Presidential assasinations - Garfield & McKinley

JFK Assassination
Christian Hansen
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Presidential assasinations - Garfield & McKinley

Post by Christian Hansen »

we know that Lincoln & JFK were assasinated by conspiracies but what about James Garfield & William McKinley were they assasinated by conspiracies or by "lone nuts"
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Re: Presidential assasinations - Garfield & McKinley

Post by Bighunter43 »

Garfield......Charles Guiteau was a classic "LONE NUT"!! He was mentally deranged. Poor Garfield lay in agony for almost 3 months with the bullet near his spine. Alexander G. Bell tried to make the 1st metal detector to locate the bullet, but it failed to find it cause the metal springs in the Garfield's bed interfered with it! And Garfield finally died!The really cool possible conspiracy to investigate is the mysterious death of Zachary Taylor. He may very well have been the 1st Pres. assassinated! Some believe Southern Congressmen may have poisoned him because he would NOT allow slavery to move west into the Mexican Cession! Once he was dead, his VP Milliard Fillmore signed the Compromise of 1850, reversing Taylor's policy.........sound familiar! Anyway, investigator Clara Rising was convinced he had classic symptoms of arsenic poisoning, and they exhumed him in the 1990's! He was in a lead liner inside a sarcophugus, and almost 150 yrs. after his death, his remains had been more or less mummified. They did tests on his hair and fingernails for arsenic, and they said he did NOT have enough traces of arsenic to cause his death. Case Closed.....maybe, Rising and others believed he still could have been poisoned, maybe they just used something else rather than arsenic! I personally think that there was foul play in his death!
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Re: Presidential assasinations - Garfield & McKinley

Post by kenmurray »

Christian Hansen
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Presidential assasinations - Garfield & McKinley

Post by Christian Hansen »

interesting about Zacary Taylor could William Henry Harrison and Warren G Harding also have been killed by conspiracies but again was McKinley killed by a conspiracy
Christian Hansen
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Presidential assasinations - Garfield & McKinley

Post by Christian Hansen »

Bighunter43 wrote:Garfield......Charles Guiteau was a classic "LONE NUT"!! He was mentally deranged. Poor Garfield lay in agony for almost 3 months with the bullet near his spine. Alexander G. Bell tried to make the 1st metal detector to locate the bullet, but it failed to find it cause the metal springs in the Garfield's bed interfered with it! And Garfield finally died!The really cool possible conspiracy to investigate is the mysterious death of Zachary Taylor. He may very well have been the 1st Pres. assassinated! Some believe Southern Congressmen may have poisoned him because he would NOT allow slavery to move west into the Mexican Cession! Once he was dead, his VP Milliard Fillmore signed the Compromise of 1850, reversing Taylor's policy.........sound familiar! Anyway, investigator Clara Rising was convinced he had classic symptoms of arsenic poisoning, and they exhumed him in the 1990's! He was in a lead liner inside a sarcophugus, and almost 150 yrs. after his death, his remains had been more or less mummified. They did tests on his hair and fingernails for arsenic, and they said he did NOT have enough traces of arsenic to cause his death. Case Closed.....maybe, Rising and others believed he still could have been poisoned, maybe they just used something else rather than arsenic! I personally think that there was foul play in his death!was Guiseppe Zangara who assasinated president William McKinley acting on his own or was he part of a conspiracy