A discussion of Ed Haslam's work

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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A discussion of Ed Haslam's work

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

According to this article, written by Jennifer Lake, she questions the quality of Ed Haslam’s material and suggests that he may be disinfo. I posted the bulk of the text of her article here with the exception of a link in the article regarding particle beam accelerators. The link to the full article is at the end of the article text. Jennifer Lake's BlogJune 2, 2010Particle Accelerator 101Filed under: Eugenics,Psychological War,genocide,radiation — jenniferlake @ 7:00 pm Tags: cancer-causing monkey virus, Ed Haslam, Dr. Mary's Monkey, particle accelerators, nuclear medicine, JFK assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald, Alton Ochsner[revised]In the previous article, I posted an introduction to the strange tale of “Dr. Mary’s Monkey”, a work authored by Ed Haslam who is gaining renown as a JFK assassination researcher. Before crossing paths with Mr. Haslam’s research,I’d never delved into the JFK murder details, except to maintain a ‘common sense’-based openness regarding the conspiracy. Haslam’s premise is generally acceptable to me, although I’ve been disconcertingly caught up in his presentation of monkey viruses, contaminated polio vaccines, weapons-grade particle accelerators, and a determined effort to skip the fundamentals and insist that AIDS is the whirlwind reaped by a medical Manhattan Project governed by Kennedy’s assassins. Among the questionable suppositions, Mr. Haslam makes a marriage between a secret “cancer” bioweapon, developed for the purpose of targeting Fidel Castro, and a very large “particle accelerator” which he claims was used to mutate cancer viruses at a Public Health hospital in New Orleans. By Haslam’s description, the Louisiana accelerator may have been as large as anything existing at the time in the DoD’s national laboratories. This poses some immediate concerns about how or why a nuclear device of this magnitude would be used (or needed) in a medical/biological context. Direct biological applications, such as cell mutation are very “low energy”. In fact, table-top x-ray machines have been available and useful for biological research since they were introduced. Common x-ray equipment mutates cells quite well, thankyou very much. The story of the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman and her missing arm appears to be subject to added embroidery: as suggested by Mr. Haslam in the audio/video links (previous), Dr. Mary may have been electrocuted or her arm may have been zapped off with a particle beam, but neither killed her. Whatever the circumstances of her death –which came first, the stab wound to her heart or the electrocution?– the cancer conspiracy needs to be looked at separately from the particle accelerator. There can hardly be a more delicate period in the history of nuclear weapons than the early 1960s. The future of the entire program was in jeopardy under JFK’s ‘watch’. Medical uses for nuclear technology have been the sole propagandist cause of early proliferation. Fathers of the Bomb, such as Leo Szilard, were supported in hospital laboratories [London, 1933]. Ernest O. Lawrence funded his Berkeley cyclotron work by making commercial radiopharmaceuticals, until the time came when atom bomb cores were needed and the cyclotrons were drafted to make the first plutonium. Is it possible that the New Orleans particle accelerator was an alternate nuclear facility, under the radar of international accountability in the event of limited or total weapons bans? And should we be alarmed that Louisiana’s ”International Trade Mart” associates and political extremists, who had peripheral (or central!) roles in JFK’s murder, potentially had access to the operators and inner workings of the accelerator? These are beginner questions in another puzzle presented by Ed Haslam. Sometimes, the storyteller is as interesting and enigmatic as the story he tells….As Dr. James Fetzer knows it, “anyone who’s trying to fake it is going to give as few details as possible”, and in this case, details on the New Orleans facility appear lacking, except that it was a linear accelerator as Mr. Haslam relates, a point that may be essentially meaningless in this story because of its many weapons research applications, but distinguishing it as a type used in medicine. What does Jim Fetzer think of Ed Haslam’s work? “Ed Haslam’s entire life prepared him for the study of this case; his father was on the medical faculty at Tulane; he knew Mary Sherman –he sat on her lap as a child; he’s been studying this his entire life. That anyone should denigrate his research is an atrocity because no one’s as comparable to or as good as Ed Haslam’s“. http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/ (comment is the last minutes of Judyth Vary Baker interview, “Living in Exile”, part II). So while listeners are encouraged by Fetzer to open their minds to Mr. Haslam’s work, it sure sounds like an iron-clad endorsement to snap down again, and as Mrs. Baker says about her own detractors, their ”book[s] become more important than the truth”. Disturbing, isn’t it, that a career educator would choose the words of an intellectual bully to promote the uncritical acceptance of a researcher short on evidence? JFK assassination theorists might be partying in the streets over ‘Dr. Mary’s Monkey’, but since it’s updated re-release three years ago, hair-of-the-dog is unlikely to cure the hangover.