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Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:30 pm
by kenmurray
Great list Robert. Thanks for putting this up. I would had "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James Douglass and "Crossfire" by Jim Marrs higher on my list. Just by looking at that list, so many I still haven't read yet.

Toward a Better Book Depository

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:48 am
by Phil Dragoo
Douglas Horne, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board Volumes I-VJoe, don't you have a book-CD compilation from Wim re Jimmy Files, The Grassy KnollJim DiEugenio has apparently done a masterwork on the Garrison trial, Destiny Betrayed, ... 879823004I enjoyed the JFK & Sam by Antoinette Giancana which Bruce had mentioned; it's an adjunct to Double-CrossGlad to see Last Investigation--DeMohrenschildt and Nicoletti were murdered on the same day. And of course Nicoletti was in the Dal-Tex Building that day, looking for a pay phone, or a good Chinese restaurant.

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:40 pm
by Dealey Joe
Wim's book, "Files on JFK" should be on the list.There is also a DVD by the same name.THE GRASSY KNOLE is a great DVD that everyone should see.

LBJ: The Mastermind Of JFK's Assassination

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:04 pm
by kenmurray
This new book that came out that Robert Morrow mentioned in an earlier post looks like a good one to purchase:

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:01 pm
by andries
Ken,The warren rapport is missing,it could by far be the best off them allAnd the best chapters are not even in it26 volumes was enough i ques

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:30 pm
by kenmurray
andries wrote:Ken,The warren rapport is missing,it could by far be the best off them allAnd the best chapters are not even in it26 volumes was enough i quesAndries, your right. The best chapters are not even in it. That's why it should be called The Warren Omission!

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:08 pm
by Kit Carp
My very first post here. Thanks for having me.I found Douglas Horne's late 2009, massive and incredibly detailed work, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, (in 5 volumes), to be the best single work dealing with the assassination of President Kennedy that I've ever read.Horne, for anyone who has lived in a gopher hole and doesnt know, worked as the Senior Analylst on the Military Records Team for the Assassination Records Review Board during it's life as an independant Federal Agency within the Executive Branch. The gave Horne an amazing chance to study first hand the documents, photos, xrays of the case, and he even managed to be instrumental in getting the autopsy doctors, and many of the key witnesses from Bethesda, to give new testimony to try and straighten out a rather crooked record.This book is beacon for finding ones way through the murky fog of deciet, and it cuts like a knife through the conspiracy to hide the truth from the American people like no other book on this subject.Horne paves new ground in the medical evidence here. He offers frighteningly solid evidence of the existance of two different brains having been examined in the paper trail and doctor's testimony, at two different examinations. This is supported by the testimony of one of the autopsy doctors, and is further solidified by the medical photographer, who not only states it isnt the brain he photographed, but it's completely different filmstock used and the brain he shot was sectioned, where the one in the archives is not.It's the sort of hard evidence that is just plain indisputable....the sort that gets trials thrown out of court, and officials arrested for forging evidence, if it were a "normal" case. This alone proves a conspiracy, with no other factors needing considered.Horne offers evidence that there were several different autopsy reports, and that Humes clearly destroyed the first, after showing it to his commanding officer. Mr. Horne offers considerable new evidence of shell games with various coffins before the autopsy from actual military records which strengthens David Liftons original thesus of alteration of the wounds on the President.While Horne occasionally does express his own opinions on certain areas, he always tells the reader when he is doing so. His chapter on the Zapruder film is fascinating, and while it is the most debatable and area of popular interest in the book, it is really with the medical evidence that Horne shines strongest, and where Douglas Horne has opened the doors to let in the truth.One fascinating aspect of new findings with the Z film discussed in Horne's book is the matter of a group of Hollywood film experts who have paid to have the highest possible quality digitial images made from the Forensic copy of the Zapruder film in the National Archives. We are used to looking at extremely fuzzy, relatively low quality frames from the film. What sort of details might one make out, in a single frame TIF image that is 73mb large?I feel certain we will hear more about that in some future project.No book has ever covered a wider range of the medical evidence in this case. This is a work that is greater for the position of the writer behind it. Like Lane sitting in his defense chair beside Oswald's mother, or Newman writing from a super careful Historian's perspective, Horne here brings his position in a Federal Agency studying the documents of the case to the American people, and to me, this is the selfless act of the bravest sort of Patriot that he dares do this.Buy this book, I have read it twice, and it is a superbly researched work that will figure prominenetly on any serious researchers bookshelf.

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:08 am
by Dealey Joe
Welcome to the forum KitGood post, Horne is very well respected on this forum.

Re: Here are some good books to read on the JFK Assassination

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:55 am
by kenmurray
Welcome to the forum Kit. Great first post!

Doug Horne, Inside the ARRB, Volumes I-V

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:58 am
by Phil Dragoo
KitI am finishing with the first, Volume I; having read V, VI, III, II.Amazing he was able to accomplish a thing with the board of Warren Commission-worshipping elitists.One comes away wishing the autopsists had been tased mercilessly.The multiple sightings of the wound to the right-front hairline, and the confirmation that the Bethesda witnesses agreed with, rather than contradicted, the Parkland witnesses in re the rear defect.Horne's effort is epic, having fought six months for the three-to-four-year position, then spent a decade plus in the compilation.A predictable anti-Lifton chorus of raspberries, but I had read Lifton long ago and would defend a unique Horne point of view.Namely, he establishes arrival at 18:35 with the Tim Allen Tool Time Cordless Skull Saw Lead Hunt from 6:45 to 7:00, 7:15. "Body alteration?" What was that, chopped liver?He spent 1187-1377 of Volume IV on Zapruder, establishing Event I & II at NPIC with Brugioni and McMahon, compartmentalized operations preparing separate briefing boards. The subsequent resistance of Zavada seems trivial and whining.The work of Mantik, the Bondo fake-o work on the lateral skull x-rays obliterating the suture.The exploding of the 6.5 mm artifact as assuredly fraud, thus destroying the AP skull, all three skull x-rays blown baddabing, baddabang, baddaboom—and two missing including one with fragments at C3/C4.How interesting that the Secret Service destroyed its pertinent records from April 24, 1963 for the year, the date Johnson first announced Kennedy would do lunch in Dallas.Taken with James Douglass' JFK and the Unspeakable: Why he died and why it matters, a very good season in the fight.Soon we shall have Tom Hanks in Toy Deposit Story 4: Dunkel & Posliosi Pursue the Magic Bullet to Helen Back.As we await the ultimate spontaneous combustion of the Senator from the State of Coup: