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STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:13 pm
by Bob
The CT team has a big problem. The problem is way too much infighting within our group. I won't name names, but we all know what I'm talking about. Things like negative articles, having pissing matches with each other in various forums and other ridiculous behavior. All this does is create negative energy and takes the CT team off focus. I always thought that the lone nut team and people like Gary Mack, Dave Perry, John McAdams and people of their ilk were the enemy. No...the enemy is US!!! We are better than that. We should continue our research and debate respectfully. What is so hard about that? Try to educate and try to learn. If you have disagreements with someone, then debate the issue...with respect. There is no need to throw people under the bus. The LN team walks in unison. They might be wrong in their credo, but they still walk together. The CT team doesn't. We are the team of ideas. We are the team with passion. Use those ideas and passion in a positive way. The CT team believes the JFK assassination WAS a conspiracy. We believe Lee Harvey Oswald was exactly what he said he was...a PATSY. But the infighting starts with discussions about people like Jimmy Files, Judyth Vary Baker, Chauncey Holt, Poppy Bu$h, the Zapruder film, the shooters, the conspirators etc. We can discuss all of that respectfully. Can't we? Well...then let's do it.

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:28 pm
by kenmurray
Well said Bob. Besides we all have something to look forward to on Nov 30, 2010. A new book of logic on the JFK Assassination. Bob and Joe, I'm sure you both have already received an advanced autograph copy of this upcoming book. ... 657&sr=1-1

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:19 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:Well said Bob. Besides we all have something to look forward to on Nov 30, 2010. A new book of logic on the JFK Assassination. Bob and Joe, I'm sure you both have already received an advanced autograph copy of this upcoming book. ... 1Marquette University is a fine school, but Mr. McAdams is certainly not an attribute for the institution. His "logic" is severely flawed. I prefer this type of logic...

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:41 pm
by Dealey Joe
kenmurray wrote:Well said Bob. Besides we all have something to look forward to on Nov 30, 2010. A new book of logic on the JFK Assassination. Bob and Joe, I'm sure you both have already received an advanced autograph copy of this upcoming book. ... &sr=1-1Yes Ken, we have our copies on order and Bob will pick them up in MilwaukeeI believe he intends to get you a copy too.

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:34 pm
by Dealey Joe
Bob I feel you have hit at he heart of the major problem in the research community.This is a far more important subject than the zapruder film ect.It is interesting to discuss things about the assassination and who was involved, and how, but If we do not come to some agreement soon that the Murder has already been Solved all may be lost.we see the dawning of total control by the 6th floor creeps.DIN is the time and place to tell our story.It is the best and only place we will find a large amount of people truly interested in the truthWe have a credible confession. we have most all the details involving the participants.We have legitimate information about LHO.We Know the three tramps.We know a lot about New Orleans.Some of these arguments that are brought up are so absurd it boggles the mind at times.Sometimes I think the CT'ers don't want the Murder Solved.We need to be the group that leads the way to bring the truth to the people of the world.We have some sharp people on this forum that can figure things out and ways to get things done.It is time to stop arguing for arguments sake. What does it matter if someone else fired from a drain?What does it matter if the Z film has been tampered with.Even the highly educated can't agree and spout off all sorts of different angles on things they don't know crap about.IE. We think there were shooters from the DalTex, DSBD. maybe even the roof tops because someone found a shell there. Shooters from the drains, Forward to the Right, Back and to the Left.The head shot is not real. No blowout to the back of the head.These are all opinions with little or no fact to back them up.Have we thought about instead of the body being altered, the photo's were?Frame 313 shows JFK's head explode. Particles going every direction.The reason the films have not been altered in any large degree is because there was no need to do so. They figured the film would never be shown to he public, in fact Zapruder made them all sign agreements that the head shot would never be on public display.Even in 1975, when a 4th generation bootleg copy of the film was shown on TV public outcry was tremendous.These things are all small potatoes, it is the Big Picture we need to be focusing on and telling that story.We will never know every little detail about the assassination.Something else, just because someone wrote down their thoughts about something in a book,Don't make is So. It just makes good book sales.

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:16 pm
by ThomZajac

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:48 pm
by Bob
ThomZajac wrote: ignorant ----.

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:04 am
by ThomZajac
Bob, sometimes the spirited exchange of differing opinions can have a therapeutic

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:38 am
by ChristophMessner
What the hell are you talking here about? Damn is it my fault, that you don't have my opinion? Why can't you see ... , what I have said ever since ... ? Is that so hard to understand? Would you please listen now!You really don't know what you are talking about! Do you have any proof at all for your absurd allegation? Your reproach can really be applied to yourself!You do exactly what you reproach me of!I think there is a basic misunderstanding in your whole theory from the start. You oversee that ... ... completely ... ... ...

Re: STOP the infighting!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:36 pm
by Dealey Joe
ChrisI am a little dense here.can you explain exactly what you are getting at?Did I reproach you?