Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob Fox, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Gentlemen - I created this Headline and Post to focus positive energy, and sincere research, study, writing, and intellectually honest debate and concerns with Ed Haslam, not attacking him.Agree with Ed, disagree with Ed. But in My Headline and Post, do it within reason. I fought in the ring for 12 years. I always fought fair, but as hard as I could. Fight within some rules herein.My Suggestion, My Opinions.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Messrs. Wim Dankbaar, Bob Fox, Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Gentlemen - I create this Headline and Post to focus positive energy, and sincere research, study, writing, and intellectually honest debate and concerns with Ed Haslam, not attacking him.Agree with Ed, disagree with Ed. But in My Headline and Post, do it within reason. I fought in the ring for 12 years. I always fought fair, but as hard as I could. Fight within some rules herein.My Suggestion, My Opinions.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.With all due respect, Bruce, I thought we called a truce on this subject. We were, as I recall, already debating Ed Haslam's work on the other thread that has now been locked. Now you want to start a topic on it all over again?On the other thread, you suggested that the entire topic be DELETED. Whose words were you concerned about deleting in that other topic that is now locked? Certainly not your own words or Ed Haslam's words, right? Honest debate is not suggesting that other people be silenced just so you can start and continue the discussion in an "honest" way as you put it. I'm not going there with Ed Haslam's material because I called a truce. I suggest we let sleeping dogs lie. It also looks like you got the last word in the last topic anyway. Is that not enough?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Pasquale DiFabrizio:Pasquale - This is my opinion, and I wrote it. I only made one Post on that ridiculous Headline.Fellow JFK Forum Members who have anything of positive value, either Pro or Con, I welcome your contributions.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Pasquale DiFabrizio:Pasquale - This is my opinion, and I wrote it. You are starting your games over again here.I only made one Post on that ridiculous Headline.I disregard you and your opinion herein.Fellow JFK Forum Members who have anything of positive value, I welcome your contributions.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.I resent that comment. The discussion about Ed Haslam's work was already going at the other topic that Bob (a forum administrator) locked because it was getting too heated. You turned around here and are starting the discussion about Ed Haslam's work all over again. I think it is you who is starting the games here. Contrary to your actions, I will not disregard you and your opinions. I simply won't let you get away with your nonsense here. I have a suspicion that Bob will see this topic and lock it or delete it too. Like I said before, we were already debating and discussing Ed Haslam's work on the other thread. It upset you and others here. What gives?I have defended James Files here on this forum relentlessly, and you can plainly see it. I have gone to other forums to defend Files and Wim, and others here know it. To accuse me of playing games is a smear tactic, and you know it. Calling someone names is an easy way for someone to AVOID the discussion at hand.We were already having a debate about Ed Haslam's work. You just didn't like what was being said. Has questioning someone with sources and information become a crime? It's very interesting that you said at the end of the other topic that you wanted it deleted. It's very interesting indeed.If you think something that is being said is disinformation or worthy of being deleted, you have to do better than to just claim it's worthy of being deleted. You have to SHOW why you are saying it. In other words, I, for example, have always battled disinformation types with facts in a healthy discussion that was and is memorialized for all to read. I actually like having those discussions memorialized so others can read it and decide for themselves.You, on the other hand, want any healthy criticism DELETED. LOL
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall:Joe - Let's create an intelligent listing herein for real academic value listing Ed Haslam and Judyth Vary Baker's information, research, studies, and writings.Let's try again to make Ed Haslam and Judyth Vary Baker Welcome again, as they have much highly valued information and insight to contribute.Then those that are academically pre-disposed, sincerely interested, and want to investigate further to learn, can feel free to do so herein.We can then debate Pro and Con, openly and intelligently about valued points of concern and interest. All with a focus on Truth in Research, Study, and Debate, within some common sense decency guidelines prevailing, as should always take place, or at least appear to be the obvious goal.Also, I am a very strong proponent of Sequential Time Line Analysis in all major research and study projects that cover long periods of time, as I have previously expressed many times herein, and in other writings of mine elsewhere.Research, Study, Writing, Discussion Pro and Con. That is what I promote herein this Headline, and about James Earl Sutton/Files throughout.Joe - By the way did you read my email back to you about Judyth Vary Baker and I communicating last night about 3:00 a.m., all due to you.Thank You.