The CIA runs the White House

JFK Assassination
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The CIA runs the White House

Post by Bob »

This has been said before, but every President since Poppy Bu$h has had CLEAR CIA connections. Wayne Madsen has said that President Obama was a CIA operative at Columbia University. Dumbya was like his dad Poppy, in terms of being tied in with failed businesses that were fronts for the CIA. Slick Willie and Poppy were tied at the hip in Mena, when the CIA was doing the massive drug running there. Poppy really controlled things in the White House after Reagan was almost assassinated. See Iran/Contra, Mena etc. Also look at all the guys that have been CIA directors under these Presidents. Currently you have Leon Panetta, a former Clinton aide. Under Dumbya, you had Slick Willie's CIA director George Tenet, who allowed 9/11 to take place. Dumbya also had Porter Goss as CIA director, who was a former Iran/Contra player and a former Operation 40 guy. Michael Hayden was someone from the Military Industrial Complex who was allowed to run the CIA with two wars waging in Iraq and Afghanistan. Poppy had current Secretary of Defense Bob Gates as one of his CIA directors. Gates is yet ANOTHER former Iran/Contra player. The CIA helped to assassinate JFK and now they basically run the White House, along with some other foxes (see Wall Street, Big Oil, Big Insurance/Pharma, AIPAC/Israel ) that also run that hen house. Now look at this story... ... neralObama went out of his way to clear the CIA of using torture tactics. He has escalated the war in Afghanistan, while nothing has changed in Iraq. There are more private contractors (Blackwater, Halliburton, etc.) on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq than troops now.When Obama makes a decision think about who really pulls the strings at the White House. It's the power elite. The CIA is a BIG part of that group. This process started when they killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 11/22/1963. A future CIA director and a future President was part of that conspiracy. Right Poppy?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.10.2010:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Bob - You and I have been JFK Forum Members long enough to remember the JFK Forum being crashed several times with much of our material being "destroyed," and never replaced. As a member here from almost the very beginning, several hundred of my Postings and Headlines have never been replaced by me. And Wim also accidentally erased my membership a few times while working on some Private Matters of ours over the years.I know that I Posted this several times in the past, and I will reiterate it in support of your above Headline which is Spot On.MacArthur, the movie, starring Gregory Peck, wherein MacArthur in a rage bellows:"Who are these temporary occupants of the White House who actually think that they run this country ?'This quote from the movie was supposedly historically very accurate.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: The CIA runs the White House

Post by Kirk »

Mr. Brychek,From what I have read about Gen. MacArthur that would sound pretty close to at least his feelings. He definitely felt like many past Military Leaders that civilian Leadership should be subordinate to the military in times of war. Of course he didn't know or respect Truman, who made his career in the Senate by exposing corruption and fraud in the war material contracts during WW 2, which I am sure you and most know. Truman was also trying to prove that he was not tainted by the Kansas City mob and Pendergass. Well Truman stayed and MacArthur faded away like an old soldier.I am not as convinced that President Obama is a either lackey or a willing stooge for the powers that be, as many of you seem to be. I do believe he could do more, and may have wasted the chance of real change by working within the system, which has become beyond the point of little fixes, but in need of a complete overhaul. I think he has been mislead by many of his own for which he is to blame at the end of the day, but I believe he is learning still. He might yet surprize us. I have no proof of course, only some faith and personal insight from being in DC as a kid.Kirk
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Re: The CIA runs the White House

Post by Bob »

