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What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:59 am
by Slim
What if Marlow had NOT run into Tippit and he would have successfully killed LHO?Since Marlow was not a Known law enforcement officer, killing LHO would only have brought even harsher scrutiny on the assassination. If LHO was found dead on the street somewhere, the outcry by the American people for answers would have been so intense, even LBJ could not have stopped it.I don't think it likely that Dave Phillips and the CIA really intended on killing LHO, unless he(/they) had a plan to tie the end of the cover story up into a nice and tidy little knot.What could Phillips/CIA have been thinking?

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:04 pm
by Dealey Joe
SlimPeople watched on TV as Ruby shot Oswald, and cheered?Why would they feel any differently when some honorable citizen put the accused murder of the President of the USA away?They would have given him a medal of honor?

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:49 pm
by Davyjones
From a cops point of view the arrest of Oswald would have been a career highlight. Had the arrest ended up in a death from resisting arrest the cop would be seen as a national hero in this case. So one way or another Oswald was a dead duck. He suspected this in as much as he said, This is It when trapped at the Texas Theatre and he tried verbally to indicate NO Resistance as he was being aprehended. There is no way he was going to give evidence in court. Enter Jack (mess up )Ruby.

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:33 pm
by Slim
Dealey Joe,DOES NOT COMPUTE!LHO would not have "been seen as the assassin" in the public's eyes yet. LHO had not "killed Tippit". He was just a TSBD employee who went home for the rest of the day.By the time Ruby shot LHO, "LHO WAS the assassin " in the public's eye!BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:34 am
by Davyjones
Hi SLIM My take on this is that LHO was a PATSY who once he had done the deed was to be killed asap.That could be done by a heroic cop or if that failed an assasin. He needed to go quick as he knew too much. The evidence at thr TSB would soon link him to the JFK murder and he would get the Warren Com. treatment. I stand by my view that he never shot JFK and he never shat Tipett.

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:51 am
by andries
To me LHO will alway,s be the most likely killer of Tippit and for sure involved in the assassionation, but also knew that he wasn,t the only one firing.All this would still make him the patsy.

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:50 pm
by Dealey Joe
Slim wrote:Dealey Joe,DOES NOT COMPUTE!LHO would not have "been seen as the assassin" in the public's eyes yet. LHO had not "killed Tippit". He was just a TSBD employee who went home for the rest of the day.By the time Ruby shot LHO, "LHO WAS the assassin " in the public's eye!BIG DIFFERENCE!!!Well your computers broke.The news media told us LHO was the crazy, lone nut, pro Cuba, Russian defector from about 1:30 pm 11-22-1963.We had no reason not to believe itthe Tippit killing was not broadcast much untill later in the day.It was only when Ruby shot LHO that the lights began to come on.What LHO knew and did has no bearing on what we believed.What really happened in Oak Cliff is largely speculation but when you put the known pieces together a picture begins to emerge.

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:20 pm
by kenmurray
andries wrote:To me LHO will alway,s be the most likely killer of Tippit and for sure involved in the assassionation, but also knew that he wasn,t the only one firing.All this would still make him the patsy.Andries, why you think LHO is most likely the killer of Tippit?

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:21 pm
by kenmurray

Re: What if Marlow had NOT run into JD TIPPIT

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:50 pm
by ChristophMessner
LHO is NOT likely to be the killer of Tippit, cause Tippit approached his killer in a friendly, trusting way. If David Atlee Philipps plan was that a possibly suspicious TSBD employee should be shot on his fleeing, then it must still look like being obvious that this person was the killer of JFK. So the best person to do this job to kill or arrest the suspect was a policeman, who would make the prepared suspect, who was in trouble having no alias, behave even more suspicious. If James Files story is true, that Marlow told him, "I HAD to kill LHO, but killed a cop instead.", then this killing did not work as planned, too, but why? The main thing was to have somebody on whom they could pin the killing of JFK convincingly afterwards. If something would go wrong with LHO and LHO would be clever enough to just not follow the order to move to the theatre and would disappear in any other building or just stay in the TSBD, then there would be a Marlow to pin the JFK killing on, cause Marlow would have behaved suspiciously enough. And why did Marlow knock on Files' door afterwards at all? Wasn't Files his friend? Would a friend do such a thing like increasing the co-knowledge and help making him being a suspect, too? One thing is clear: the killer of Tippet asked Tippet something before he shot, which made Tippit step out of the car and move towards the killer in a trusting way and that most probably was some asking: "Do you have got the assassin already or not?" Would Marlow have killed Tippit, if Marlows job was to kill Oswald and Tippit would have said to him: "No we don't have the assassin yet!" No! But if Marlow thought, that he would meet Oswald disguised as a policeman, then it would look different, but that is a bit farfetched, isn't it? Is it mere accidental, that the killer of Tippit shot Tippit into the right temple, just the same as JFK was shot? Witnesses reported that there was a second man on the Tippit killing scene, a sturdy man. Maybe it was Jack Ruby. If Marlow was really meant to be the killer of Tippit but would not have run into Tippit, then it probably was Ruby's job to kill Oswald at a place where he was observed and then arrested by a policeman. My interpretation is, that some men with weapons and orders should be made running into each other to produce as much persons as possible they could pin on what they needed to pin on.And I don't think Marlow was one of them, cause he would not kill "somebody instead" and then help pinning it on his friend.