the Murder of John Lennon

JFK Assassination
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the Murder of John Lennon

Post by Jsnow915 »

I am now convinced Lennons murder was a conspiracy...Dr.Bernard L. Diamond...was a defense phsyciatrist for Chapman and Sirhan...I need to research more on him...why would you need this Dr. when Chapman pled guilty?
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Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Post by andries »

At the moment john lennon was killed there was notone reason to get him out off the way for nobody and no gouverment at all,he was a brave housefather who allready lost his wild anti war demonstationfeelingsHe was even going the other way arround in comparrising with his pasti think a conspiracy to kil l a popstar who wantsto stay permanant in the us and sometimes is donating money to the new york police is a monkey sandwitch.
Michael Dell
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Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Post by Michael Dell »

Here are the notes I used when I did a podcast segment on Lennon's death. I, personally, don't buy into the doorman being former CIA, and I've since talked to someone who assured me he had worked there for years before the killing, but the info is included because it is one of the theories discussed. I am by no means stating this is the complete and final take on the incident, but these notes will provide some avenues of exploration for those interested in the case... JOHN LENNONSOURCESEnglish lawyer Fenton Bresler,”Who Killed John Lennon?”Researcher Mae BrussellThe U.S. vs John Lennon Documentary DECEMBER 8, 1980- The Dakota, a hotel on 72nd St and Central Park West in New York City- John Lennon signed a Double Fantasy album for Mark David Chapman around 5PM on his way to the studio.- John and Yoko returned by limo at approximately 10:50PM. Champman still there, waiting inside The Dakota archway entrance. - Yoko 35 feet ahead. Chapman approached Lennon and let him pass before firing five shots from a .38 caliber revolver. - Four shots hit Lennon. Two in the left shoulder and two in the upper left back. One shot hit the door to the hotel. - Lennon staggered into the hotel and collapsed. Yoko was inside at time of shooting. - Chapman didn’t leave the scene. When the doorman asked him if he knew what he did, Chapman reportedly replied, “I killed John Lennon.” - Chapman dropped the gun and calmly pulled out a copy of “Catcher in the Rye.” Read it until police came. MARK DAVID CHAPMAN- Born: 1955, Fort Worth, Texas - By all accounts he had a messed up childhood. Came from a conservative military family. Experimented with LSD in his teenage years. Became a bit of a “Jesus freak." - Worked for the YMCA (CIA front)- Prime target for programming- In 1975, volunteered for a YMCA trip to Beirut, Lebanon, just as civil war was breaking out. - CIA ran assassination camps in Beirut during this time. Beirut was the center for George Habash and CIA assassination teams also identified in the Watson testimony before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977-78.- After six months in Lebanon, Chapman returned stateside and worked for World Vision Vietnamese refugee camp at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. CIA also at base. - World Vision is a Christian relief organization established in 1950. It’s a CIA front. Used to recruit mercenaries in third-world countries. Used in Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador for revolutions. - Chapman settled in Hawaii in 1976. Hawaii was big for CIA operations and mind control after Vietnam. - Took a trip around the world. In October of 1980 he left Hawaii for Atlanta, Georgia, and then went up to New York to kill Lennon but apparently lost his nerve. Returned to Hawaii. Where’s he getting all this money?- Went back to New York December 5. Killed Lennon three days later. Where was he in between?- Chapman stayed at expensive hotels in New York. Had $2,000 cash on him plus credit cards. Had no source of income. Wife worked at a travel agency. Lived in a $400 apartment, but collected fine art including a $7,500 Normal Rockwell. Detective Arthur O'Connor:"It is definitely illogical to say that Mark committed the murder to make himself famous. He did not want to talk to the press from the very start... It's possible Mark could have been used by somebody. I saw him the night of the murder. I studied him intensely. He looked as if he could have been programmed."AIRPLANE TICKET- Chapman had actually purchased a Hawaii to Chicago United Airlines ticket to depart December 2, 1980 with no connecting flight. Return date of December 18. After the killing, the ticket found in his hotel room was for a December 5 arrival and a December 18 return. Someone monkeyed with the ticket. - Captain Louis L. Souza of the Honolulu police verified the original ticket date, as do people who knew Chapman. - Why the change? And where was he between the 2nd and 5th?CATCHER IN THE RYE- Why the obsession? MKULTRA mind control trigger? He purchased a copy on his first trip to NY as well. Threw it away when he returned to Hawaii. - “The Catcher in the Rye says John Lennon Must Die!”- Heard a voice say “Do it! Do it! Do it!” and “The phony must die.”- Heard a voice tell him to plead guilty.- Experiments transmitting audio sounds into the human skull using microwaves. - Subway entrance only feet away. Made no effort to flee. DOORMAN- Jose Padermo. Identity wasn’t learned until six years later. - Padermo said Chapman seemed a quiet kid. They talked about the Bay of Pigs and the Kennedy assassination while Lennon was at studio. - There was a Jose Padermo involved with the CIA and the Bay of Pigs. CIA killer. Same guy?- Shots hit Lennon in the left side. That’s where Padermo was stationed. Chapman reportedly behind Lennon to the right. - Not a lot of evidence or eyewitnesses.- Police closed case that night. Never conducted a proper investigation. Chapman confessed. - Three psychiatrists testified to Chapman’s insanity. Dr. Milton Kline. Dr. Bernard Diamond. Dr. Daniel Schwartz. All three CIA connections. Diamond was involved with Sirhan Sirhan. Kline once boasted he could mind program a patsy in three months and a Manchurian Candidate killer in six months.- No trial. Chapman changed his plea to “guilty” because “a small male” voice told him to. Received 20 years. Still in prison. CONSPIRACY MOTIVE- The FBI and CIA of the Nixon era were terrified of Lennon’s ability to organize the people. His anti-war efforts were becoming too powerful.- In 1971, Lennon held a benefit concert for activist John Sinclair, who had been sentenced to 10 years in prison for trying to give two marijuana cigarettes to an undercover officer. - Just three days after the rally, the Michigan Supreme Court reversed its stance and called the marijuana laws unconstitutional, and Sinclair was set free. This made Lennon a target of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI.- FBI and CIA both kept extensive records on Lennon. He was followed and harassed. Phone tapped. And they were blatant about it to try and scare him.- Lennon was seen as an enemy of the state. One of his FBI files stated ALL EXTREMISTS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS. - Tried to deport him in 1972 due to a marijuana arrest many years earlier in England. - Lennon fought to remain in the country but took a step back in terms of politics. - In 1976, Carter administration came in and ended surveillance of Lennon. - But in 1980, with the return of Nixon republicans, Lennon was again recording music and getting involved in politics. - He was killed just weeks before Reagan took the White House. Or I should say George Bush took the White House. - Lennon’s assassination was a clear signal that the old powers were back in charge.
Michael Dell
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Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Post by Michael Dell »

