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Re: The Sixth Floor Museum: the Promotion of the Big Lie @ JFK

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:46 pm
by Bob
Robert Morrow wrote:You can't really discuss the JFK Assassination without discussing the role of the media and academia in the cover up of the assassination of John Kennedy. A perfect example of that is the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas which promotes the Big Lie as they protect the murderers and conspirators of John Kennedy. Currently Nicola Longford and Gary Mack are the ones who are using the Sixth Floor Museum as a propanda tool to promote the Big Lie, thus attempting to shield the public from the ugly truth of the elite domestic political conspiracy to murder John Kennedy. The police report that the management at the Sixth Floor Museum are the ones making complaints trying to run-off American patriot, hero and TRUTH TELLER Robert Groden from peacefully selling his fine research materials on the Grassy KnollCANCELLING MY ORAL HISTORY INTERVIEW - OUT OF THE BLUE, WITH NO EXPLANATION - LOOKS LIKE POLITICS ARE INVOLVED! - (so dreadfully common in the JFK case for 47 years.) I was recently contacted by Stephen Fagin, the associate curator of the The Sixth Floor Museum to do one of the 80 oral history interviews that the Sixth Floor does every year. I accepted and we scheduled the afternoon of August 17th for that interview. I said to him thanks, and also please tell your bosses to quit trying to run off American patriot and hero Robert Groden (and other peaceful researchers selling their materials) from the Grassy Knoll. Because that kind of behavior by the Sixth Floor Museum management really turns off the public ... in addition to the fact that they push the Big Lie about the JFK assassination. So, I get this email today (8-5-10) from the very nice Stephen Fagin telling me we are canceling the scheduled oral interview, with no re-schedule date. In other words, just canceling out of the blue. I think it is a reasonable assumption that Stephen Fagin is coming under internal political pressure (a good guess would be either Nicole Longford or Gary Mack) to not interview me. Is it not disgusting the way the Sixth Floor Museum is run? The leadership, I mean. Nothing against Stephen Fagin, he is under pressure from the con artists and charlatans at the Sixth Floor Museum who make a mockery of the JFK Assassination.CANCELLATION LETTER, OUT OF THE BLUE - NO RESCHEDULE DATE, (looks like politics to me!)Hello Mr. Morrow, You very kindly responded to my e-mail regarding the Oral History Project at The Sixth Floor Museum, and we tentatively scheduled a telephone conversation for Tuesday, August 17. I am afraid that I will not be able to speak with you on that date after all, and I apologize for the inconvenience. However, I hope we will have the opportunity to chat about your research efforts at some point in the future. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, Stephen FaginAssociate CuratorThe Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza411 Elm StreetDallas TX 75202-3308Phone: 214.747.6660 ext. 5578Fax: 214.747.6662ORIGINAL INVITATION LETTER (For an interview of me for oral history, which I readily accepted)Dear Mr. Morrow: My name is Stephen Fagin, and I am the associate curator at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza in Dallas—located in the former Texas School Book Depository building at the site of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Since opening in 1989, the museum has actively recorded personal memories and reflections on John F. Kennedy, his death, and the 1960s for our institution’s ongoing Oral History Project. One of the museum’s summer interns came across your interesting entry in the Memory Book recently and passed it along to me. You name six possible individuals/organizations that fit into your personal theory on the assassination, and I would be interested in chatting with you about your interest in this subject, research, and the overall impact that the death of President Kennedy had on your life. If you are willing, it would be a pleasure to capture your thoughts via a brief telephone interview for our Oral History Project. This non-profit archival project includes nearly 800 individuals from all over the world, among them eyewitnesses, law enforcement officials, community leaders, filmmakers and researchers, 1960s schoolchildren, and more than 100 members of the news media. These informal recordings preserve information that might otherwise be lost. Among our participants have been Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, Tom Landry, General Chuck Yeager, and hundreds of others. As time marches on and the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination approaches in 2013, I believe that it is incredibly important to preserve as much firsthand information as possible for the benefit of future historians, students, and researchers. Please note that the museum is not investigating the assassination or drawing any conclusions with this project; our goal is to capture personal perspectives on this seminal moment in American history. I personally feel that everyone has a story worth capturing, and I sincerely hope you agree. At your convenience, please contact me Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, at (214) 747-6660, or at this e-mail address. Please take a look at the attached PDF file, and you can also visit our website,, for more information on the Museum and this project. Thank you very much for your time—and I hope to hear from you soon.Sincerely, Stephen FaginAssociate CuratorThe Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey PlazaADDITIONAL NOTE: I HAD TO REQUEST FROM THE SIXTH FLOOR MUSEUM, NICOLA LONGFORD IN PARTICULAR, 3 OR 4 TIMES (orally and in email) BEFORE SHE WOULD RELEASE THE NAMES OF THEIR BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DALLAS COUNTY HISTORICAL FOUNDATION (d.b.a. Sixth Floor Museum), A VERY SIMPLE REQUEST WHICH THEY ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO DO.Dear Mr. Morrow, [email dated 7/9/2010] These are the names of current Board members.Jill Johnson (Board Chair)Paul Coggins James Hollifield Jane Wetzel Nancy Latner Sandy Greyson William C. Rea Evelyn Henry Miller Justin Rosales Michael Lowenberg Sincerely,Nicola LongfordFrom: [] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 10:12 PMTo: Nicola LongfordSubject: Re: Enquiry to The Sixth Floor MuseumMs. Longford, I have made a very simple inquiry which is who are the board of directors of the Dallas County Historical Foundation (Sixth Floor Museum). You are required to give that out if someone requests it. How many times do I have to request this information? Again, who are the board members (and who is the chairman) of the Dallas County Historical Foundation? The information on Dallas County web site is outdated: ... html#found And, yes, I do have many suggestions on how to improve the Sixth Floor Museum, especially in its accuracy relating to the JFK assassination. I have taken the tour several times; I enjoyed it - but basically it is a fraud and a lie relating to who murdered John Kennedy and why they murdered him. So please email me the list of current board members and chair of the Dallas County Historical Foundation, dba Sixth Floor Museum. Thank-you,Robert Morrow Austin, TX 512-306-1510Excellent information Robert regarding the "politics" of the 6th Floor Museum. How EMBARRASSING!!! I plan on doing a study of the board members and their "associations". I'm sure Joe Joe will help me.

