My sister

JFK Assassination
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My sister

Post by dankbaar » some of the dutch guys here can give a short rundown of what happened in english, and why I am in Ibiza now.Wim
Dealey Joe
Posts: 438
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Re: My sister

Post by Dealey Joe »

We are not called back by the hospital so it is a sincere good morning. Sun is shining and I mean not only literally. I had already written about how good they are in hospital care for Helen? Everyone visiting the sheets are changed, they smell freshly laundered, bandages and plasters renewed and they also taste the famous Spanish soap (which is black with a flamenco dancer on it). That means at least two times a day! There is a very tight regime during the visits. Contradiction is not tolerated, but all around you notice the love with which she is treated. And sisters the day before yesterday when I explain that Mom Helen first sees her daughter in this state, there is one with her hand to hold. All doctors are nice and are very capable of. Peace, cleanliness and consistency. Heleen is guarded and pampered like a baby. And it is impossible to describe how much we support them in gaining her trust to leave. We will certainly not its preliminary to the Netherlands with its apology to all those who would like to see. This is only the quality of the hospital to give her condition is far from the possibility of transport.Tuesday, April 27Good morning. We are not called back so Helen is the night without complications come. Some people have the address of the hospital asked Policlinica Ntra. Sra. · Via Romana del Rosario s / n · 07800 Ibiza Spain. Heleen (here known as Helena Thankful) located in Box 8 of the UCI. There are now no cards or flowers in her room (for intensive care) but there is hopefully a time that's allowed or possible. I mention this request really, not as a call for something to send. With email and SMS, we are now fine. Nuestra Senora del Rosario is the "Virgin of the Rosary" her day on October 7. I'm not Catholic, but realized that a rosary is a prayer of 150 Hail Marys, but I will translate into 150 kisses.Helen was there this afternoon quietly, looked the best so far, and swelling were again lower. The dear sisters even had her hair combed ... Halfway through the Visiting she began to move and "fight". A good sign. The really good news came later but the doctor Juan Carlos Peiro. We can now truly say that they are no longer in immediate danger of life! Of course there are still chances of complications exist but there is no longer in a critical situation. Attention should now go to the right moment when taken from her artificial coma and see what could be the effects of brain damage. But there is every reason for cautious optimism and the good doctor stressed that a positive attitude and character, Helen help her fight. The evening visit disarray. By "acute situations," continued the UCI intensive care most of the visiting closed. Wim and I only have seen her a ten minutes. Mom Helen and Jorge could eventually fall inwards. Many of you know Jorge, he is a good friend of Helen and a "spiritual therapist" I know that Helen is delighted that he is there. Might succeed tomorrow. And Helen was busy moving and was hard to fight. As the doctor said this afternoon: she has a good spirit. In Amsterdam, a number of people tonight a special meditation session held for Helen. I have been a moment when Helen and also advised her to meditate. To me, these things too sloppy but tonight I took her place and felt like something definitely. Delicious eaten at Zarguan. And we enjoy a full moon. Are we going to do something more restful sleep under.Monday, April 26Good morning. That means we do not call the hospital about complications. This is the first thing we do when we wake up, check that we have not missed a phone call.Wim is here for me a support and anchor. He also assists and advises the blog. Through him, I still have some here dot the i's.My use of Valium and alcohol as a reader you must translate it here as we still live in fear of complications and irreversible damage to repair. Dope Against nightmares.Nice meal should be translated as we are together inpraten courage, support, cry and do everything to stay positive.We are ruled by fear for the worst but also by fear of brain damage. We cling to any positive message or sign of the nematode doctors. For us and for Helen. Every day that passes is a day for Helen and me we want so let us hear the blog.This afternoon Helen was again very quietly. And she looked much better off. The bandage on her head is gone, one end in her nose was gone and a fan blowing through her room. Her swollen eyes visibly improve. It is pretty much whether they adhere to the format for the visit of her mother's tomorrow ... All superficial things but still nice to see. We spoke with Dr.Carlos Pascuccio and that was another cautiously positive. They are her medication / anesthesia continue to decrease. If they too anxious, they increase the anesthesia again to ensure that the brain rest. Quote: In the room next to Helen is a man who had a much more severe trauma and is almost fully recovered. Each case is unique and you can not compare, but it certainly does indicate that there are sufficient grounds for hope. On the way out we spoke briefly with Dr. Juan Carlos Peiro. Who explained that the fan was to ensure that Helena temperature as constant as possible and that their brains do