Kirk wrote:Mr. Brychek,From what I have read about Gen. MacArthur that would sound pretty close to at least his feelings. He definitely felt like many past Military Leaders that civilian Leadership should be subordinate to the military in times of war. Of course he didn't know or respect Truman, who made his career in the Senate by exposing corruption and fraud in the war material contracts during WW 2, which I am sure you and most know. Truman was also trying to prove that he was not tainted by the Kansas City mob and Pendergass. Well Truman stayed and MacArthur faded away like an old soldier.I am not as convinced that President Obama is a either lackey or a willing stooge for the powers that be, as many of you seem to be. I do believe he could do more, and may have wasted the chance of real change by working within the system, which has become beyond the point of little fixes, but in need of a complete overhaul. I think he has been mislead by many of his own for which he is to blame at the end of the day, but I believe he is learning still. He might yet surprize us. I have no proof of course, only some faith and personal insight from being in DC as a kid.KirkKirk, my friends call me the eternal optimist. It's always partly sunny for me. Or the glass is half full. But politics has made me become a realist over the past several years. For instance, there is no public option in the healthcare bill even though it's clearly needed, or even better yet, a single payer option. The Wall Street reform was a sham as well, as has been the BP oil spill debacle. In my first post above, I mentioned several people who President Obama has connected himself to that have or had clear CIA connections. I listed Leon Panetta, a former Clinton aide, who now runs the CIA. Obama has Bob Gates as his Secretary of Defense. Gates is a former CIA director under Poppy Bu$h, and was a major player in Iran/Contra, a CIA run operation. Here are three other people that are close to Obama, that are also tight with the CIA...You have Hillary Clinton, who is his Secretary of State. Clinton has ALWAYS been pro-Israel and has always been a hawk in dove's clothing when it came to issues about the Middle East. Iran has always been on her hit list. When Obama and Clinton were debating about foreign policy during the campaign of 2008, it was clear they had sharp differences. That's why it made NO sense that Obama would name Hillary as his foreign policy leader. But after a secret meeting at the 2008 Bilderberger meeting, it indeed happened. Hillary was also at Bill Clinton's side when the events at Mena took place.You have Rahm Emanuel, who is Obama's Chief of Staff. Emanuel and Hillary both supported the war in Iraq, while they were in Congress by the way. Emanuel is the bankers lobby favorite. He was the top recipient of donations from hedge funds, private equity, investment and securities firms when he served in Congress. Personally, he earned $18 million in 2.5 years between government jobs at a hedge fund firm. He served on the board of Freddie Mac from 2000-2001 when its decision making helped bring on the housing crisis. It is no surprise that health care reform turned into an insurance company giveaway, while banking reform is giving Wall Street everything it wants and the foreclosure crisis continues unabated. Emanuel is also a hawk. His father was an Irgun terrorist for Zionists. Emanuel volunteered for the Israeli Defense Forces during the first Gulf War while serving in Congress. He endorsed Obama after the candidate gave a hawkish, pro-Israel speech before the right-wing Israeli lobby, AIPAC, and then introduced Obama to their executive board of major donors. In 2006, when the Democrats won with a mandate to end the war, Emanuel made sure ending the war was off the table. It is not surprising he is chief of staff of a White House that has broken all war spending records and has escalated militarism around the globe. The CIA and the Mossad are very tight.Finally you have Timothy Geithner, who is Obama's Secretary of the Treasury. Geithner is ALL about Wall Street and the Fed. Geithner runs with the same crowd that Henry Paulson (Dumbya Bu$h's Treasury Secretary) ran with on Wall Street. Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Geithner is a CFR member and was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The CIA is heavily linked with big banking.As I have said, I will continue to give the President a chance to prove me wrong, but the people that are close to him in his administration, plus his actions (or inactions) tell me ALL I need to know.
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Re: The CIA runs the White House

Post by Kirk »

