Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, Phil Dragoo, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Gulf Coast Americans, get used to oil, and lots of it. Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil. It's not so bad, you'll get used to it ! Right ?!?Well it must not be so bad because today Mr. President Barack Obama pledged $ 400 million more to Gaza, while he begs Israel to please stop their blockade which has been renounced by the United Nations. Go ahead, plead with Israel because Lord knows you can't do anything more.But hell, why would we even think of sending $ 400 million dollars to aid Gulf Coast Americans whose lives are being destroyed by a foreign oil company ?In addition, we are sending over $ 20 billion per month to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan for The Military Industrial War Complex, and The War Profiteers, which will be increased to over $ 25 billion per month in 30 - 60 days. They Count that much.Wait until the residual long term birth and health defects begin surfacing. Prediction: The Government will act surprised.The Powers that be in America are happy to scream and yell at bp for dragging its heals giving $ 5,000.00 to Gulf Coast Americans in very serious trouble. This will make Hurricane Katrina look like a thunderstorm in Comparative Analysis for damages.The bp (British Petroleum) oil spill will take 500 years or more to neutralize. Like the smell and taste of oil Gulf Coast Americans, because you don't count ?But in the mean time, let's keep sending American Soldiers and the National Guard to help Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, because they count, and they deserve $ 20 billion dollars per month being poured overseas by The Military Industrial Complex, and The War Profiteers. But not you Gulf Coast Americans. Money talks, and B.S. walks where I'm from.By the way, the Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill still hasn't been cleaned up yet, only superficially.And want a real surprise ? Research how much of the levied fines have ever actually been collected from the oil companies involved in the Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill ?!?In the back of my mind I keep humming that tune: POPULATION CONTROL.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Phil Dragoo
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Obama seeks ass to kick

Post by Phil Dragoo »

BruceHe and his crew received a lot of cash from British Petroleum.The Saudi Prince paid for his Harvard.He demanded, "Plug the hole! Plug the damn' hole!"Now he's looking for "ass to kick!"He's got a pimp ride with five-inch ballistic armor and bulletproof glass so thick the interior lights are always on--and what powers it?Is there a windmill or a solar panel or a whoopee cushion of methane?There is more natural gas in Washington than in Russia's latest reserves.Remember the tire guages.Another explosion was the South Korean destroyer sunk by a torpedo North Korea bought from China in 1980.Achmadinejad is about to blow the hidden imam out of the well in Qum.Gentlemen, start your golf carts--let's go plug some holes--then we'll meet back at the McCartney concert and kick some ass.Bush led the King; Hillary's body person was a Saudi agent of influence; Bill flacks for Abu Dabai; and Yes We Kenya hugs Hugo but throws BP under the bus.The Dance of the Seven Sisters with their Seven Veils continues.Send more SWAT teams and lawyers from Holder who okayed the pardon of Marc Rich. (So Bill could save Denise's whales.)The Utah nationalization was to benefit Riady. The Soros oil initiatives will always have green lights.Is it justice or just-us?
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bob »

