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I pissed some people off...guess who?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:17 pm
by Bob
If you haven't guessed it is... ... 8.0.htmlIt looks like I stirred up a shit storm with the whole flock (of disinformation types that is). Also...I still have not seen ANYONE dispute one thing that I wrote in the story on Dave Perry either. Why? Because there is nothing to dispute. I wrote about facts, not some fiction I pulled out of my ass like the lone nutters use so often. Even Perry is mute.

Re: I pissed some people off...guess who?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:13 pm
by Kirk
Well Bob,Personally I think it is funny. Not because you are partly the subject, but because you and the CIA are partly the subject. I am surprised that anybody that has read anything about the assassination or the CIA would be surprised that the CIA could be bankrolling the lone nut efforts. It is chump change both literal and figurative for the CIA. Sometimes you can tell you are making a difference in this world by the numbers of people that are mad at you.Kirk

Re: I pissed some people off...guess who?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:57 pm
by ThomZajac
I think that virtually all of the funding done by the CIA is covert- the recipients don't know that their funding is coming from a CIA source.

Re: I pissed some people off...guess who?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:01 pm
by kenmurray
Bob, you should be ashamed of yourself pissing off that flock of disoriented lone nutters. What a motley crue we have over there. We have this so called ballistics expert name Mike Williams.He's the expert on the Carcano. He took a carcano out in the woods and fired some shots just like Dr. Lattimer did with his son in his book "Kennedy and Lincoln" which Von Pein gave a great review on Amazon. Well, we know that book isn't worth a damn if Von Pein likes it. So Mr. Williams and Dr. Lattimer have solved the JFK assassination.

Re: I pissed some people off...guess who?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:22 pm
by Dealey Joe
Mr. Marine couldn't find a bull dozer in a living room.For one he would'n even look.He would be too busy helping Mr. Chicken trying to prove "It ain't there"

Re: I pissed some people off...guess who?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:36 pm
by Bob
Kirk wrote:Well Bob,Personally I think it is funny. Not because you are partly the subject, but because you and the CIA are partly the subject. I am surprised that anybody that has read anything about the assassination or the CIA would be surprised that the CIA could be bankrolling the lone nut efforts. It is chump change both literal and figurative for the CIA. Sometimes you can tell you are making a difference in this world by the numbers of people that are mad at you.KirkI find it quite hilarious myself. Like the CIA doesn't fund authors, MSM types or disinfo hacks. Yeah right. Neither does the Military Industrial Complex. How many ex-Generals did we see on FOX, CNN or MSNBC saying why the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were correct when it all started? Just look at government legislation in the United States. It is ALL steered by the lobbyists. Like lobbyists from big banking, big oil, big insurance, big communication...big $$$. Who is the CIA linked with more than anyone? Big banking. Think about Iran/Contra. Think about Mena. Then think about big oil. Connect the dots to Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran will be the next country on the hit list. If Israel doesn't beat the U.S. to it first. JFK saw the future we currently live in. He tried to stop it as well. But the bastards killed him and now they are working on the rest of the world. I can't speak for the rest of the world, but I would say that were are close to being in critical condition right now as a country. Thomas Jefferson has to be rolling in his grave.

Arlen and his willing handmaidens

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:55 pm
by Phil Dragoo
BobDavid Von Pein has a photo as his avatar showing his remarkable resemblance to our 35th president.Somehow a fellow who wasn't on the sixth floor, who never owned the weapon in question, who did not fire any shouldered weapon that day, whose theoretical line of sight cannot account for the occipital wound of exit, who had no motive to murder, who was an asset of three agencies, who never stood trial and was silenced by a mobster with FBI/CIA gunrunning pedigree is the Holy Grail of Langley's mockingbirds.They present as bulletheaded OCD--it's America, and that's their right---Right, Senator?