Bob,I can understand how you feel, though my friends think I write the saddest most hopeless songs. In truth I think of myself as being an optimist by nature and maybe nurture. My tunes may seem hopeless to some, but for me the hope is singing about troubles, and getting past them. Am I troubled by some of the choices President Obama has made? You bet almost to the point of getting depressed about it. I do try to remember he is not me, and his ways are not mine. He naturally has had to play roles, and say things that I would not because of the differences that race has and still can play. Did I vote for him because he was black? No and far from it. Do I think it is good for the country that a black man was voted to be our leader? Very much so, but that still would not be reason enough for me to vote for him. I think he was the best choice we had. I think he is a thoughtful man. I like people that write and express themselves. You know better then most how difficult a challenge it can be to put one's thoughts in words for others. He does that quite well both in his books and speeches at least from the past. I think you tell the true nature of most people by how they write. I am not talking about spellings and grammar etc., God knows I need some real help with that. I am talking about the feeling and truth of one's words, or the truth of the feeling expressed in one's words. I felt that warmth from President Obama at least before his election. Was I wrong about him? No, I don't think so. I think he has been some what overwhelmed by the job. I think he was willing to trade some of his beliefs to get his agenda passed. That was a real mistake, and I know he knows it was a real mistake. I like you believe we need a public option to drive down health cost. Competition is a good thing, which normally the otherside crows about. It is a strange dance we are doing now as a country. We all seem to be going to the otherside only to continue the debate.Ultimately it is about trust, and trust has been broken in this country for so long. Maybe it started with that November day, and maybe it will end some future November day. I think the ultimate goal of the True and Evil Powers that are doomed to want control over all things is to break our spirit by breaking our ability to trust, our government, our fellow citizens and ourselves. Have they won already and I just will not accept it? KirkKirk[/quote]Kirk, my friends call me the eternal optimist. It's always partly sunny for me. Or the glass is half full. But politics has made me become a realist over the past several years. For instance, there is no public option in the healthcare bill even though it's clearly needed, or even better yet, a single payer option. The Wall Street reform was a sham as well, as has been the BP oil spill debacle. In my first post above, I mentioned several people who President Obama has connected himself to that have or had clear CIA connections. I listed Leon Panetta, a former Clinton aide, who now runs the CIA. Obama has Bob Gates as his Secretary of Defense. Gates is a former CIA director under Poppy Bu$h, and was a major player in Iran/Contra, a CIA run operation. Here are three other people that are close to Obama, that are also tight with the CIA...You have Hillary Clinton, who is his Secretary of State. Clinton has ALWAYS been pro-Israel and has always been a hawk in dove's clothing when it came to issues about the Middle East. Iran has always been on her hit list. When Obama and Clinton were debating about foreign policy during the campaign of 2008, it was clear they had sharp differences. That's why it made NO sense that Obama would name Hillary as his foreign policy leader. But after a secret meeting at the 2008 Bilderberger meeting, it indeed happened. Hillary was also at Bill Clinton's side when the events at Mena took place.You have Rahm Emanuel, who is Obama's Chief of Staff. Emanuel and Hillary both supported the war in Iraq, while they were in Congress by the way. Emanuel is the bankers lobby favorite. He was the top recipient of donations from hedge funds, private equity, investment and securities firms when he served in Congress. Personally, he earned $18 million in 2.5 years between government jobs at a hedge fund firm. He served on the board of Freddie Mac from 2000-2001 when its decision making helped bring on the housing crisis. It is no surprise that health care reform turned into an insurance company giveaway, while banking reform is giving Wall Street everything it wants and the foreclosure crisis continues unabated. Emanuel is also a hawk. His father was an Irgun terrorist for Zionists. Emanuel volunteered for the Israeli Defense Forces during the first Gulf War while serving in Congress. He endorsed Obama after the candidate gave a hawkish, pro-Israel speech before the right-wing Israeli lobby, AIPAC, and then introduced Obama to their executive board of major donors. In 2006, when the Democrats won with a mandate to end the war, Emanuel made sure ending the war was off the table. It is not surprising he is chief of staff of a White House that has broken all war spending records and has escalated militarism around the globe. The CIA and the Mossad are very tight.Finally you have Timothy Geithner, who is Obama's Secretary of the Treasury. Geithner is ALL about Wall Street and the Fed. Geithner runs with the same crowd that Henry Paulson (Dumbya Bu$h's Treasury Secretary) ran with on Wall Street. Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Geithner is a CFR member and was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The CIA is heavily linked with big banking.As I have said, I will continue to give the President a chance to prove me wrong, but the people that are close to him in his administration, plus his actions (or inactions) tell me ALL I need to know.[/quote]
Michael Dell
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Re: The CIA runs the White House

Post by Michael Dell »

Kirk wrote: I think he is a thoughtful man. I like people that write and express themselves. You know better then most how difficult a challenge it can be to put one's thoughts in words for others. He does that quite well both in his books and speeches at least from the past. I think you tell the true nature of most people by how they write. I am not talking about spellings and grammar etc., God knows I need some real help with that. I am talking about the feeling and truth of one's words, or the truth of the feeling expressed in one's words. I felt that warmth from President Obama at least before his election. Kirk,Are you familiar with Jack Cashill's work? He believes Bill Ayers actually wrote "Dreams of My Father." While that may sound like a ridiculous charge, Mr. Cashill provides rather overwhelming evidence to support his claim. As a writer myself, I too am always drawn to the written word, and the similarities between Obama's work and Ayers' previous books are unmistakable. And I'm talking about a scientific literary analysis involving sentence structure, word choice, metaphors, imagery usage, etc. Cashill is a staunch conservative, so some use that to dismiss his claims. But the whole Democrat-Republican paradigm is a big puppet show to distract the masses. Focus on truth. And in my opinion, Cashill has proven Obama a literary fraud. If interested, you can read Cashill's work here... I'm afraid I can't share your optimism about Obama's true character. After researching him rather extensively, I've come to the conclusion he's nothing but an empty suit. He was groomed to be a political puppet from his childhood. And he has CIA written all over him. Look into his connections to Zbigniew Brzezinski. Or investigate how Obama got into Harvard. Who wrote his recommendation letter?Or research Obama's ties to the Ford Foundation, a suspected CIA front. His mother worked for the Ford Foundation. His mother also worked for USAID, another CIA front. Or research Obama's Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro. He was a government consultant for Mobil Oil. Why did Soetoro, Dunham, and a young Barry go to Indonesia in the 60s just after the CIA-led coup that placed General Suharto in power? Start with those leads and see where else the road takes you. Or simply watch Mr. Obama try to give a speech without a teleprompter. He's very good at what he does, and that's to look presidential, deliver impassioned speeches, and continue the charade that politicians actually give a damn about us. I would like nothing more than to be wrong about Mr. Obama. It would be nice to believe there's still hope for American politics. But the more one reads about his background and political history, the more difficult it becomes believing the fairy tale.
Phil Dragoo
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The Hollow Men

