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The LCAP Connection

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 3:18 pm
by Bob
One of the most interesting aspects in the assassination of JFK is the connection of several people who were in the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol in the late 50's. The list includes David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald and James R. Bath. The LCAP was always known as a breeding ground for the CIA. We all know about Ferrie and Oswald. Who was James R. Bath? Well, he has a BIG connection to both the Bu$hes and the bin Ladens. First, Bath was buddies with Dumbya Bu$h in the Texas Air National Guard. Like Dumbya, Bath was suspended from flying for refusing to take a medical exam. After that, Bath became the money man for the bin Laden family in Texas. One of the companies that Bath invested the bin Laden money into was the Arbusto oil company, a failed business run by Dumbya Bu$h. One other note, the LCAP was founded by David Harold Byrd. Guess what building Byrd owned on November 22, 1963? The Texas School Book Depository! Byrd was also very good friends with LBJ.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:19 pm
by dankbaar
Charles Rogers was also in the CAP.


Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:29 pm
by Bob
VERY interesting Wim. Byrd was also associated with Jack Crichton at the Dorchester Gas Producing Company. Crichton was V.P of Empire Trust in Dallas and also President of Nafco Oil and Gas, Inc. Crichton was also connected to Army Reserve Intelligence. The NSC, led by Richard Nixon, recruited Crichton and George H.W. Bu$h (both Texas oilmen with intelligence backgrounds) to gather funding for Operation 40.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 5:41 pm
by Dawn Meredith
Great posts guys. CAP and Op 40 are key to this!!

WIm I love how you connect the dots to today. I have told you
this before- and you too Bob- but this point cannot be emphasized enough I don't think. It's WHY this assassination is still so
damn relevent to everything today.

If only the Operation Mockingbird-controlled media would get some balls and make these important connections.


Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:25 pm
by Bob
Dawn, I agree with you about the LCAP connection with Operation 40. Add another name to the list of members in the LCAP...Barry Seal. The biggest drug smuggler in U.S history who died with Poppy Bu$h's private phone number in his wallet. So we have David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, James R. Bath (Dumbya Bu$h's buddy & a bin Laden money man), Charles Rogers (one of the three tramps) and Barry Seal all in the LCAP. And the founder of the LCAP owned the Texas School Book Depository on 11/22/1963. I'd say we are on to something here.

Re: The LCAP Connection

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:49 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Bob Fox, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:05.29.2006 - Bob Fox Posted this Headline that covers a Subject Matter that I am currently researching and writing about for a long running project of mine.Bob, or anybody else familiar with this Subject Matter, can you add any other information or names to the LCAP ?Also, there may be other Posts or Headlines of value on the JFK Forum that I might have missed. Please feel free to refer me to them. Thank You.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.