not have to work so hard for. His quote: It was a serious injury but she has a good chance for recovery. So nice to hear.Mom Helen (Rudy) is tonight at 7:45 p.m. landed at the airport but was still time for Helen to visit. A shock for her but still nice and encouraging. Should also be fine for Helen that her mother is now. She looked even better than since the beginning of the accident. We keep hoping.And again good to eat in the town of Jesus Can Lloc. Half a Valium and beer, slept like a logDear friends,A blog about the car accident, the state and the restoration of Helen.For Helen by Helen and Eric and the improbable number of people who care, compassion and prayer (in whatever form) for her recovery.I will start from the beginning and disclose many details as possible, sometimes completely trivial, because I know that the compassion is also a curiosity to all information available.Helen and I had been since April 12 in Ibiza. Holiday and Helen worked out here in a production for a commercial that today (April 25) will be shot. On Wednesday, April 21 and I finally get Heleen de Santana Land Rover 109. A Defender built in Spain in October 1981 that we bought last year. Because of problems with MOT and insurance was not yet ready on arrival. Getting an insurance turned out to be a difficult job and we got it Wednesday morning when the bank finally together. We are still here with Santana to the house where Helen drove the final touches to the planning of her job and then we went to a top restaurant (Es Torrent) to the beach to reach the Santana to celebrate. After a wonderful afternoon in the company of our good friend Carol, we drove for one hour or six at home. Still stopped here at locks known Ibiza shop and continued on our way. We drove on a main road, 60 km per hour. I know 100% sure because you can there only 60 and we had already seen on the journey that was controlled by police. Come to that anyway Santana had a top speed of 80 and ten minutes it took to accelerate from 50 to 80. We pass a turnoff to the beach of Sa Caleta. I see a car coming but tuff ride continues. That car with three Italian girls as passengers, however, ignore all stop signs (and there are as many and large) and just bangs on the road. I'll have tried to swerve and brake but the car crash against each other. I will be at the wheel have been plugged but is obviously quite shaken. However, I lose no time in my consciousness and when I turn to Helen and her cry to ask whether it is good, I see that they are no longer in the car. I jump out of the car, see the other car filled with smoke (later that the airbags are) and that there were people in it. But then I see Helen in those cars are ... Half of her belly and her legs are bottom-stabbing. My heart stands still and I scream her name. I kneel right at her and see her belly move from breathing. At that time already flows to all people to help. Like zijnoot positive: people are running into an accident to help and not to look. Two or three men would have to start the car to lift. I shout at them that they have to wait and that we therefore need more people. In Spanish, I still do not understand that at that moment that I got for each other. Within one minute there is a man or eight and we easily lift cars and pull it gently Helen bottom. She looks out relatively unscathed, there's some blood from her mouth but she takes breath. I put a vest other's head, check their breathing and can continue to love her as best you can. I put her in a "recovery position on her stomach because the prints are easily visible from the car and I'm sort of convinced that it has internal damage. While I love her up and keep an eye on her breathing, I try to see if she has bleeding wounds. I see nothing, maybe a few scratches. There is a Spaniard with a first aid box and call that says I must go aside because he has first aid. I tell him that I have and I have everything under control and its certainly not going to let go. From my position I can, however, the left half of her head to see the man look so request them and says there is a wound but not blood. There is no bleeding from her ears. Two other men to cover her legs and belly with a blanket of a type of silver what you do see some people get at the end of a marathon. These two people love the blanket and her fast. After about ten minutes visiting men with a jacket of Guardia Civil. Again ten minutes later, there are a number of police cars with sirens. Helen is a bit to recover, she begins to move in any case. I am worried about it because I do not really want them wake up and in pain for the ambulance there. She does not really, and yet another ten minutes later, there are ambulances. I am very decisively moved away and can not even watch. A policeman shouts: Thanks to everyone for the help and get out now! I stop so he walks up to me and grabs my arm and wants to send me away / pushing. I tell that I am the driver of the car. He continues to hold my arm and pulls me to the remains of the Santana. I give him my license and tell where the papers of the car in the car. I do not own that box open because I vibrating too much. Then he pulls me into an ambulance and recommends that I stay down there. A brother checked me quickly (I'm here) and will confer with his colleagues at that time busy with his Heleen. I can not see Helen and still scream that I want to know what it is. A nurse zeikt on paper and I tell her to rot and telling me about Helen. The brother told Helen that they treat and that we go to the hospital. I can not Heleen in the ambulance and it is one of the Italian girls with me in the ambulance put. With sirens to the hospital. There, I use the threealian girls in a sort of surgery at all. Everything is really messy and all over zeikt papers and documents. Nobody can or will say something about Helen. I lie half hours on a hospital bed but nothing really happens. So I get up and go looking for Helen. Stopped again and should answer a few questions. A nurse with a kind of neck brace that he wants to put on me. Get out, I do not want a "teatro". An MRI scan of my head made X-ray pictures of my hands, neck, spine and my rib cage. A few hours later I hear that I have broken anything. A very slightly bruised finger and a few sore ribs. We were here around seven in the hospital. I think Carol is around one hour or half past seven was. Immediate support me. Cigarettes bought me and trying to calm me. Only at twelve o'clock (I had my first pack almost) a doctor came to me about Helen. She had no serious internal injuries but a "brain trauma". She had put her in a coma for maximum brain rest. That would at least for the first 48 hours are. I could do nothing except rest and come back tomorrow. I could not see her. Then I got another kind of argument with another doctor because they had to fire me first before I could go home. Weather pee on papers and formalities. Recipe given (Valium and an anti-inflammatory) and then allowed me to take Carol to her house. There with her and her husband Rene talking about the misery, a tablet taken three beers and against all odds, as one fell asleep.Thursday, April 22. Early in the morning back to the hospital. Since we are firmly driven away. Here in Spain they do not tolerate contradiction. Visit from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and then an "informe médico, a conversation with a doctor. Before that time you will hear nothing. Not even if she is still alive. At 12:50 we are at the entrance of the UCI (ICU) to wait. Together with families of other patients. Sometime after members can go inside, one visitor per patient. If I come in the room with Helen, turn the terror back to my heart. What a horrible sight. Tubes, blue eyes, as if a boxer had been beaten, bandages, drains, short cut hair and hundreds of devices. It took a few seconds until I saw Helen as Helen. Caressing and talking. Twenty minutes. The waiting room was a nice woman some information from you (if you ever intend to get a crash in Spain, you better bring your accountant ....) but it went well for us get the doctor to inform us . A very serious quiet Dr. Juan Carlos Morero: We had to understand that they are not for nothing was in intensive care, that most still have a few weeks would last, we had to keep hope and many had to talk to her even though she later will not be able to remember. Carol and I were shocked us all its coat. Then he laid out yet where and what the damages were, two blood clots in the brains, a little blood in the separation of the hemispheres, two upper ribs are both broken in two places and a lot damaged liver. He showed us the MRI scans and explained things out. Broken ribs and liver are actually a side issue, all will go well. Artificial coma is good for recovery from brain damage and if no complications, there were no plans to operate. Patience and hope have been the best. Because I realized that I had to inform family and friends (I had not done any unnecessary panic) I thought a short list of questions to work. My first question was whether Helen could die and actually asked me that just to get to people to say that that risk was not there. Morero says that: It is not nothing in ICU. There are hundreds of possible complications so they could be dead. I was as ready with my list and waved some of my pencil in the air. So I need to warn the family asked me. Yes, he said. For some time after adding that not preparing for the worst case, but to support Helen and me. Furthermore, we had not expected that she would recover and her eyes would do that only happens in movies, in reality, the process of recovering a process of weeks and small steps. The rest of the interview I can not even remember. Whine, whine, whine. Carola was happy there and we walked out but I could light a cigarette again. Crying, I started calling family and friends. One phone call yet hysterically than others. Pain, pain, pain. The days spent in a blur, ringing and crying. In the evening we visited Helen. They moved very restless, a kind of waving arms and legs as far as possible because she is trying her on the bed vastgebonden.Ik to rest gently and whispered her to hold and caress. I'm sure she felt and heard, and at first she was calmer. After ten minutes a nurse came along and they that they are very busy and that she went back to sleep. I asked whether those moves were a good sign. Absolutely she said. And this time my heart leap with joy. The rest of the busy hours talking with Helen. Comfort, kisses, tears, and constantly talking gibberish. Then we receive many calls, tried something positive to hear, to Rene and Carol, three valium and San Miguel, slept like a log. Friday, April 23The morning consisted of coffee, cigarettes and lots of calls and text. I noticed that I already had settled. Wim, her brother, Marita and Elsbeth, two close friends of Helen, would come that evening.Helen visited but that was back in full coma. She told a lot, texting and e-mails read to much kissing (minimum 