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does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:38 am
by Slim
Does anyone have an official source such as a prison record, of how tall James Files really is?Also, Does anyone have a source for how tall Gary Marlow is?

Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:11 pm
by Dealey Joe
SLim what is the deal on Height?

Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:26 pm
by Slim
You never know when the person you are talking to might have actually seen them in person. But without a height to work with , confirmation is virtually impossible .No, I don't have a special witness, yet. But I want to be ready should the opportunity arise.

Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:18 pm
by Dealey Joe
Well you would also need to know what they looked like?A lot of people would be 6'1'' or what ever.When do you think they were together?I am sure there was and maybe stll are people who saw James Files and LHO together?Don't know how you wold fimd them or who would remember seeing something 50 years ago.

Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:32 pm
by ChristophMessner
Rather read "Files on JFK" by Wim Dankbaar to get the relevant size of James Files, the political size.

Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:09 am
by Slim
Slim, The Illinois Dept of Corrections lists the following as of 1992 or later:James files: DOB 01-24-1942, wt 186, ht 5 ft. 11in,eyes brown.Glad I could help

Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:14 am
by Slim
Thanks Slim, Do you ever get the feeling that nobody out there really cares, except for asking stupid questions or adding non-pertinent remarks? Thanks

Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:17 am
by Slim
Dear Slim, I SURE DO!

Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:57 am
by ChristophMessner
Even if Jimmy Files would have given us the runaround, I like the way he did it and the way his friend Bruce aka Slim is doing it.

Re: does anyone have documents onthe height of JFiles & GMarlow

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:56 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Christoph Hans Messner, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Christoph, My friend, get this through your head right now.I have nothing to do with Slim !If that's a sick joke, I miss the point. Explain, please ?!?I am now annoyed that I even had to Post under this ridiculous Headline, which I heretofore chose to ignore for very obvious reasons.Christoph, I expect better from you, please.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.