One more quick link. Here's the 1980 Playboy interview with Lennon. In it, he talks about the CIA introducing LSD in order to control the people..."We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD. That's what people forget. ... They invented LSD to control people and what they did was give us freedom. Sometimes it works in mysterious ways its wonders to perform."'s death is actually one of the more fascinating conspiracies I ever looked into. Because going in, I felt just like Andries. I thought it was all nonsense. Why would the government assassinate Lennon? It sounded silly. But there's definitely more there than meets the eye...
Michael Calder
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Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Post by Michael Calder »

Michael Dell,Very interesting and I made a copy your notes/scenario. I sure would have liked to have met Mae Brussel. Let me give you another reason for John Lennon's murder. A trial run before President Reagan's assassination attempt. CIA wanted to know if mkultra was still operational. It had been five years since it was last used, (Sara Jane Moore-Ford attempt). Much of the old guard had been fired by Stansfield Turner so whoever was left was unsure of mkultra still being effective. Hence, practice run on Mark Chapman and if successful, go ahead with John Hinkley.
Michael Dell
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Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Post by Michael Dell »

Michael Calder wrote:Let me give you another reason for John Lennon's murder. A trial run before President Reagan's assassination attempt.Michael, Excellent point. I never really thought of it that way, as a "trial run." But it makes a lot of sense... Thanks.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

Rumors of MK-ULTRA's demise in 1973 appear to have been exaggerated.But if you go carryin' pictures of Chairman MaoYou ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhowJohn Lennon had a dangerous organizing charisma; could not be allowed to exist as a catalyst.All we are saying is give peace a chance.The use of J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye now iconic in the mythology of hypno-assassins.Imagine there's no data center in Utah to balance the feng shui of Ft. Meade.Thanks to Mike and Michael for the outline and interview.There is a symbolic aspect to the murder of John Lennon which is akin to the demonization of Lee Oswald.Oswald dressed in black brandishing weapons and Red rags sneering with stark down-light—no mind it isn't Oswald, Hany Farid FBI Junior G-Man to the contrary notwithstanding.John Lennon who produced Imagine, the finest dissolver of the Orwellian mind-strait-jacket ever created, shot down—back shot, by a puppet of the Sydney Gottleib School for Government.Gorbachev was advised 3,000 dead in Tiananmen.“Well, they have the right to defend their government.”Hearts and minds. All about hearts and minds. Ever thus.Bill Ayers fleeing Daley's police army October 8-11, 1969; but is it Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss.Revisiting the murder of Lennon reveals his very simple and destructive philosophy at the root.Imagine.
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Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Post by andries »

Sutch a long list filled with big popstars who have or had a far more suitable profile to be kept away from media live and people and they allare still alive.If we go on like this both howard hunt and charles de qaule assassionated jim morrisonin paris in his bathroom
bob franklin
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Re: the Murder of John Lennon

Post by bob franklin »

I strongly suspect that Morrison was indeed murdered by the same people who hit Lennon. As to the doorman at the Dakota, I have no doubt that Padermo was 2506 from head to toe. Is that automatically CIA? I dunno for sure, but close enough for the chicks I don't date. What did he & Chapman talk about? The Bay Of Pigs & Kennedy, by Padermo's own admission. How much more do I need? Didn't know about the YMCA, but it makes sense in retrospect. You have hopeless people on the street with no one to turn to. An ideal opportunity.