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Wondering why?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:05 pm
I wonder why the democrats did'nt exploit
this? Fear of the powers that existed or was it because there was
alot of dirt on that side as well?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:12 pm
by Bob
Some things in politics and power aren't black and white like the Democrats or the Republicans. LBJ was neck deep in the JFK assassination, although most of the conspirators were strong on the far right as far as political leanings go. Just look at Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush today and their cozy relationship. It sickens me to see what a sellout that the Clintons have become. Power has a way of corrupting the true values that mankind should live by. Peace becomes war and the rich get richer.

Clinton and G H W Bush

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 1:54 am
by Jim Harwood
I agree with your statement that politics are not black and white. Given you understand this it may come as a surprise to you that both Clinton and G H W Bush have gotten together on occassion in an attempt to keep "idiot" son and "idiot" successor President from making a catastrophy, (like Tsunami, Iraq, 911) even worse.

And as a side bar I have yet to see anyone put forth a real case that an old FDR Democrat like LBJ could orchestrate the murder of John F. Kennedy. Especially given the dirty background and obsence wealth of JFK's family. A family who's very wealth and influence is derived from being political lackeys or puppets of very powerful financial interests. Financial interests which did have the means and the motive to assassinate President Kennedy.

For instance the man who helped to "destroy" the Garrison investigation, was Super Spook "Walter Sheridan" who was on the Kennedy family payroll and represented Kennedy family interests as late as the 1980's.

As you write things are never just black and white.

Re: Wondering why?

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:21 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
08.11.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.27.2006 - Mr. Al Dati Posted this interesting, and probative Headline.Messrs. Bob Fox and Jim Harwood had a short, brilliant, powerful discussion thatdeserves to be reconsidered today.The depth of the level of analysis achieved by both of these men is brilliant in my opinion.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.