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Happy Birthday Mr. President

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:16 pm
by Bob
Had JFK lived, today would have been his 89th birthday. Coincidently, I also share the same birthday. Anyway, I watched "Thirteen Days" last night and I was jolted back to how close we came to nuclear war in October, 1962. If you have never seen "Thirteen Days", I would suggest you see it. Like "JFK", the movie stars Kevin Costner. The movie really gives an excellent overview as to how JFK came to his decision to use a quarantine to stop advancing Soviet ships as they approached Cuba. At the same time, JFK came up with a plan to force the Soviets to remove their missiles from Cuba. Bottom line, because JFK was cautious and also thought out all the scenarios that were in front of him, the world averted nuclear war and WWIII. I thank God that an imbecilic, incompetent idiot like "Dumbya" Bu$h wasn't in office then. He SURELY would have followed the advice of the neo-cons and invaded Cuba or bombed the island starting a nuclear exchange. As I have mentioned to Bruce, JFK's actions during this crisis were maybe the most important of any President of the 20th century.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:35 pm
by Dawn Meredith
Not a single 5/29 goes by that I don't think of this birthday with sadness and anger.

I just totally agree with your post. I have seen "13 Days" and think it
should be shown in schools, as part of a "good history" class. Ya, just imagine the goons today in power then. (Well actually after 11/21 they WERE in power!) (And have passed it on to the neocons in there now).

W has all but dismantled the Constitution, gotten us into two costly wars, the national debt is beyond imagination as well as repair....yet apathy reigns supreme.

Just so long as they say "terrorism" or "national security"* there is no limit on what these nuts can get away with.

Oh for a president like Jack.


* On Friday 11/22/87, on the 24th anniversary of the assassination I wrote a song called "The news is bad" and the bridge part goes:
"The truth is there for those who'll see
Locked in some haze they call 'National security ' ".

...the more things change....

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:23 pm
by Dan
W has all but dismantled the Constitution, gotten us into two costly wars, the national debt is beyond imagination as well as repair....yet apathy reigns supreme.

I don't think the correct term is apathy - I think the correct term is "relief". After those 8 horrible Clinton years, US citizens are relieved that Clinton is gone!

Now it is time for the lame duck to go. We'll have 4 years of some Demon-rat inflicting their social agenda upon the masses - that will cause the country to want more relief - setting the stage for JEB!

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 10:59 pm
by Bob
The Clintons are sellouts. Hillary backed the war in Iraq and is now hanging out with Rupert Murdoch and other big corporate interests. Slick Willie has his nose so far up Poppy Bu$h's ass, that it's constantly brown. Jeb Bu$h??? Yeah right! Two Bu$h Presidencies...fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!


Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:45 pm
by Jim Harwood
Heck Bob the American population are the real sell outs. They gave up their citizenship years ago. More people vote during American Idol TV program than in elections.

President Kennedy's legacy

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:56 am
by Jim Harwood
On his birthday here is a tribute to JFK President. ... _mich.html