Post by Phil Dragoo »

I had noticed the parade of hollow men succeeding our 35th president: LBJ who stumbled when Cronkite called Tet for the North. In '72 Nixon and Kissinger went to China; Watergate; Hoover's heart attack. The following year Johnson's heart attack. The following year Nixon's resignation and Ford's brief ascension.Obama was supposedly born four months after the Bay of Pigs. He's more likely the son of Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) or Frank Marshall Davis than the marxist-muslim from Kenya.He was taught on Davis' knee of the glorious Red Army at a time Bill Ayers was calling for eliminating 25 million who would resist the revolution. How pathetic was Ayers' band in the streets of Chicago October 1969.Brzezinski? Was it the Saudi Prince who paid for Obama's Harvard. Was Obama getting busy with Brzezinski at Columbia. It's clear Brzezinski and Gates co-authored the 2004 Council on Foreign Relations paper Iran: Time for a New Approach. And Obama retained Gates and uses Brzezinski.Obama selected Brennan as DCI and uses Brennan as chief of counterterrorism. Is Panetta more than a figurehead. Look what happened to Millis chief of staff to Goss--sucked a shotgun in a bathtub at the Breezeway Motel--for the crime of calling Deutch the worst DCI for counterintel--just because Deutch took 17K files home on disks in his pocket.Has Obama withdrawn from Iraq or Afghanistan. Is his policy vis-a-vis Iran distinguishable from that of Bush 43.I posit Obama is allowed to dance and strut across the stage signifying nothing.If he wanted to be historic—let him fully disclose the despicable role of the CIA in the murders of JFK, MLK, RFK.He dare not. Not one administration—not Carter; not Clinton; not Obama—since those murders has dared to erect the gallows or the guillotines.From the innaugural speech of 1961 on earth God's work must be our own.
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Re: The CIA runs the White House

Post by Kirk »

Michael,I have read some of that and some of this about the origins of the man we call President. Lots of it of course during the campaign, and even more after during the so called honeymoon period. I do not believe it, not just because of where it is coming from and why, but because it isn't even a good story. I have read a few things that Ayers has written, and the styles and thought process are not even remotely close. Most of the echo chamber of "conservative" critics are straw man in my view for all the things that most of us seem to be against. Again I do not believe they are interested in bringing down President Obama, but in keeping him boxed in and controlled. I have theory that this group can not help but go to far because of their arrogances, which will in fact allow President Obama to break loose. I could be wrong though.KirkI think he does just fine with or without a teleprompter. He doesn't write all of his speeches anymore at least in total, but I bet he reads them beforehand. I am sure he uses it as a timing device, but to be honest, he doesn't need a timing device.Michael Dell wrote:Kirk wrote: I think he is a thoughtful man. I like people that write and express themselves. You know better then most how difficult a challenge it can be to put one's thoughts in words for others. He does that quite well both in his books and speeches at least from the past. I think you tell the true nature of most people by how they write. I am not talking about spellings and grammar etc., God knows I need some real help with that. I am talking about the feeling and truth of one's words, or the truth of the feeling expressed in one's words. I felt that warmth from President Obama at least before his election. Kirk,Are you familiar with Jack Cashill's work? He believes Bill Ayers actually wrote "Dreams of My Father." While that may sound like a ridiculous charge, Mr. Cashill provides rather overwhelming evidence to support his claim. As a writer myself, I too am always drawn to the written word, and the similarities between Obama's work and Ayers' previous books are unmistakable. And I'm talking about a scientific literary analysis involving sentence structure, word choice, metaphors, imagery usage, etc. Cashill is a staunch conservative, so some use that to dismiss his claims. But the whole Democrat-Republican paradigm is a big puppet show to distract the masses. Focus on truth. And in my opinion, Cashill has proven Obama a literary fraud. If interested, you can read Cashill's work here... I'm afraid I can't share your optimism about Obama's true character. After researching him rather extensively, I've come to the conclusion he's nothing but an empty suit. He was groomed to be a political puppet from his childhood. And he has CIA written all over him. Look into his connections to Zbigniew Brzezinski. Or investigate how Obama got into Harvard. Who wrote his recommendation letter?Or research Obama's ties to the Ford Foundation, a suspected CIA front. His mother worked for the Ford Foundation. His mother also worked for USAID, another CIA front. Or research Obama's Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro. He was a government consultant for Mobil Oil. Why did Soetoro, Dunham, and a young Barry go to Indonesia in the 60s just after the CIA-led coup that placed General Suharto in power? Start with those leads and see where else the road takes you. Or simply watch Mr. Obama try to give a speech without a teleprompter. He's very good at what he does, and that's to look presidential, deliver impassioned speeches, and continue the charade that politicians actually give a damn about us. I would like nothing more than to be wrong about Mr. Obama. It would be nice to believe there's still hope for American politics. But the more one reads about his background and political history, the more difficult it becomes believing the fairy tale.
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Re: The Hollow Men