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall:Joe - Let's create an intelligent listing herein for real academic value listing Ed Haslam and Judyth Vary Baker's information, research, studies, and writings.Let's try again to make Ed Haslam and Judyth Vary Baker Welcome again, as they have much highly valued information and insight to contribute.Then those that are academically pre-disposed, sincerely interested, and want to investigate further to learn, can feel free to do so herein.We can then debate Pro and Con, openly and intelligently about valued points of concern and interest. All with a focus on Truth in Research, Study, and Debate, within some common sense decency guidelines prevailing, as should always take place, or at least appear to be the obvious goal.Also, I am a very strong proponent of Sequential Time Line Analysis in all major research and study projects that cover long periods of time, as I have previously expressed many times herein, and in other writings of mine elsewhere.Research, Study, Writing, Discussion Pro and Con. That is what I promote herein this Headline, and about James Earl Sutton/Files throughout.Joe - By the way did you read my email back to you about Judyth Vary Baker and I communicating last night about 3:00 a.m., all due to you.Thank You.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.This topic was already started and on the other discussion that was locked. LOLYou're showing your colors, Bruce. Do you, or Wim or Bob, really want to start that discussion again?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Removed with Prejudice
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Dealey Joe wrote:Bruce thanks for posting this heading.I for one, having conversed with Ed Haslam can say he is an honest down to earth man.I have no problem whatsoever accepting his story.Judyth Vary Baker also speaks very highly of Ed Haslam.Doctor Mary's Monkey is the most spellbinding book I have ever read.I started reading it one afternoon and could not put it down so I read right on thru the night until I finished it.Everyone that I let read my copy is in awe of the facts of the story.I owe Mr. Haslam a great big thank you for his work in order to make us aware of what has gone on with research in the pastso that I have a better understanding of the future.I also on a regular basis watch Ed and Judyth's and Jimmy's video interviews.Ed I also hope you will find time to post here on the Murdersolved Forum.Yes Bruce I received your and Judyth's emails.and I gave her the information you spoke about.Bruce the thing that concerns me is our overall inability or refusal to accept certain things as probably true.until that happens there is nothing can be accomplished.we are our own worst enemy and that should not be.Do you have any idea about how to go about getting unity?this forum is better than most.Judyth has been hammered on the Forums but there are a few of us that do stand with those we can accept as truthful.Does every i need to be dotted and every t crossed?This topic was already started and on the other discussion that was locked. LOLYou're showing your colors, Dealy Joe. Do you, or Wim or Bob, really want to start that discussion again? The fact that you two are continuing this discussion when a truce was called is not good. This is in poor taste.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall:Joe - Thank You as always for your sincere, focused thoughts.I would like to create some form of index of the works of Ed Haslam, and Judyth Vary Baker. Wim is the Computer Research Genius. I will contact Wim and ask him for some guidelines.Let's intelligently cull the authorities, research and study, and develop intelligent discussion, both Pro and Con, so that improving knowledge, and hopefully truth, will be our internal compass.Thanks Again, Joe.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Support For Ed Haslam's Works:

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall:Joe - Thank You as always for your sincere, focused thoughts.I would like to create some form of index of the works of Ed Haslam, and Judyth Vary Baker. Wim is the Computer Research Genius. I will contact Wim and ask him for some guidelines.Let's intelligently cull the authorities, research and study, and develop intelligent discussion, both Pro and Con, so that improving knowledge, and hopefully truth, will be our internal compass.Thanks Again, Joe.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.This topic was already started and on the other discussion that was locked. LOLYou're showing your colors, Bruce. Do you, or Wim or Bob, really want to start that discussion again?