*I have no issue at this time with the quality of the JFK-specific material and there is no doubt in my mind that simian “cancer” viruses were in the original polio vaccines and that HIV, in a fashion, is an extension of this horrible continuum. But there again is a large and separate subject with legions of expert opponents who document the flaws in the basic paradigm of Germ Theory. Mr. Haslam has done nothing to endanger the central dogma. In fact, I believe he’s furthering the “secret government”, Establishment cause. Since 9-11, that cause appears to me to be the destruction of the United States. _____ The wonder I’m experiencing in this vital ‘JFK’ link to the polio story is based on the facts of Ed Haslam himself who has researched and “lived” with the JFK assassination mystery for most of his life. His recent audio/video interviews are nearly verbatim renditions of the ‘Dr. Mary’s Monkey’ text, and yet the bulk of it was written and published in 1995, so in fifteen years of continued investigation, there is neither a second book (from Ed) nor any substantial embellishment to his original work (I’m told), save the introduction of a witness, Judyth Vary Baker, who allows herself and her version of the evidence to be managed by Ed Haslam. Mr. Haslam met Judyth Baker, Lee Oswald’s 1963 girlfriend, through the auspices of a CBS ’60 Minutes’ crew in 2001. He writes that at the time “I was extremely busy doing other things in my profession, and I was not anxious to get drawn back into the story that had dominated so many years of my life.” Can you believe it? The same essential circumstance governed an earlier decision of Mr. Haslam’s to walk away from ‘secret, missing files’ of the murdered FBI accomplice Guy Banister after he actually had the material in his hands. At least twice in Ed’s story, the Golden Goose flew in to nest in his lap and his reaction was ‘shoo’! Unbelievable. The Banister files are still missing (?), but Mrs. Baker is alive and well, “Living In Exile” outside the U.S. in fear of her life. She wants to come home. Maybe Ed Haslam can manage that too someday. For the time being, Mr. Haslam has given us the bones of a plot to kill Kennedy, “cure” the cancer epidemic mistakenly caused by the worldwide polio vaccines, and create a super-cancer bioweapon with a guarded nuclear particle accelerator stashed in the Infectious Disease Laboratory on the grounds of the New Orleans Public Health hospital. Haslam writes that he learned of the accelerator through the prodding of his contact, ”Dr. X”, who passed on an account of it’s structure from a “Mr. Y”: [Dr. Mary's Monkey, pp 249-251, edited]“Eventually Dr.X got his friend to talk about the accelerators he had built. Finally Mr.Y talked about New Orleans. Here is a summary of what Dr.X said he had been told about the linear particle accelerator project Mr.Y supervised in New Orleans:–the project was extremely secret. Mr.Y had to sign a secret contract with the government..and he could not disclose the exact location of the accelerator.–The design..was unusual. Normally an accelerator..for medical use had clinical access features, like ramps..or beds…Here there were none…–The financing was unusual…the machines were usually purchased on long-term contracts which were paid off over many years. But this case was different, the entire amount (approximately $10,000,000) was paid in advance.–The method of payment was unusual…five or six checks..within one week. Each check came from a different company and was drawn from a different bank.–Mr.Y went to New Orleans frequently during the construction..but once it was completed, he did not go back to the site for a long time…When he got there [again], something was obviously wrong. The accelerator building was guarded by soldiers with machine guns.–Inside the building there were thousands of mice in cages…some kind of vaccine experiments. Dr. Ochsner was in charge. Mr.Y described him as tense and extremely suspicious.” [end excerpt] Incidentally, sometime later, Haslam located a “Mr.Z” who had once gotten a look inside the emptied and abandoned Infectious Disease building and testified to the unusual layout of the interior. Chapter 11, called “The Machine”, is complete with a representational graph of a three-story ‘twin’ that stood in Oxford, England, home of the nuclear Clarendon Laboratory founded by physicist Frederick Lindemann (Lord Cherwell), Winston Churchill’s WWII science advisor who recommended ’carpet-bombing’ German civilians. Cherwell personally recruited “displaced Jewish scholars” contracted out of Germany from 1933 onwards. Oxford’s lab became a center of nuclear warfare research as the British arranged the MAUD committee, architects and advisors of America’s Atom Bomb project. Perhaps the supposed “vaccine experiments” seen by Mr.Y and told to Dr.X, are also a cover story, and no good cover story goes to waste. The monkey virus problem was not a secret by 1961. The medical research community knew about it and after the publications in Time (1961-1963), so did an attentive public. The unnatural stress that appears to surround the central ’medical experiment’ activities of the USPHS particle accelerator just doesn’t fit the ‘vaccine’ circumstance –there were, and still are, much deeper secrets about the polio vaccines and the nature of poliovirus and infection. Ed Haslam’s father, who helmed the New Orleans (polio) Crippled Childrens Hospital as its president, urged his son not to ask questions as a final request before taking his own secret knowledge to the grave. Years earlier, as Ed tells it, he saw his father cry for the only time after the death of Mary Sherman. What could make a stoic naval Commander cry? Grief over Dr. Sherman’s death as the author implies? –or could it be the frustration of impossible contradictions which one with secret knowledge must live, knowing that time and truth ticks on like a countdown, and no one can ever really be protected. *Polio is provenly caused by (x-) radiation and chemicals. My own theory about the polio vaccines is that they were purported to be protective against nuclear fallout and the complex biological damage from those combined sources. Polio research was ‘locked up’ for a half-century at the hands of Simon Flexner and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, and in the desperate 11th hour of domestic nuclear bomb testing, for fear of revealing polio’s secret cause, the government sanctioned the hastily concocted IPV, which was both contaminated and ineffective to it’s purpose. In a parallel situation of “embarassment”, as Ed Haslam says on page 344 explaining the predicament of Bobby Kennedy who ostensibly employed his brother’s assassin caught in a double-cross and was therefore manipulated into going along with the conspiracy to frame Oswald, ”It was brilliant planning. The work of professionals. And they got away with murdering…” Ed has written something in his last words, finally, that makes sense. http://www.polioforever.wordpress.com http://jenniferlake.wordpress.com/2010/ ... rator-101/
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