Re: Arlen and his willing handmaidens

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:42 am
by Kirk
Phil Dragoo wrote:BobDavid Von Pein has a photo as his avatar showing his remarkable resemblance to our 35th president.Somehow a fellow who wasn't on the sixth floor, who never owned the weapon in question, who did not fire any shouldered weapon that day, whose theoretical line of sight cannot account for the occipital wound of exit, who had no motive to murder, who was an asset of three agencies, who never stood trial and was silenced by a mobster with FBI/CIA gunrunning pedigree is the Holy Grail of Langley's mockingbirds.They present as bulletheaded OCD--it's America, and that's their right---Right, Senator?Phil,Soon to be former Senator I might add, but the damage has been done. Specter's true agenda was not proving the Warren Commission's case against Oswald or the Lone Nut Theory, but proving his value to the power elites. Proving he could be counted on to do whatever it took and whatever they asked. He got to be Senator for almost the rest of his life. I am not sure if everybody is for sale, but I know Specter was, and he was not blind about it. I think he was the first to know that the Magic Bullet didn't and couldn't happen.Kirk

Re: I pissed some people off...guess who?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:03 pm
by Kirk
I find it quite hilarious myself. Like the CIA doesn't fund authors, MSM types or disinfo hacks. Yeah right. Neither does the Military Industrial Complex. How many ex-Generals did we see on FOX, CNN or MSNBC saying why the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were correct when it all started? Just look at government legislation in the United States. It is ALL steered by the lobbyists. Like lobbyists from big banking, big oil, big insurance, big communication...big $$$. Who is the CIA linked with more than anyone? Big banking. Think about Iran/Contra. Think about Mena. Then think about big oil. Connect the dots to Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran will be the next country on the hit list. If Israel doesn't beat the U.S. to it first. JFK saw the future we currently live in. He tried to stop it as well. But the bastards killed him and now they are working on the rest of the world. I can't speak for the rest of the world, but I would say that were are close to being in critical condition right now as a country. Thomas Jefferson has to be rolling in his grave.[/quote]Bob,Getting older gives one experience and wisdom, but that doesn't make one wise of course. It is the use of that experience and wisdom without justifications and agendas that makes one wise. We live in age of opinions, which is ok, but not much of a help. It is only a thoughtful opinion that has a chance to enlighten or make positive difference. What makes you and many others on this side or on this forum targets is not just what you all have to say, but the fact that by and large you all are thoughtful and rational. That is the threat to those that are not so.It is true that we fall prey to temptation to make a joke of them at their expense, which is fun but not always helpful.I will post some later. For some reason I have been having trouble posting on the forum of late. I am sure it is me.

Re: I pissed some people off...guess who?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:46 pm
by Kirk
Bob,continued I figure that I can write my post on something else, and just cut and paste. Maybe that it is how you all do it.You and others have stated the perfect point that the CIA could support the Warren Commisson supporters without the supporters even knowing it. The CIA is pretty good at doing things without leaving fingerprints. That is what they do for a living. Now Arlen Specter knows where his bread is buttered. He may have created a stupid myth, but he brilliant. Gary Mack may or may not know, and maybe not want to know at least not enough. It is possible he was the first to take the bait, after others turned it down, but he is not the only one for sure. Of course he was offered the bait to begin with because he was respected in the community. It is a lesson of course that the greater your standing and respect in the Assassination Research community, the greater your opportunities to be tempted by others to turn. All the CIA or Power Elites need are but a few respected researchers to find their own religion to keep the debate seemingly even. Of course when I say CIA, I mean those that control the CIA. At this point I don't believe they even care about winning the debate, or forever discounting those that do not believe that only one or only Oswald fired at the motorcade. I think they just want to keep us all divided just enough that time and weariness takes hold to the point that most of the people end up not caring or questioning what the truth might be. Kind of running out the clock etc. They are doing a good job of that, and at times I think they are close to complete success, but they haven't succeeded yet, and yet is always hope.The one guy on the other side that I really can't stand is Posner. When he wrote Case Closed, I said hold on a minute. I watched his interviews, and found him to be terribly transparent and a phony. I read his book, which was the worst kind of journalism and rehash with made up evidence or discounted rumors. I watched as the Media ate it with a spoon. I was heartsick really for awhile. I knew better, but I am stilling learning, and that is the problem with the otherside. They are not interested in learning or questioning.Actually, believe it or not, I owe Posner a debt of thanks because he opened my eyes to the fact that much of the media and research dealing with the Assassination was not just lazy and incompetent, but actually currupt. Seems obvious now, but was not so before at least for me.Now, Mark Lane is representing Posner, but with good intentions maybe......Kirk