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Six Days That Changed Everything!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:56 am
by Billy Boggs
Why was President John F Kennedy assassinated? Because he said NO, to IsraelToday marks the forty-third anniversary of the 1967, six day war that changed the military and political world forever. The history of events that transpired during that war literally upended the global power structure that had been operative until that point. This article will attempt to clarify the treasons committed by Lyndon Johnson and his administration when he became a traitor to this country that he was supposedly leading during the six-day war.“JFK: Now—the problem of your government’s nuclear weapons site at Dimona is of great concern. I have told you many times now that I want our American inspectors to be allowed in regularly so we can find out…AMBASSADOR: No! Israel is a sovereign nation! A nation at war! Have you forgotten that your inspectors were allowed inside Dimona in May of last year? For an entire day, I would remind you! No further American inspections will be allowed at Dimona, Mr. President, and that is final! JFK: There is no war now! If you don’t want Americans, we can approach a neutral nation to send inspectors! I insist that the Dimona Nuclear Site be opened to scheduled, outside inspection!AMBASSADOR: With respect, Sir, you do not …understand! Israel is ALWAYS at war! No foreigners will EVER be allowed to see the workings of Dimona Nuclear Site on some schedule they might demand! RFK: Sir, the president has authorized me to advise you that he will seek to cut off American aid for Israel until our inspectors have been allowed in at Dimona. We know you are producing offensive nuclear weapons there!AMBASSADOR: That… that is not a good decision, Sir! It may cost your brother-- dearly! Israel's enemies—all of them-- will be crushed!” Well, it cost us all, dearly!! ... /art66.htm

Re: Six Days That Changed Everything!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:10 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Billy, Those quotes kind of make me wonder if Israeli entities were a part of the JFK assassination. I hate to suggest it, but Myer Lansky, who was Chauncey Holt's connection to the CIA , was Jewish mafia. Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald, was also a Jewish gangster as well. Zapruder, who produced the famous film of the assassination, was also Jewish. Was he Jewish mafia too? Does he have any strange connections as well? It makes me wonder.Have you looked at the topic I started on Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.? Pasquale

Re: Six Days That Changed Everything!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:35 am
by Dealey Joe
It is hard for me to keep in mind the order of things.At the top of the list is the Hidden Elite that controls all finance.If you control a nations finances then you very effectively control that Nation.Theses controllers use diverse organizations to do their dirty work.such as. Cia, KGB, Mossad and on and on.Wars and rumors of wars. WW1, Pearl Harbor, WW2, Viet Nam JFK, RFK. MLK, 9/11 ect. have al been used as tools to control. It keeps us busy worrying about an enemy that does not exist.They hide behind out in the open things like countries, even religions that can control groups as well as money.There is a religion for all like minded people, or some with no mind at all.Those who control the currency also control religions that control the minds of the people.Why do they start wars? Kill popular leaders?Is it to let everyone know who is in control.Is it just a game they play?What is better than money?If you control a great percentage of, or a member of an organization that does control it allWhat is it that you want?Power?Where does it all end?

Re: Six Days That Changed Everything!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:43 am
by Bob
Folks might want to check out this book...Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper. The book suggests that there was a Mossad/CIA link to the Kennedy assassination.New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison accused businessman Clay Shaw of being involved in the JFK assassination. Garrison discovered that Shaw was on the board of Permindex. A primary shareholder in Permindex was the Banque De Credit International of Geneva, founded by Tibor Rosenbaum, allegedly a 'financier of Mossad'.The allegedly 'Mossad-sponsored' Swiss bank was reportedly the chief 'money laundry' for Meyer Lansky, an Israeli loyalist 'with links to the CIA'.Reportedly:1. Kennedy was in conflict with Israel over nuclear weapons.2. Lyndon Johnson reversed Kennedy's policy toward Israel.3. The top Mafia figures alleged to be behind the JFK assassination 'were only front men for Meyer Lansky'.4. The CIA's liaison to the Mossad, James Angleton, 'was a prime mover behind the cover-up of the JFK assassination.'