My first question is Who is Jennifer Lake and what are her credentials?Is she a sister to David Von Pein?This is the beginning of the all out attack on Dr. James Fetzer for his interest in Judyth Vary Baker and Ed Haslam.He has barely survived the Education forum And it's infamous attack.To me here Mz. Lake is the dis-info agent. Things were different in the 60's as she admits.I don't think there is anything to see here.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:My first question is Who is Jennifer Lake and what are her credentials?Is she a sister to David Von Pein?This is the beginning of the all out attack on Dr. James Fetzer for his interest in Judyth Vary Baker and Ed Haslam.He has barely survived the Education forum And it's infamous attack.To me here Mz. Lake is the dis-info agent. Things were different in the 60's as she admits.I don't think there is anything to see here.I'll put it like this. Are the attacks on Ed Haslam and Fetzer at the Education forum the same as what Jennifer lake's article says? I'm being totally serious. I've never read the Education forums attacks on Haslam and Fetzer, and you know my credentials are good because I've gone toe-to-toe with disinfo people here and at other forums. Jennifer Lake doesn't seem to be attacking Judyth Baker at all. It has a lot to do with what was really going on in that public health building that Haslam refers to and why Haslam refers to a device that seems more suited to nuclear weapons work being used to mutate cells. He talks about a very large device, a linear particle beam accellerator, being used to mutate cancer cells and viruses, if I'm not mistaken, but Judyth Baker never mentions a device like that, right? The machine Ed Haslam refers to is also basically described as being two stories tall. It seems to me that perhaps such a large particle accelerator would be more suited to nuclear weapons work as opposed to just mutating cells and viruses. I thought that x-ray equipment would work just fine for mutating cells. Also, I don't remember Judyth Baker referring to such a large device being used at all. Judyth Baker's own website also seems to be run by Haslam. It says on her website: "Content of this web site is managed by Edward T. Haslam and with permission from Judyth Vary Baker."http://judythvarybaker.com/Some questions that I have are these: Was that public health building that Haslam refers to also being used for nuclear weapons purposes? Was Mary Sherman a part of that too? Based on the type of machine he refers too, it kind of looks like it. If so, why doesn't Haslam address this? Is he covering up for the real use of that machine and the real use of that building? Why don't I remember Judyth Baker referring to such a large device?Also, wasn't Haslam's dad a U.S. Navy Commander? Didn't his dad hold that rank for a LONG time? What are Haslam's credentials and background? What did his dad do for the Navy. We know for sure where his dad's credentials came from...the military. Did Ed Haslam really meet a woman who said she was Judyth Baker in college? I'm being totally serious here. Where's his proof of that? Did he really meet a Judyth Baker imposter or Is he trying to make another personal connection to Judyth Baker to give his story wings? That alone (saying he met a Judyth Baker imposter) plus the idea that Judyth Baker never, to my knowledge, even mentions a device like a linear particle beam accelerator seems to look like something is going on with his story that doesn't seem to fit.If I'm off the mark on this let me know your thoughts. I love to discuss this stuff publicly so there are no shenanegans.
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Bob »

