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The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:49 pm
by ChristophMessner
Let's just think over whether some silenced bullets came from the trucks or County Records Building or else, but just NOT TSBD NOR Dal Tex: a) the headshot bullet from behind was never found, although it exited at the right temple. So did this bullet just continue into Connally's chest? Imagine if the origin of the bullet was from the roof of the Records Building, is the angle matching then? If the DPD was so corrupt it's even possible that it came from the roof of their building, they would have had the means and it explains the curious trajectory of exiting out of the right temple, which wasn't possible from the TSBD. b) Mr. Connally's trunk was pushed forward pretty exactly at the time of the headshot. But during this push forward he is holding his hat with his right wrist still pretty high to his right side. So the wrist most probably was shot long past Z313 by another bullet! If the Connally wrist+thigh shot was past Z320 could it be that the shot was from the TSBD west window? Anyway, didn't the shot through Connally's wrist rather continue straight forward onto Kellerman's bulletproof vest? Kellerman was visibly pushed forward! c) Could the frame dent and windshield crack responsible bullet(s) have been deflections of parts of the headshot and Connally bullets? Most probably NO! Cause from the headshot it must have flown a curve to the frame dent positon and JFK's forehead was left intact. And bullet parts from the Connally wounds deflecting to the frame dent or windshield crack? Pretty strange angle, isn't it? So most probably the responsible bullet(s) for the frame dent and the windshield crack was/were from (an)other bullet(s), but how could any shooter from TSBD or DalTex miss so much? So isn't there a high probablity that shot(s) was/were fired from the trucks near the DalTex? Cause JFKs head and the frame dent lie in a horizontal trajectory? d) the back and to the left movement of JFK's head past Z314 pretty much indicate(s) one or two shot(s) from the right front. But strangely this/these bullet(s) from there left no left-side damage to the skull. But if you look carefully once more you can see, that JFK's head moves straight back from Z314 to Z318 and only then the skull is pushed harshly to the left. So did a second shot from the front hit the top of JFK's skull at around Z317 to Z319, while the first headshot from the right front was a frangible bullet into the right temple hitting a corner of bone on the hole rim, causing these extraordinary jets 70 degrees white jets upwards and 250 degrees red splash downwards?

Re: The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:01 pm
by Bob
I like the way your mind works Chris. I would say that the Records building would be a good possibility, besides the Dal-Tex building and the knoll area. Maybe the TSBD...but definitely not LHO.

Re: The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 12:27 pm
by ChristophMessner
Definitely, Bob! I like your steadfastness, too, I wouldn't be able to keep track like you do! Let's hope the sand we blow into the money-military-monster-machine will grind the warmongers till standstill!

Re: The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 1:01 pm
by Dealey Joe
What do you guys think about the pickup that was parked up on the TSBD road then was imediatly gone?Any shooting from that truck would have been from the side.It might account for the 45 slug that was found on the ground across the road.Notice the truck with someone standing beside itseconds later it is gone?

Re: The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 6:07 pm
by ChristophMessner
Good observation, but is it possible that the truck wasn't just visible from the street cause Elm street was deeper? Aren't the trucks standing at the DalTex building more likely for being the origin of the line of fire?

Re: The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:32 pm
by Dealey Joe
I guess everything is possible.

Re: The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:44 pm
by JDThomas ... y.jpglooks like it was gone when James Files was rambling by

Re: The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 9:20 pm
by Dealey Joe
That particular photo is interesting.nitice the folks are still lying on the lawn.wonder if there are any videos of that area at that time?i would like to know where that vehicle went?

Re: The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:48 am
by ThomZajac
Chris, you wrote that a bullet exited JFK's right temple but this is very much disputable.Here's a question; if a bullet exited JFK's right temple, where did it enter? Wouldn't such a wound have had to been in the left rear side of the president's head? No witnesses, as far as I know, place a wound there, and even the doctored evidence of the autopsy photos and the Zapruder film don't place an entry wound there (I know not everyone agrees that the autopsy photos and the Zapruder film are anything less than genuine, but I am certainly not alone in this viewpoint). Or am I missing something?

Re: The shots that didn't come from TSBD and DalTex either ...

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 11:28 am
by ChristophMessner
JDThomas wrote: ... y.jpglooks like it was gone when James Files was rambling byJD, by the Wiegman and the Couch film we might be able to calculate the time from the last shot till this Bothun photo and then we can tell, whether it was possible for Files to walk so far from the fence to this place already in that time. Chris Dealey Joe wrote:That particular photo is interesting.nitice the folks are still lying on the lawn.wonder if there are any videos of that area at that time?i would like to know where that vehicle went?The Towner Film shows the area, but maybe too dark. Roger Craig reported having hindered a woman leaving the parking lot in a car either. The vehicle went to the place where the radio control center had appointed it to before maybe. ThomZajac wrote:Chris, you wrote that a bullet exited JFK's right temple but this is very much disputable.Here's a question; if a bullet exited JFK's right temple, where did it enter? Wouldn't such a wound have had to been in the left rear side of the president's head? No witnesses, as far as I know, place a wound there, and even the doctored evidence of the autopsy photos and the Zapruder film don't place an entry wound there (I know not everyone agrees that the autopsy photos and the Zapruder film are anything less than genuine, but I am certainly not alone in this viewpoint). Or am I missing something?Maybe you missed that JFK looked downward and leaned sideward pretty much already at Z312. The shot could have entered very high in the rear middle and still exit in the right temple and if the shot was fired from the roof of the Records Building then it was possible the more.