Re: Six Days That Changed Everything!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:20 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Gentlemen:Maybe you're all correct to a degree.Could Israel and the Mossad be a form of a "patsy" for the ruling powers, but just a "foreign based CIA" so to speak ?I remember a line from my favorite JFK movie, Executive Action: " What one organization of ours can not accomplish, another can."Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Six Days That Changed Everything!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:38 am
by kenmurray

Re: Six Days That Changed Everything!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:48 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Gentlemen:Maybe you're all correct to a degree.Could Israel and the Mossad be a form of a "patsy" for the ruling powers, but just a "foreign based CIA" so to speak ?I remember a line from my favorite JFK movie, Executive Action: " What one organization of ours can not accomplish, another can."Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.I suspect that you are on the right track, Bruce. It seems to me that not all Isrealis are suspect. Then again, there is a lot of evidence of an Israeli based or Jewish based criminal network being involved in 9/11, etc. American, pro-Israeli Jews seem to control our media as well. Why does the media seem to demonize the Catholic church with stories about molestation and movies like DaVinci Code? Why does our pro-Israeli media seem to demonize Muslims too? What a coincidence, right? Why don't they ever put a movie out about a rabbi molesting children? Look at the information about Rham Emmanuel, the White House Chief Of Staff. Didn't he serve as a volunteer in the IDF, the Israeli Defence Force, in the first Persian Gulf War in the 1990s? He was born in the U.S., right? What was he doing volunteering for the IDF? Where are his loyalties? Why didn't he just volunteer for the U.S. Army or U.S. Navy or something AMERICAN. "In the first Gulf War, Emanuel served with the Israel Defense Forces as a civilian volunteer helping to maintain equipment.[15]"' to "maintain equipment," eh? That sounds the same as calling those Green Berets we sent to Vietnam, "advisors." Um...Okay.The much bigger question is this: Where are his loyalties? This is how obvious it is. It's right in our faces. In my humble opinion, the average Israeli is being used by their own "powers that be." They are taught and taught about the holocaust, over and over, so I understand, from when they are in grade school. Look at what they did to those people on the aid boats. Take a close look at AIPAC. I believe they are the largest lobby in the U.S. They appear to me to give money to both Democrats and Republicans alike. They also seem to be very, very pro-Israeli. Go figure.

Re: Six Days That Changed Everything!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 8:42 pm
by Billy Boggs
Yes Bruce, I believe you are correct.The name of the game is "who wants to be a patsy". Of course your never told the truth about what power you are actually serving. The "Jews" as it appears is the last line of defense for the powers that be. Oh yes, the Jewish religion has some horrible attributes such as encouraging the breaking of oaths, and teaching a highly raciest and unforgiving doctrine. Truth be known, this religion is not a religion, but rather nothing more than laws to be followed, religiously.The confusion concerning the ethnic Jew and the religious Jew was meant to do exactly as it has done, cause confusion, and hide the true identity of the powers that be. Just as Jack Ruby was known as a Gangster first, later it is revealed he is actually a Gangster Jew. Abraham Zapruder was first seen as a 33rd degree mason, then it is learned, he is a Jew. LBJ was first thought of as a thug Texan only interested in gaining power, then it is revealed, he is also a Jew. The fine thread that ties all the present gang family members together, is Judaism. Is that the core of the problem? No.In this crime family they profess to be "Jews", but in reality, they are not, at least the religion, because they do not practice it. But they all do seem to be in the same genetic Jewish family, that is not Jewish or Semite, but rather decedents of the mid-evil Khazar family. What was it Jesus said about the Jews that were not Jews? I read somewhere that the language of "Yiddish" is actually the tongue of Khazar. And before this country adopted "Judaism" as the state religion they practiced "Penis Worship" that is referred to as paganism. Now you can see why the Washington monument, a Obelisk, the Obelisk in San Pedro square in the Vatican, and the Obelisk in the financial center in London, are doing in reality, they denote ownership by the Khazar cult of the Penis. They are symbols of ownership. Their true religion is hard core Satanism at the top of the family. They have infiltrated Judaism and taken over the religion and inserted their own value system, of the Talmud. They have infiltrated Christianity and have inserted their own value system and now call it Judo Christianity. They have infiltrated governments and removed the public servant, and replaced it with politicians. Is it the "Jews"?, no, not really, its the Khazar Satanists!!! In my humble opinion......