In terms of Ed Haslam, I tend to believe what he has said. However, I am not as well read about the subject as you are Pasquale, or like someone like Wim or Joe. In terms of Jim Fetzer, I agree with most of the things he discusses about the JFK assassination, but not all. The same goes for Jim Marrs, Robert Groden, Jim DiEugenio, Jack White, Doug Horne, David Lifton and others. I agree with most of their research, but not all of it. I do believe in the James Files story, as well as the Judyth Vary Baker story. Obviously, that sort of makes me an oddball in the CT community in some respects, but it's what I believe. I try to research all angles. Things I used to believe 10 years ago...or 5 years ago...I don't believe anymore. Why? Because of new research and new books. In terms of this particular subject matter, I will need to research this further. For now, I defer to people that really know this material.
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by kenmurray »

Pasquale, you raise some good questions that need further study. I agree that Lake's article is not an attack on Judyth but more on Haslam's claims. Here is Haslam's site for those that are interested:http://doctormarysmonkey.com/index.htm
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

I am not sure how many things about the whole JFK or the New Orleans thing can be proven.For lack of proof we would have to toss out 98% of all we think we know.I am sure this sort of equipment would be used for other purposes than medical.This accelerator was undoubtedly a Government financed project.All kinds of stuff going on in the Sixty's. We were getting ready to go to the moon.I listen to and watch Mr. Haslam and as far as I am concerned his story is as good or better than anyone elses.I will have to brush up on Ed. Had other things on my mind and I am Getting more singleminded every day.Reminds me of the trip I took in 1965 to the Regal cookware plant in Wisconsin.There was an entire facility there that was being used to produce cookware that was owned by the Government to produce shell casings. In the center of this single story building was a room that was about three stories tall that contained the largest knuckle press in the world. It was kept ready to produce shell casings if needed. I want to say 16 inch but not sure about the actual size.I have asked Mr. Haslam for his input on this so we will see if he responds.I would like to hear Wim's comment on this article.
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Bob »

Reminds me of the trip I took in 1965 to the Regal cookware plant in Wisconsin.There was an entire facility there that was being used to produce cookware that was owned by the Government to produce shell casings. In the center of this single story building was a room that was about three stories tall that contained the largest knuckle press in the world. It was kept ready to produce shell casings if needed. I want to say 16 inch but not sure about the actual size.- Dealey JoeJoe...you had to bring Wisconsin into this...didn't you!
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:Reminds me of the trip I took in 1965 to the Regal cookware plant in Wisconsin.There was an entire facility there that was being used to produce cookware that was owned by the Government to produce shell casings. In the center of this single story building was a room that was about three stories tall that contained the largest knuckle press in the world. It was kept ready to produce shell casings if needed. I want to say 16 inch but not sure about the actual size.- Dealey JoeJoe...you had to bring Wisconsin into this...didn't you! Bob, speaking of Wisconsin, what's wrong with the Brew Crew this year? I'm disapponted in them.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

kenmurray wrote:Pasquale, you raise some good questions that need further study. I agree that Lake's article is not an attack on Judyth but more on Haslam's claims. Here is Haslam's site for those that are interested:http://doctormarysmonkey.com/index.htmRest assured this is an attack on Dr. FetzerHe is the one what pissed in their Post Toasties.To me this is more of the same as the OVER 5000 POSTS {world record) on the Education Forum.It would take the rest of your life to go through and sort out all that has transpired there.I don't think Haslam or Baker is of any concern to them, it is Fetzer blood they smell.What are you saying when you say If you can't prove it then there is doubt.The Conspiracy Research has come to a point of not research for the finding of more information butto attack the message bearer to discredit and personally assassinate.Look at Files, Haslam and Baker, they are live witnesses.by discrediting their story for lack of proof, what have we accomplished?What has it gained them?I hear comments like "they are attention seekers" or they have some sort of manic defect that they have inserted themselves into the picture.could any of this be true? sure it could, this is how disinfo agents work.They don't lie, they just insinuate possibilities so others cannot accept it as true.Look at Mr. Chicken, he is a master of disinfo.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Is Ed Haslam disinfo?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bob wrote:Reminds me of the trip I took in 1965 to the Regal cookware plant in Wisconsin.There was an entire facility there that was being used to produce cookware that was owned by the Government to produce shell casings. In the center of this single story building was a room that was about three stories tall that contained the largest knuckle press in the world. It was kept ready to produce shell casings if needed. I want to say 16 inch but not sure about the actual size.- Dealey JoeJoe...you had to bring Wisconsin into this...didn't you! Bob you might be happy to note that I made a "hole in one" on the golf course in Kewaskum