100) and say that her whole world sympathized with tears. The physician Dr. Adriana Martin, confirmed that her movements the night before were good and well that she was stable. I dared (and still is) really no more questions to.Wim, Elsbeth, Marita, Carol and I met when met in Ibiza in the mid-town favorite restaurant of Helen and me, Zarguan. Very busy and noisy. I was afraid they would find it inappropriate, but it was nice rete. Many hugs, Helen as the main subject but only in the positive. Farewell to Carol, and then taken to our home, Can Fat Yogi gone. Weather pleasant. A valium, two glasses of wine and slept unlikely balls but that was because of my sore ribs. Probably not enough alcohol consumed ....Saturday, April 24 With Marita, Wim, Elsbeth and Carola cozy breakfast and home getut. Then we visit. Was natural for their shocking. I had pictures to show they do (I do Heleen later, are not on the blog and let no one see except the hospital visitors) but the reality is quite hard. Then a conversation with the doctor Dr. Christoph Giwer, which was also the physician of the first night at the emergency room was. Was a German and it was nice also agreed to hear in another language (my German is better than my Spanish). At the very least, a laconic doctor. Strange but hopeful conversation. His statement was best: Sie mussen sich kein grosse Sorgen machen, nur small. And he affirmed that every day was profit. We left the hospital a little bit relieved. Have delicious lunch on the beach and enjoyed a bit of positive feeling. Of course now with the world calling and texting. Heleen busy in the evening and she was again very restless and seemed tevechten. Difficult to watch as she struggles with her artificial respiration but still positive. Heleen is hard to fight. I had the first really hard to leave her because I would love to help her so fighting. Like zijnoot: She is in the best hospital in Ibiza, Clinica del Rosario Sra. ... ntensivos- 28uci%% 29-9.html The attention of the staff, the ability to radiate the doctors, the ultra-ultra-modern equipment, everything can fully trust. For me they have nowhere else to lie. On each visit she has new and clean sheets are the links refreshed, she washed (I can taste when I kiss her) and there are at least three nurses and a doctor around for up to nine patients. I trust them completely and top completely. They are absolutely loving and caring for Helen who obviously only subconsciously it can get. In the evening we ate at Zarguan, it was nice to each other milligrams any positive news to celebrate. At home have to spend another drunk. Valium, two glasses of white wine and slept.Sunday, April 25Marita and Elsbeth left at half past six in the morning. They let me sleep and Wim coasts but still to leave. Around that time they also started shooting the commercial for Heleen. I had the night before Syb called on the set so that the cautiously positive noises could share with the crew that Heleen course all know and empathize.With Carol and Bill, Helen visited again. Positive again. It moves but it still seems less struggle than yesterday. I swear I could see her face a little refurbishing. Wishfull looking maybe. But we felt all three of us back a bit better. Then met with Dr. Assuncion Pablos. Mostly Spanish and sometimes English. Very nice woman. Very nice conversation. Best decision: El tiempo se nuestra parte and correlates. Time is on our side. Moving in the right direction ......Evening Helen was quite calm again. She had her back to sleep / coma brought her to rest. The swelling in her face seem thinner and also change some blue yellow to blue, so it restored. We "can not pray" (a quote from my brother) but hope to ask and in all ways that are on the inside of her head as well restored. Together with Wim delicious eaten on a terrace. Valium, three wine and slept well.
Dealey Joe
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Re: My sister

Post by Dealey Joe »

Uploaded with ImageShack.usUploaded with ImageShack.usWim our prayers are with you and your family.
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Re: My sister

Post by kenmurray »

Prayers for sure for you Wim and your family.
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Re: My sister

Post by Bob »

Wim, my best to your sister Helen...and to you and your family. It sounds like the care is fantastic. The hospitalization of Helen sounds a lot like mine after my accident. My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend.
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Re: My sister

Post by ChristophMessner »

Wim, I'm sorry to hear that your sister had an accident. I hope all of God's and Earth's angels will help her for a soon and complete recovery as I cross my fingers, too! Thanks for letting us share. Chris
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Re: My sister

Post by dankbaar »

Dealey Joe,That is amazing!How did you do that?And many thanks for the support of all you.Wim
Dealey Joe
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Re: My sister

Post by Dealey Joe »

Wim the magic of Google.Hope Sis is better.
Posts: 39
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Re: My sister

Post by Kirk »

Wim,I add my thoughts and prayers for you and your Family at this time with all the others. I am a believer in grace and grace is always there.Kirk
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Re: My sister

Post by Frenchy »

Hope your Sister is ok Wim, prayers go out to her.David