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Interesting documents

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 12:19 pm
by dankbaar

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:48 am
by francois bertrand
very interesting documents provided by Wim, especially this one:

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:36 pm
by Jim Thompson
francois bertrand wrote:very interesting documents provided by Wim, especially this one:

Yes, thanks for docs! Did Vernon turn against Jimmy? Why?

- Jim

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 8:44 am
by Mark Johansson
Jim Thompson wrote:francois bertrand wrote:very interesting documents provided by Wim, especially this one:, thanks for docs! Did Vernon turn against Jimmy? Why?- Jim

I think Zack Shelton summarized it pretty good:

First was aware of James Files in 1980 because he was a subject of mine while I was working in Chicago. My interest in Files as it relates to the JFK story was a comment he made to an informant. This comment was made in the late 70's. The comment was made in Dallas while driving through the Dealey Plaza and went like this, " If the American people really knew what happened here, they would not be able to handle it." I gave this information to Joe West in 1993 to and Joe was the person who got Files to talk. My next involvement was in 1998 when I retired from the FBI and the contact was made my Bob Vernon. I had nothing to do with the confession but Bob knew I had discredited a person that was giving information to Joe West and he wanted me to talk to Files for my opinion of his truthfulness.

I did this in December on 1998 and told Vernon that I was 50/50 on believing or disbelieving Files. Based on what I have investigated since then, that percentage has grown toward Files' favor. When Bob Vernon realized that he could not claim full ownership of the core evidence, the 1994 video interview with James Files, as he had always asserted Wim, others, and me Vernon then decided to sell out. Or in fact he forced Wim to buy him out. In essence it went like this: Buy me out or I will discredit the whole story myself and ruin the investment I solicited from you". Thereafter he started saying how everyone was lying. My analysis is that when Vernon realized he could not profit more from the story, he decided to try and ruin it for all his former partners, who had invested either with sweat, personal sacrifice, money or blood. And that includes the late Joe West and James Files. He even had the nerve to file a complaint against me. I think that such a betrayal, disguised, as "truth seeking" by Vernon, should give any thinking person enough indication on what Bob Vernon is about.

As Vernon knows, the FBI did not create a hoax, because there is no hoax to begin with, in fact, the FBI tried to disregard Files by sending two agents to interview him in 1993 and the supervisor told the agents before they went to Files," There is a nut in Jiolet that says he shot the President." These agents interviewed Files without knowing that their former partner, Zack Shelton, had anything to do with Files. Moreover, leads that Files gave them were never followed up.

Whoever is corresponding with Wim, needs to find out the truth before making assessments based on Bob Vernon's word. Vernon has lied to me and tried to undercut Wim when he though he had a sale to Dick Clark several years ago. I know this because I prevented it and I was sitting right there in his home when he was talking to Clark's #1 person. Suffice to say that if there has been one person lying in this whole story, it is Bob Vernon.

Zack Shelton


Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:43 pm
by Jim Thompson
Mark Johansson wrote:Jim Thompson wrote:francois bertrand wrote:very interesting documents provided by Wim, especially this one:, thanks for docs! Did Vernon turn against Jimmy? Why?- JimI think Zack Shelton summarized it pretty good:

Thanks, Mark! This clears matters up.
- Jim

Integrity of Zack Shelton vs. Bob Vernon:

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 4:59 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messers. Wim Dankbaar, Francois Bertrand, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Wim, as you know, I have communicated with Zack many times. Further, Zack and I confidentially share relationships with some very close "people."

Suffice it to say that I personally believe that Zack Shelton's integrity with me is as high as it cold be. 100 % on very confidential information that I have shared with Zack.

As of 09.15.2006, James E. Sutton/Files has only positive things to say about Zack, and Wim. In fact, Jimmy has shared some stories that he wants me to tease Zack about, in a very friendly way.

As for Bob Vernon, rest assured that he does not have Charles Nicoletti's diary, the Revised Motorcade Map, revised Thursday night, November 21, 1963, that Jimmy was given, nor the Secret Service Badges, and other very important documentation supporting the plans to assassinate JFK on Friday morning, November 22, 1963.

Please remember that the Mayor of Dallas was the brother of General Charles Cabbel, who JFK fired simultaneously along with Allan Dulles, and Richard Bissel. The Mayor of Dallas was instrumental, if not the primary cause, for the motorcade being switched at the 11th hour, to make a right on Houston, and a left on Elm, instead of going straight on Main. Thus, creating the "perfect kill zone for triangulated crossfire."

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Integrity of Zack Shelton vs. Bob Vernon:

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:06 pm
by Paul
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:...the Revised Motorcade Map, revised Thursday night, November 21, 1963, that Jimmy was given, nor the Secret Service Badges, and other very important documentation supporting the plans to assassinate JFK on Friday morning, November 22, 1963...Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.


I thought Jimmy told more than once he only kept the diary and burned all the other stuff...
Or do you know more and does JF in fact still have all?

Gr. Paul.

Reply To Paul:

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:23 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Paul,

I have just reviewed your Response.

I stand on my comment, as made.

I will neither Confirm, Nor Deny Anything Else.

While I realize that these last two posts of mine will not please everyone, that is not intentional. Please accept the fact that I can not say anymore
than I have said.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Interesting documents

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:32 am
by Dealey Joe
This short, powerful discussion is invaluable in its contentfor documentation and discussion.Serious JFK Researchers can learn much from reading andstudying all of this material.Some tremendous insight is also offered here.What do you think ?Sincerely,Dealey Joe