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Zapruder film alteration or not?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:21 pm
by dankbaar
I was informed that I may have offended some folks by stating my opinion on the Zapruder film alteration theories as "hogwash". Well, that is indeed my opinion. I find the ample discussions on it (whole books have been written about it) a waste of resource and energy. As unfortunate as the discussions on whether the driver Bill Greer turned around and shot JFK in the head with his service pistol. Here I shall lay out my case that the Zapruder film was not altered. I will update this first entry of this thread as time and mood suits me. Most of this Zapruder alteration hogwash comes from Jack White. This is the same man who thinks to see - in blobs of light and shadows - a firing policeman (or "badgeman") and an acomplice in the Moorman picture. But he never shows us the size of these "human figures" in relation to their surroundings: wonder his former pal Gary Mack, now a notorious disinformation asset, does not dismiss the Badgeman theory. Let me concentrate on a particular reasoning by Costella: ... htmlThings get more complicated when we look at the film frame-by-frame. As the bullet hits, JFK’s head first moves forwards:This makes things confusing. There seemed to be three possible explanations:1. He was hit by two bullets at almost the same time (one from behind and then one from the front). 2. He was hit from behind, and a jet of brain matter exploding from the front caused his head to recoil backwards. 3. He was hit from behind and some sort of muscle reaction caused his head to fly backwards.People tried to figure this out for three decades. Instead of clearing up the mystery, Zapruder’s film just made things more confusing.In the 1990s, researchers started to realize that there was a fourth possible explanation. Zapruder’s film might also be a part of the lies and cover-up that agencies of the U.S. Government had weaved around the JFK assassination!Costella takes his reader by the hand as if he were a child, inviting the child to do its own thinking with some help of Costella. He gives three possible explanations. Ofcourse the first explanation is a perfectly logical and possible explanation, but this is ignored an neglected by Costella. He does not want his reader to entertain this thought as a logical explanation. He wants to force his reader to accept his explanation: Zapruder’s film is a very good forgery. It is almost perfect. Some mistakes took almost 40 years to find.The scientists also proved that Zapruder’s film was not just changed a little bit. The whole film is a fake! Costella and White claim that the whole film is a fake. Not changed just a little bit, but a magic show performed by special effects people from the 1960's that could compete with the best of the current experts at Steven Spielberg's studios. If there was fakery applied to the film, then we first would have to ask ourselves: What was the motive of this fakery? Well, the conspirators would first like to conceal the fact that JFK was fatally hit from the right front, more specifically from the grassy knoll. Hence, they would want to conceal that JFK moved back and to the left as a result from the impact from such a shot. However, they failed to conceal that movement. Why? Why did they not do that, if they had the extensive skills, attributed by the alteration theorists? When the Zapruder film was made available to the public in the mid seventies, thanks to Robert, it made such a big splash, because anyone could see the movement of JFK as a result of the grassy knoll shot. Famous now for the blockbuster movie JFK, with Kevin Costner playing Jim Garrison: Back and to the left, back and to the left, back and to the left ........So again, we need to ask ourselves: Why was that movement not hidden through the alledged fakery of the film? My answer: Because it was not faked! It was only kept away from the public to not enlighten that public on the obvious fatal shot from the knoll.Now let us focus on another claim of Jack White and allies. That claim is that the Zapruder was faked to hide the fact that the JFK limousine came to a full stop. The evidence for that claim is a (very) few witnesses that said the car stopped. In other words they recall the car came to a full halt, before speeding away. In fact, the alteration theorists claim that the whole film was manipulated to conceal a complete stop of the car. I ask you: How is such a fakery done technically? But moreover: Why was that done? If the car came to a full stop, why would that need to be hidden? Apart from the cumbersome task to achieve such a forgery with 1960 technology, the true answer is: It did not need to be hidden....... Because it did not happen! This is easily and undeniable provable by the other three films form the other side, that show the car at the time of the assassination: The Hughes, the Muchmore and the Nix film. In order to maintain the claim that the Zapruder film was altered to hide the stop of the car, you do in fact claim that that the other three films were altered too. However, you never hear the alteration theorists claim that! Why is that? Because it makes their claim preposterous. There is no article or book written on the "great Nix film hoax", or the "great Hughes film hoax". In fact, those films show EXACTLY what the Zapruder film shows. Up to the almost simultaneous forward and backward snap of JFK's head (in my opinion the result of two almost simultaneous headshots, from the back and front). Which brings me to the next issue: Why was the Zapruder film (and the other films) not altered to hide the head movements, the forward and backward movement a split second apart? You cannot even see the forward movement with naked eye if the Zapruder film is played at normal speed of 18 frames per second? So why?The answer here is again: Because nothing was altered and the Zapruder film portrays the movements as they happened. A shot in the back of the head (tilting the head forward) and immediately after a shot in the right temple from the knoll (blowing the head backwards). To be continued......

Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:15 pm
by Dealey Joe
This might be a relevant place to post this?I have aquired the three Life magazines that were published the following 3 weeks after the assassination.These are near the same picture quality of the regular Moorman cheap Polaroid. You should understand that the little 2 by 3 inchpolaroids were never ment to be anything but a novelty offering the working man a playtoy he might afford along with a lessexpensive film. Took Very Poor pictures.I had one and still have photos taken with it. Junk.Any way here are some of the picturestyhere are 32 frames of the original film, about 10%The human interest is on Jackie climbing over the trunk "To Safety" we know better than this now but that is what it looked like was happening then.Here is the headshot. I looked at this with a magnifier and you plainly see in the large photo the they blocked out the gory parts but... the black out is at the rear of the head with the ear still visable. also no big baloon coming out that I can see.To me this is proof that a total fake was never done. But there seems to be some manipulation around the head shot as i have suspected all along.I think by life publishing this so soon ( less than 7 days) shows no intent to defraud.

Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:24 pm
by kenmurray
Very good Joe. But my question is why did it take 12 years for the American people to see the Z- film? If it wasn't altered, then why NOT show it?

Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:56 pm
by Dealey Joe
Well now I can't answer that but I do see a case for the head shot altered some?Another strong argument is that back then in 1963 there may have been some consideration to the fact that the publicwould not tolerate showing the gory head shot that we see today. Things have changed a lot since then.Life would have been banned from the stores and subscribers would have been canceling their subscriptionsMaybe they were just trying to withhold the evidence as it showed the probability of a shot from the front?I just still cannot see any reason for a massive alteration.Has anyone said what interests they think would be served to fake it?

Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:05 pm
by andries
as far as i remember nobody before 1967 was in he position to claim that film and show it to some public,until jim garrison came allong and forced them to show the film for the jury during the clay shaw that case they could never refuse that off course.i,m still wondering what garrison was more interrested in getting shaw conficted, or show that hidden magic film for a public crowd a grand juryand an nervous judge haggerty,who later testified that he was sure that clay shawwas a liar

Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 10:34 pm
by kenmurray
andries wrote:as far as i remember nobody before 1967 was in he position to claim that film and show it to some public,until jim garrison came allong and forced them to show the film for the jury during the clay shaw that case they could never refuse that off course.i,m still wondering what garrison was more interrested in getting shaw conficted, or show that hidden magic film for a public crowd a grand juryand an nervous judge haggerty,who later testified that he was sure that clay shawwas a liarGood points Andries.

Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 2:04 am
by ThomZajac
This is one of my most favorite and also most torturous topics, and I do think it is of vital importance.I don't have much time now, but I can't resist a little foreplay-Now Joe, I think you might be the only person ever to set foot on the earth who is of the opinion that William Greer did a good job under the circumstances (this, most people agree, is only true if his job was not to leave Dealey Plaza until he was certain the president was dead). I bring this up because I think it demonstrates a reluctance to connect the dots regarding the nature of the coup d'etat.And so it is too, with the Zapurder film. You write of Life's publishing of photos" I think by life publishing this so soon ( less than 7 days) shows no intent to defraud" but you fail to mention that FRAMES WERE PRINTED OUT OF SEQUENCE (INTENTIONAL DECEPTION) TO HIDE THE BACKWARDS AND TO THE LEFT MOVEMENT OF JFK'S HEAD AFTER THE FATAL SHOT! Jesus! Add to that that Life refused d to let anyone see the film, and what you have is OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT LIFE ABSOLUTELY INTENDED TO DECEIVE.LIFE was essential to the coverup. LIFE was in control of the Zapruder film.Which is actually the same thing as saying the CIA was essential to the coverup, the CIA was in control of the Zapruder film. Which it was. clearly.More soon-(No disrespect intended, just a passionate, hand-waving Italian from New York),Thom

Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:42 am
by Dealey Joe
You all may be correct in your thinkingHowever If you think just a bit on this,When the shots rang out look what people did.They fell on the ground in my opinion shocked and dazed.I don't think they would have known if the Limo stopped or not.It probably seemed to them the whole world stopped?I don't know about Greer but I do feel I am the lone voice in the wilderness.Why would Greer be in on it? for what purpose.Since there is not actual proof, I must rely on my experience with human nature.Everyone there said there was an immediate rush to the knoll?we know that did not happen.I will wait for more.convince me, I am pretty hard headed.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:31 am
by Phil Dragoo
Zapruder was a crony of Byrd and Murchison, a business partner of the wife of DeMohrenschildt.CD Jackson was a psyops specialist under Ike.Horne established the Event I & II at NPIC involving Brugioni and McMahon in compartmentalized ops producing separate briefing boards.Horne spends two hundred pages in Volume IV on the Zap film.Fetzer offers considerable attention to the Zap film as did Twyman.Jimmy saw the rear blowout but it's not on the Zap film.What we get is a blackened back of the head.The big blob is a cartoon, doesn't correlate to the Parkland or Bethesda witnesses.Now Dunkel has it and insists it has a couple of missing frames and a couple of splices.I wouldn't take Dunkel's word on whether it were raining--the sky in his world isn't a color we would recognize.

Re: Zapruder film alteration or not?

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:13 am
by ChristophMessner
If there was a shot from the James Files position, then why did JFK's left side skull remain intact?If the bullet from behind created a big red cloud at the exit, then why didn't the shot from the front create a big red cloud at the exit as well? My explanation to that is, that James Files special mercury round did not enter at the right temple, it entered high above the right ear. Only from there the trajectory leads to the rear occipital area. And obviously the frist bullet from behind had removed most of the blood already. If the Zapruder film ever was altered, which special part would have been in the alteration-interest? Probably only that part in the rear, which would mask a rear exit blowout. But there is no eradication of the gaping head wound above the ear in around Z335, so most probably there was no alteration at all.