability to respond as theyhave given up all their freedoms.Is it too late? Most likely for a peacfull solution.can we get ourselves back on track? maybe.But to drop out is unacceptable for those few left who seek after truth.We must keep telling the story of truth.continue to educate those who look for truth.What are you if you quit?
Michael Dell
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Re: Truth has fallen and taken liberty with it

Post by Michael Dell »

Keep an eye on WikiLeaks. There's supposed to be a story released soon regarding the U.S. government rounding up and killing journalists. And here's a WikiLeak from today about how the CIA tries to influence public opinion in foreign countries. It's a good look inside the propaganda machine...