Re: The Sixth Floor Museum: the Promotion of the Big Lie @ JFK

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:07 am
by kenmurray

Re: The Sixth Floor Museum: the Promotion of the Big Lie @ JFK

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:58 am
by ThomZajac
Ken, how do you do that?!

Robert Morrow declared unperson

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:53 am
by Phil Dragoo

Re: The Sixth Floor Museum: the Promotion of the Big Lie @ JFK

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:06 am
by andries
Nice pic Phill,unfortunatly goebels mack and bugliosi are almost one off a kind and the sixt floor funny farm still makes us look like sophie sholl .we need a new kind off albert speer and a table for six MR HOLLAND;MR BOWERS;MR HOFFMANwho were all at the scene, and MR VON PEIN, MR BUGLIOSI AND MR MACK who all think they were in the scene, they could perhaps discus the things that really matter and not the things that dont matter.the museum is fullfilling a perfect goebels job by putting accents on the right thingsand the opposite to the right things

Re: The Sixth Floor Museum: the Promotion of the Big Lie @ JFK

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:58 pm
by Bob
This is the bio of Stephen Fagin, the man who reneged on his meeting with Robert...Stephen Fagin is oral historian at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, where he manages an ongoing oral history project and a substantial collection of nearly 600 firsthand accounts of the life, death, and legacy of President John F. Kennedy and the history and culture of Dallas and the 1960s. This archive of living history includes the memories of assassination eyewitnesses, law enforcement officials, Parkland Hospital staff members, civil and political leaders, Kennedy family acquaintances, 1960s schoolchildren, social rights activists, historians, researchers, and filmmakers, and more than 100 members of the news media. Since joining the museum’s staff in 2000, Stephen has had the opportunity to conduct one-on-one videotaped oral histories with such individuals such as Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, Robert MacNeil, Jack Valenti, NASA astronauts Jim Lovell and Walt Cunningham, and General Chuck Yeager. Stephen also remains actively involved in the museum’s collections and exhibitions, education, and public programming initiatives. Since 2004, he has conducted over 120 educational programs, including a popular series of interactive “Living History” sessions with students, who are given the opportunity to personally question a past oral history participant. Stephen graduated summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa from Southern Methodist University in 2001 with a BA in English and history, with a departmental distinction in the latter. He has also completed his coursework for an MA in museum studies from the University of Oklahoma. He anticipates completion of his master’s thesis, a case study on The Sixth Floor Museum and its unique relationship with the Dallas community, in 2009. Since 2001, Stephen has served as an honorary director on the board of Historic Mesquite, Inc., in his hometown of Mesquite, Texas. He is also an assistant editor of and frequent contributor to Legacies Dallas History Journal. His past papers—also presented at the annual Legacies Dallas History Conference—include The Dallas Police vs. The World Press (2006) and Reverend McElvaney’s Unjust War: Vietnam (2008). Stephen also published a well-received biographical sketch of accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in American History magazine (2003). Also, if you want a good laugh, look at this article about the 6th Floor Museum and Nicola Longford... ... af3a1.html

Re: The Sixth Floor Museum: the Promotion of the Big Lie @ JFK

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:12 pm
by Dealey Joe ... af3a1.htmlI sent this email to the Dallas newspaper,I am surprised that the Mz. Nicola Longford of the 6th floor museum made the statement that they try to present the factsso that people can make up their minds?What facts? Maybe they should present all the facts?Not only are they not presenting the entire story but are in the process of restricting free speech at Dealey Plaza, assuring the whole story (all the facts) does not get told.Why don't you use your paper to help get the other side of the story told at the 6th floor museum thenlet people make up their minds?Also this is a huge profit maker for Gary Mack and the foundation that controls it.Why don't you investigate them with an open mind and see the misinformation that they are using to confuse their visitors.

Re: The Sixth Floor Museum: the Promotion of the Big Lie @ JFK

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:16 pm
by kenmurray
Ms Longford says" I feel very proud and privileged to be here." Sure you do in promoting the big lie every day and censored anyone who doesn't apply to the lone nut theory.

Re: The Sixth Floor Museum: the Promotion of the Big Lie @ JFK

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:19 pm
by andries
Nothing personal to you guys,but in a country were some people are allowed to compare smashed cokebottles with gunshots there must be an institution like the sixth floor museum, most off your older generation have eaten thatso why not eat it all !

Re: The Sixth Floor Museum: the Promotion of the Big Lie @ JFK

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:56 pm
by Dealey Joe
kenmurray wrote:Ms Longford says" I feel very proud and privileged to be here." Sure you do in promoting the big lie every day and censored anyone who doesn't apply to the lone nut theory. Yea they had to go to England to drag her sorry ass over here.Andries it just don't taste good!