Post by Kirk »

Phil,If it is true that Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread then we must start finding or making more fools to get the job done. It is said there is safety in numbers, but there is an exception to that rule, and that is a stampede. I believe President Carter tried, but oddly he was under similar conditions. The Country was deeply divided by War and Watergate. The economy was the worst since the Great Depression, and Energy was on everybody's mind. I believe there were and still are good people in government both elected and not elected. As I have said it is rare that an honest and good person would be allowed to sit at the real power table, but it can happen. How best to defeat these few honest people is give them many fronts to deal with assassinate their character at every turn, and if need be eliminate them altogether. We have seen this movie before haven't we. I have a fear that our country has forgotten what happened in Dallas that day. JFK seemed to become the seed all bad things to all bad people with the ignorant along for the ride and bliss. Many felt shame and sorrow the day after, but of course many didn't because they had done their job well.KirkPhil Dragoo wrote:I had noticed the parade of hollow men succeeding our 35th president: LBJ who stumbled when Cronkite called Tet for the North. In '72 Nixon and Kissinger went to China; Watergate; Hoover's heart attack. The following year Johnson's heart attack. The following year Nixon's resignation and Ford's brief ascension.Obama was supposedly born four months after the Bay of Pigs. He's more likely the son of Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) or Frank Marshall Davis than the marxist-muslim from Kenya.He was taught on Davis' knee of the glorious Red Army at a time Bill Ayers was calling for eliminating 25 million who would resist the revolution. How pathetic was Ayers' band in the streets of Chicago October 1969.Brzezinski? Was it the Saudi Prince who paid for Obama's Harvard. Was Obama getting busy with Brzezinski at Columbia. It's clear Brzezinski and Gates co-authored the 2004 Council on Foreign Relations paper Iran: Time for a New Approach. And Obama retained Gates and uses Brzezinski.Obama selected Brennan as DCI and uses Brennan as chief of counterterrorism. Is Panetta more than a figurehead. Look what happened to Millis chief of staff to Goss--sucked a shotgun in a bathtub at the Breezeway Motel--for the crime of calling Deutch the worst DCI for counterintel--just because Deutch took 17K files home on disks in his pocket.Has Obama withdrawn from Iraq or Afghanistan. Is his policy vis-a-vis Iran distinguishable from that of Bush 43.I posit Obama is allowed to dance and strut across the stage signifying nothing.If he wanted to be historic—let him fully disclose the despicable role of the CIA in the murders of JFK, MLK, RFK.He dare not. Not one administration—not Carter; not Clinton; not Obama—since those murders has dared to erect the gallows or the guillotines.From the innaugural speech of 1961 on earth God's work must be our own.
tom jeffers
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Re: The CIA runs the White House

Post by tom jeffers »

gentlemen,i have read each one's response and wish to share my opinion. and you know what they say about opinions and assholes? i do not wish to imply that i know more than you but after many years of research, i do not believe the cia is in power at all. i believe they are the arms and henchmen for those that are in real control of the world. they work for the guys who get up every day and decide what the price of oil and gold is going to be that day. they are the richest and most powerful men on earth today and you probably have not heard their names. they do not appear on any forbes list as the richest men in the world. their money is hidden. much of it in foundations where they control the foundation which pays no tax. when they pass away, their family members are named to the board. no inhertance taxes, no public transfer of wealth. foundations like Rand, Rhodes, Rockefeller to name a small few. Did you know that the most prominant industrialist in the late 19th and early 20th century was J.P. Morgan. When he died he left in his estate less than a million dollars. Where was the rest of it? Do i think the cia is corrupt? (does a bear deficate in the woods?) deficate....a classy little touch isn't it? They are the visable ones but they do not hold the power. read a book by michael perkins called economic hitmen and discover what is really going on behind the scenes.tom