Since I am a Gulf Coast resident, I will see the oil spill firsthand shortly, as our part of Florida has not seen the oil as of yet, but it will soon. Right now the coast of Louisiana has been devastated by the ecological and environmental harm this ONGOING oil rupture and spill has caused. Plus you have the people that make their living in the fishing and shrimp industry that have seen the way to provide for their families washed away in oil. LOTS of it.First, why the continuing effort to kiss Israel's ass, when people on the Gulf Coast desperately need help? It's simple. AIPAC (Israel) is the largest lobbying group in Washington. They give more money to politicians than ANY other lobbyist group, and that includes big banking, big insurance, big pharma and big oil. Speaking of big oil, Barry Obama has received his share of money from BP. Obama's biggest problem is the people he has surrounded himself with. People like Bob Gates, his Secretary of Defense. Gates is a former CIA director, was a player in Iran/Contra and has always been part of the Military Industrial Complex. People like Hillary Clinton, who is his Secretary of State. Clinton has ALWAYS been pro-Israel and has always been a hawk in sheep's clothing when it came to issues about the Middle East. Iran has always been on her hit list. When Obama and Clinton were debating about foreign policy during the campaign of 2008, it was clear they had sharp differences. That's why it made NO sense that Obama would name Hillary as his foreign policy leader. But after a secret meeting at the 2008 Bilderberger meeting, it indeed happened. People like Rahm Emanuel, who is Obama's Chief of Staff. Emanuel and Hillary both supported the war in Iraq, while they were in Congress by the way. Emanuel is the bankers lobby favorite. He was the top recipient of donations from hedge funds, private equity, investment and securities firms when he served in Congress. Personally, he earned $18 million in 2.5 years between government jobs at a hedge fund firm. He served on the board of Freddie Mac from 2000-2001 when its decision making helped bring on the housing crisis. It is no surprise that health care reform turned into an insurance company giveaway, while banking reform is giving Wall Street everything it wants and the foreclosure crisis continues unabated. Emanuel is also a hawk. His father was an Irgun terrorist for Zionists. Emanuel volunteered for the Israeli Defense Forces during the first Gulf War while serving in Congress. He endorsed Obama after the candidate gave a hawkish, pro-Israel speech before the right-wing Israeli lobby, AIPAC, and then introduced Obama to their executive board of major donors. In 2006, when the Democrats won with a mandate to end the war, Emanuel made sure ending the war was off the table. It is not surprising he is chief of staff of a White House that has broken all war spending records and has escalated militarism around the globe.People like Timothy Geithner, who is Obama's Secretary of the Treasury. Geithner is ALL about Wall Street and the Fed. Geithner runs with the same crowd that Henry Paulson (Dumbya Bu$h's Treasury Secretary) ran with on Wall Street. Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs. Geithner is a CFR member and was the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. People like Ken Salazar, Obama's Secretary of the Interior. Salazar has always been someone that was closely connected to big oil. He has received substantial amounts of money from the oil industry as well.So now we have the worst ecological event in U.S. history. Some say that this won't be resolved until December, in terms of actually stopping the massive leak. Meanwhile, guess what just started? Hurricane season. The shit has not yet begun to hit the fan, as this hurricane season looks like it could be very rough, based on estimates by experts. The Gulf of Mexico has always been a hot zone for hurricanes, and all the oil has made it even hotter.I also have to say that the Dumbya Bu$h/Dick Cheney administration played a MAJOR part in this debacle. The Bu$h family has made it's money through treasonous war profiteering, but also in the oil industry. Remember Poppy at Zapata. Poppy was also part of the Dallas Petroleum Club, along with folks like David Atlee Phillips, D.H. Byrd and George Demohrenshildt. Dumbya was part of Harkin and Arbusto, which had investors like the bin Ladens by the way. Cheney is the former CEO of Halliburton, who worked close with Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran before the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Again, people forget about the oil pipeline in Afghanistan that is a huge factor as to why the U.S. is there. That, and all the drugs over there. Right Poppy? Iraq has huge amounts of oil, but Iran has even more. That is why I expect a confrontation soon with them as well, if Israel doesn't beat the U.S. to it. Ken Lay of Enron fame/shame was the BIGGEST single contributor to Bu$h/Cheney in the 2000 election. Lay was with the heads of big oil when they all met with Cheney in the spring of 2001 in one of the first meetings of the secret energy task force. This was several months BEFORE 9/11. Cheney, Lay and the BIG oil boys were looking at maps of oil fields in Iraq. Check out this article from Rolling Stone about this situation, it's quite an eye opener...
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by JDThomas »

