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Jim DiEugenio Responds To Von Pein's Challenge

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 3:41 pm
by kenmurray
Jim sent me this E-mail. He wanted it posted over at jfk assassination since Von Pein posted his challenge over there. So I posted it over there. Anyway, here is Jim's response:Ken, Please post the following for me:As most people know by now, Dave Von Pein was stung by my two part essay on his rather bizarre Internet career and his almost fanatical devotion to Reclaiming History. Evidently, one part that really frazzled him was when I revealed that although Vincent Bugliosi's secretary has asked him to debate Commission critics on cable, DVP has actually declined at least two opportunities to do so on the radio, one by Len Osanic and one by myself.Before proceeding, let us be clear: these were extended to him many months ago via e mail. He did not accept either offer. He opted for what he called "paper debates" with me over VB's book. Further, he listened to me re-extend the offer on Osanic's show several times, over many weeks. I even went after specific points he had made in reply to me in his "paper debates" Still, no taking up of the baton.But now, after my two part DVP take down, he wants to debate me. But, get this, he wants to set the guidelines! On Len Osanic's show! And Len is the guy he has ridiculed and who's show he has characterized as "Retard Radio" with all of two listeners! Only Stephen Colbert could not recognize the irony.He then e mails me privately and asks to be able to name his own format. When I tell him that this is really a decision to be made by Len, he then says that it was me who has so much influence over Len and it was me who came up with the debate concept anyway. This last is typical Von Pein-Colbert. To the point it epitomizes why he isn't worth talking to. If one was interested in finding out whose idea the debate concept was, the question to pose would be: "Jim, why did you offer that debate challenge out of the blue after being a semi-regular on Len's show for many months?"DVP never asked that question. The answer is this: I offered the challenge because a regular listener to Black Op asked me to. Frank from Toronto also posts on Len's forums. He had been involved with some flame wars with DVP and his like over at IMDB. So he asked me to extend the challenge. It was his idea, not mine. Left to my own devices, I would have never thought up such a thing. So there goes another baseless assumption by DVP.Here goes another: I can only offer Len suggestions. It is not my show. It is his show. He does the hard work of putting it together, airing it and archiving it. Sometimes he likes my ideas, sometimes he does not. I have relayed him DVP's offer twice. He was not replied to me.Third, the debate format for the John McAdams debate with me was posed by Len. That is, to take questions from the audience. We then decided on the time limits. This was fair and equitable I thought. But even here, there was a problem. And I was warned about it. McAdams has a tendency to both smear his adversay and to create "factoids"--that is he demeans his opponent personally, and he then makes stuff up. The former was really something, because he made me promise not to use such tactics against him as a condition for appearing on the show! I wasn't allowed to call him a disinformationist--even though he is. And he proved it during the debate on multiple occasions. And when I pointed this out, he got angry with me e.g. his misrepresentation of Michael Kurtz's first book and his essay on Banister, Oswald and Ferrie. If you listen to the second part of the debate, in my last two segments, I pointed out where he manufactured and misrepresented evidence and facts. And I then used parts of two following shows to give more examples of his penchant for fabrication.Now McAdams indulged in these two penchants of his for a scripted debate. Can you imagine what DVP could do in a debate that was off the cuff--where he could make up his own questions? If you can't, based on his record--as with Z 224--I sure can. So, no he won't get to pick his format. Especially one which favors his propagandistic and derisive approach to facts and evidence.As for the actual debate, that is Len's decision. He may or may not do it. As I said, I did my part, twice. And I told him I was willing. So its in his hands. Len may feel he has other fish to fry. Probably because the show is growing and he has plans at expanding it and branching out to other endeavors.Lastly, I have chosen to reply to DVP publicly and in his lair since I learned he had violated an unwritten code by making public what I thought was a private correspondence, and then not telling me he was doing so. So, since he did it, I did it. Because of this I will not reply to his emails ever again. I should not have in the first place.As they say, if you lie down with get fleas.Jim DiEugenioPS If DVP wants to make his own show and then extend the invite to me, why don't he, McAdams, and Ken Rahn make their own radio network for Warren Commission advocates. I imagine it will be about as successful as that 2005 conference of Non Conspiracists United.

Re: Jim DiEugenio Responds To Von Pein's Challenge

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 4:36 pm
by Dealey Joe
who is Stephen Colbert

Re: Jim DiEugenio Responds To Von Pein's Challenge

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 4:55 pm
by kenmurray
Dealey Joe wrote:who is Stephen ColbertJoe, this is Stephen Colbert:

Re: Jim DiEugenio Responds To Von Pein's Challenge

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:12 pm
by kenmurray
Jim D. will appear on BOR tonight at 9PM EST. I have a feeling this topic will be discussed in more detail.

Pig wrestling

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:25 pm
by Phil Dragoo
It's not productive to wrestle pigs. You get dirty; the pig enjoys it."Factoids?" Here are some McFactoids: Von Pein has rebuffed all previous invitations from Jim DiEugenio.Now demands a laundry list of conditions--on somebody else's show.Von Pein presents as A Profile in Cowardice.If he shows up, Jim will still be debating An Empty Chair.

Re: Pig wrestling

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:32 pm
by kenmurray
Phil Dragoo wrote:It's not productive to wrestle pigs. You get dirty; the pig enjoys it."Factoids?" Here are some McFactoids: Von Pein has rebuffed all previous invitations from Jim DiEugenio.Now demands a laundry list of conditions--on somebody else's show.Von Pein presents as A Profile in Cowardice.If he shows up, Jim will still be debating An Empty Chair.Phil, I think an empty chair would do better in this case.

Re: Jim DiEugenio Responds To Von Pein's Challenge

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:02 pm
by Dealey Joe
is McAdams one of Bobs friends from Millwakee I think these guys only tool is character assassination.puts everyone on the defensive. usually works pretty well for them.It is a natural reaction to want to defend yourself.Then you are screwed.

Re: Jim DiEugenio Responds To Von Pein's Challenge

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 7:55 pm
by andries
I finally found von pein ,and indeed as his mother says he does look a little like tom salleck,does he ? ... re=related

Re: Jim DiEugenio Responds To Von Pein's Challenge

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:26 pm
by kenmurray
andries wrote:I finally found von pein ,and indeed as his mother says he does look a little like tom salleck,does he ? ... tedAndries, that's hilarious.That needs to happen sooner than later.

Re: Jim DiEugenio Responds To Von Pein's Challenge

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 8:36 pm
by Dealey Joe
I think that is him