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Information I have learned from the Forum:

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:38 pm
by Kirk
I wanted to start a new topic about what I have learned and come across from this forum. Yes, this is kind of plug and compliment, but in my opinion a deserved one. These are a few of things in no real order of importance or chronology.1) The alteration of many of the pictures and Zapruder film.2) The importance of the Civil Air Patrol not only to the Assassination, but other Intelligence operations. Oswald, Ferrie, Bledsoe and Bird etc. etc.3) David Atlee Phillips and Gen. Landsdale input.4) Concrete evidence in my opinion of Ruby and Oswald knowing each other. The rooming house incident rings very true.5) If any weapon was used from the TSBD it was a Mauser. At this point Roger Craig words can not be doubted. Why the Mannlicher ruse is still a question that needs thought. I think that answer will tell us everything we really need to know about what part or side Lee Oswald was on.Many others things I have read about before, but the forum has helped to confirm or discount what I thought I knew. In general there is so much information to read, even without the some the biases, but even that does help to give balance to different opinions and theories. What I have listed so far is still a drop in the bucket of what I have learned, and probably what I need to learn in the future.Lately I have been going back to older topics and post using the search. I found this from one of those post is well done, and has some film that I have not seen before, and ties up many different angles in a way that can be understood. I am not sure I agree with all of it, but I can understand why somebody would have this view. There are 5 parts and they do take time. I am sure many of you have already seen it. Experience on here taught me that lesson as well.

Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:37 pm
by kenmurray
Kirk, that is a great link that you found. I have used it a few times on the forum. The 5 part series you must be referring to is the "Evidence Of Revision" documentary. I have said many times before that in my opinion it's the best one I have seen. Watch the whole thing. You won't be disappointed.

Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:41 pm
by Dealey Joe
Evidence of Revision is good.Kirk one thing I would mention is the very important thing that a forum does isto allow for expansion of knowledge. not from one teacher but most of all fromthose new and old who asks questions and provokes thought and research.I want to compliment your attitude here on the forum and I always rush to see what you have is a pleasure to know you.

The best never rest

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:25 am
by Phil Dragoo
In Horne V there is much enhancement of the Douglass Unspeakable context which in turn was amplification of Prouty.There has been some mocking of Horne vis-a-vis Lifton but the 6:35 arrival and 6:45-7:15 pre-autopsy is established.Meanwhile Joe and Jerry and the boys have the neighborhood canvassed.Over at lancer it seems there are those who relish squabbling over details and want to muddy things, obfuscate the clarity that in the final analysis we are dealing with a coup.Jack White on DEEP asks if there's a new book claiming Ray killed King, and I found a book called Hellhound that came out last month by a Hampton Sides that claims that--and of course it's rubbish. William Pepper established for me that Ray was following Raoul. Then there are the Mark Lane/Dick Gregory and Harold Weisberg books.I had reacted with such shock in 75 seeing Zapruder, and find Horne convincing re alteration with the Events I & II at NPIC on Saturday and Sunday. Amplification, refinement.Here is a company which encourages that.

Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:07 pm
by Kirk
True and thanks Ken,I remember your links from before when it would cover that part of the material. I watched the whole thing and felt less overwhelmedbecause so much of the information came together.Kirk]kenmurray wrote:Kirk, that is a great link that you found. I have used it a few times on the forum. The 5 part series you must be referring to is the "Evidence Of Revision" documentary. I have said many times before that in my opinion it's the best one I have seen. Watch the whole thing. You won't be disappointed.

Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:10 pm
by Bob
Kirk wrote:I wanted to start a new topic about what I have learned and come across from this forum. Yes, this is kind of plug and compliment, but in my opinion a deserved one. These are a few of things in no real order of importance or chronology.1) The alteration of many of the pictures and Zapruder film.2) The importance of the Civil Air Patrol not only to the Assassination, but other Intelligence operations. Oswald, Ferrie, Bledsoe and Bird etc. etc.3) David Atlee Phillips and Gen. Landsdale input.4) Concrete evidence in my opinion of Ruby and Oswald knowing each other. The rooming house incident rings very true.5) If any weapon was used from the TSBD it was a Mauser. At this point Roger Craig words can not be doubted. Why the Mannlicher ruse is still a question that needs thought. I think that answer will tell us everything we really need to know about what part or side Lee Oswald was on.Many others things I have read about before, but the forum has helped to confirm or discount what I thought I knew. In general there is so much information to read, even without the some the biases, but even that does help to give balance to different opinions and theories. What I have listed so far is still a drop in the bucket of what I have learned, and probably what I need to learn in the future.Lately I have been going back to older topics and post using the search. I found this from one of those post is well done, and has some film that I have not seen before, and ties up many different angles in a way that can be understood. I am not sure I agree with all of it, but I can understand why somebody would have this view. There are 5 parts and they do take time. I am sure many of you have already seen it. Experience on here taught me that lesson as well.Thanks Captain Kirk, but as I say...we ALL learn from each other. It's folks like you, Joe, Ken, Phil, Thom, Katisha, Andries, Chris, PP and so many others that make this forum great. It's the sharing of great information that makes our bond stronger. Notice I said information...not DISINFORMATION...which is so prevalent in the MSM and in other forums. Yes...we still have some disinformation folks that chime in from time to time, but more often then not, their modus operandi is easily discovered. I agree with all the things you have noted. We need to keep looking at those aspects, like Joe has done with the LCAP and Porter Bledsoe. And what I have tried to do with David Atlee Phillips being at LHO's midnight press conference. Ken has been an enormous help with his great links as well, that bring a wealth of useful information. We all have different interests regarding what happened on 11/22/1963, but we seems like we try to link our thoughts together in this forum. That says a lot about our membership.

Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:16 pm
by Kirk
Thank you Joe for your kind words and confidence. What some in the Assassination Study Community do not realise is that most us share something very personal, which is not just our opinions, beliefs and interest, but our willingness to be involved and take the time and energy required. Most people have an opinion of the subject, and some have an interest in it as well, but very few unfortunately have the willingness and the drive to try and get to the truth of the matter. Of course their are a few on other forums that only have the interest and willingness because of their own agenda, but they give themselves aways at least to us, but unfortunately they are playing mainly for the masses that only have opinions and some interest, but not the willingness to be involved.Dealey Joe wrote:Evidence of Revision is good.Kirk one thing I would mention is the very important thing that a forum does isto allow for expansion of knowledge. not from one teacher but most of all fromthose new and old who asks questions and provokes thought and research.I want to compliment your attitude here on the forum and I always rush to see what you have is a pleasure to know you.

Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:21 pm
by Kirk
I couldn't agree more BobThanks Captain Kirk, but as I say...we ALL learn from each other. It's folks like you, Joe, Ken, Phil, Thom, Katisha, Andries, Chris, PP and so many others that make this forum great. It's the sharing of great information that makes our bond stronger. Notice I said information...not DISINFORMATION...which is so prevalent in the MSM and in other forums. Yes...we still have some disinformation folks that chime in from time to time, but more often then not, their modus operandi is easily discovered. I agree with all the things you have noted. We need to keep looking at those aspects, like Joe has done with the LCAP and Porter Bledsoe. And what I have tried to do with David Atlee Phillips being at LHO's midnight press conference. Ken has been an enormous help with his great links as well, that bring a wealth of useful information. We all have different interests regarding what happened on 11/22/1963, but we seems like we try to link our thoughts together in this forum. That says a lot about our membership. "Follow the money." - Deep Throat

Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:45 pm
by kenmurray
Kirk be sure to watch all those videos on this site as well:

Re: Information I have learned from the Forum:

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:05 pm
by andries
I have learned a lot from you guys and if i comparethis JFK forum with others i think it,s the best one.You don,t need to shut your mouth and you are free to speak yourconspiracy or non conspiracy mind.So here,s one for the road,i really can,t stand those lone Gouvermentsadotslavelonenutmoneydiggers Lets put all of them on the Unesco list not for protection But for HELP,so we can ALL keep them allive, insteadoff only letting them depending on a thankfull gouverment.