Heard interesting radio interview yesterday with a gulf coast oil industry accident specialist with over 30 years experience. Until comparitively recently he said that most commercial gulf drilling had been shallow water enterprises and they used to get 1 or 2 'blow outs' every year and after a while received very little publicity. Being shallow water, the well heads were easy to invesigate and stem and spilt oil was burned off until a relief well was drilled. Interstingly, little of anything new was developed to understand how to prevent or reduce the impact of the blow-outs.So when the move to deeper water drilling began, what safety impact assessments were undertaken by the industry? ... looks like practically nil. What did the various arms of government investigate before granting the drilling licences? ... looks like very little. Deep water drilling enterprises present many different challenges from shallow water and the methods of dealing with a blow-out simply don't apply - it shouldn't have taken a genius to work this out. So the present apparent bumbling efforts to stop the problem can be summarised in:- Plan A didn't work and was never going to work- There was no plan B- They are now in unknown territory and have not got a clue if anything will workIts easy to be wise after the event, but there has to be collective responsibility accross the board here. Given the history of the blow-outs, the oil companies should never have applied to drill without a workable safety plan and the authorities should never have granted licences.On the other hand, while the powers that be have allowed oil prices to rocket, feeding fears of instability in the Middle East and 'shortages' - I'm sure that blind-eyes were turned to oversight.I'm just repeating from memory what the guy said, so if anyone has anything further or contrary to add - please educate me!One wonders if this disaster had occurred in the Bush era whether there would have been a news blackout for 'National Security' reasons. Or else journalists not towing the line might end up found drowned in the blackstuff togther with ready-made coroner verdicts of suicide!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Tom Jeffers, Phil Dragoo, JDThomas, Ken Murray, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Day 57 of the Out Of Control Oil Tsunami, and NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED.bp has just announced that things are worse, and getting beyond worse. How much worse can it get before Mr. Rhetoric actually accomplishes anything ?!?Next time you fill up your car with that little spout, watch as 20 - 30 gallons pour out. Imagine 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 or more gallons pouring out of a 10 - 20 foot opening with tremendous pressure. bp is now setting the ocean on fire. That's how bad it is, we can ignite the Gulf Water Supply.Mr. Presdient Barack Obama, No Drama Obama, "I'm going to kick butt...,... step on their throats...,... kick ass...,...," Undeserved and Unearned Nobel Prize Winner is Commander In Chief Of What ?Mr. Rhetoric himself has no ability to focus, to lead, or to accomplish anything. He is chasing his tail, DOING NOTHING BUT TALKING.Tonight we will all listen to The State Of The Union Rhetoric. More fancy talk, and no solid plans, let alone solid results.It is now common knowledge that Mr. No Involvement sought to distance himself from this Oil Tsunami in the beginning.It is now common knowledge that the White House sought to place all of the Blame On bp.O.K., we all believe it's bp's fault. NOW WHAT ?In the Wars in Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan we had/have:1. No Beginning Strategy.2. No Middle Game Strategy.3. No End Game Strategy.Let's compare and contrast that with our Oil Spill/Pollution Control Policies:1. No Beginning Strategy.2. No Middle Game Strategy.3. No End Game Strategy.We have spent trillions and trillions of dollars on Space Exploration, the Moon, Mars, other Solar Systems, and Wars and Weapons. But we haven't even spent 1/trillionth of that amount to protect and study our water supply, and protect and study Mother Earth.Our priorities are so out of focus that I don't know how to write a more rational diatribe.But things are looking up, right ? Trillions of dollars of raw materials HAVE JUST BEEN DISCOVERED BY THE PENTAGON IN AFGHANISTAN ? Well I feel better already. I wonder how much of it will go to Americans in The Gulf ?Comments ?!?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Dealey Joe »

It is hard for the servant to control the master?I keep wondering what could possibly be the conspiracy here.It will no doubt halt all off shore oil production here in the states.oil wells in Oklahoma and Texas are and have been running on a very limited production for years.the pumps are off more than on.They are talking about putting BP into receivership. all this rhetoric. to cover why the US is not taking control.I wonder if they even know how to go about it. All Obama is talking about is moneyhe is taking CONTROL of drilling permits. and a jillion dollar trust fund from BP. for what? to pay the shrimper and boat people who are trying to clean up and so far not being paid ? or the big brother pat on the back big clean up companies ripping it all off?Guess we need John "Red" Wayne.I have my doubts they will ever get this under control.our environment will be destroyed, costs of everything from oysters to heating fuel will be affordable to the Americanmaybe the whole world.I am afraid we will pay for all clean up and BP and Haliburton will walk off?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall:Joe - The legal, tactically correct move for bp would be to immediately:1. File for Bankruptcy Protection of all U.S. Assets in U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Court tomorrow, and2. File for Bankruptcy Protection of all British/England Based Assets in British/England Courts tomorrow.3. Begin running cable, magazine, newspaper, radio, and T.V. propaganda pretending that bp cares, in spite of its atrocious, well known record of reckless disregard and cost saving actions in the past in the U.S.A.The politically and tactically correct move for Mr. President Obama 56 days ago, or tomorrow, would be to have the illegal, unethical, immoral Federal Reserve System print more monopoly money and pay for, and fix everything. Take total control now. Nationalize bp's assets and/or property in the Gulf Coast Area at least.Then deal with collecting from bp. Argue about the money later. Help Americans Now !Each day wasted makes the problems, and the solutions that much more difficult to deal with, and reverse to any degree. Further, economic, mental, physical, and psychological problems for the Gulf Coast Americans, and all forms of life are worsened by the day.The World Image of Mr. Rhetoric and the do nothing American Government System is now a joke for the ages. As long as it will take to totally, if ever, clean up this mess.One of the news reports that I listened to tonight now claims that 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 gallons per day has been "leaking" all along. That is insane.Comments ?!?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce, does ANYONE know how to stop this leak?Regardless of all the other possibilities, this has to be the first objective along with containment and clean up the messSo in effect they have three problems to solve.
bob franklin
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Re: Bathe, Drink, Eat, and Grow In Oil:

Post by bob franklin »

Here's a a bit of perspective.VLCC class tankers can carry about 2.2 million barrels, fully loaded.The BP well is dumping 3000000 gallons, or 71428 barrels into the gulf per day.Multiplied by 30 days, it comes to 2,142,840 barrels per month flowing into that ecosystem.A fully loaded VLCC tanker lost every month.Sometimes I really hate math.